Filme drama, anii 1950, globul-de-aur

Ordonează: Vezi:
The Actress (1953)
The Actress
Moulin Rouge (1952)
Moulin Rouge
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Uratul si frumosul
Ivanhoe (1952)
The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)
Cel mai mare spectacol
The Quiet Man (1952)
Omul liniștit
Come Back, Little Sheba (1952)
Iubire pierduta
5 Fingers (1952)
5 Fingers
With a Song in My Heart (1952)
With a Song in My Heart
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Un tramvai numit dorință
A Place in the Sun (1951)
Un loc sub soare
Death of a Salesman (1951)
Moartea unui comis-voiajor
Detective Story (1951)
Viață de detectiv
Quo Vadis (1951)
Quo Vadis
Decision Before Dawn (1951)
Decision Before Dawn
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
The Day the Earth Stood Still
All About Eve (1950)
Totul despre Eva
Broken Arrow (1950)
Broken Arrow
Born Yesterday (1950)
Nascuta ieri
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
Jungla de asfalt