Filme drama, Belgia

The Rule of Law (2012)
Stop the Pounding Heart (2013)
Stop the Pounding Heart
Houses With Small Windows (2013)
Houses With Small Windows
Violet (2014)
Diego Star (2013)
Diego Star
Goodbye Morocco (2012)
Adio, Maroc!
Fausses innocences (2009)
Fausses innocences
La faveur des moineaux (2013)
The Birds' Blessing
Intus (2013)
Boxed In (2013)
Boxed In
Couple in a Hole (2015)
Un cuplu în groapă
Zurich (2015)
Mon souffle (2015)
Casa abandonată
Les chevaliers blancs (2015)
Cavalerii albi
The Open (2015)
The Open
Tout, tout de suite (2016)
Everything Now
Baden Baden (2016)
Baden Baden
Ni le ciel ni la terre (2015)
Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Dommages collatéraux (2014)
Dommages collatéraux
I'm the Same, I'm an Other (2013)
I'm the Same, I'm an Other
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