Filme biografice, Canada

Fonzo (2020)
Crimes of the Mind (2014)
Lupta unei mame
The Chameleon (2010)
The Chameleon
The Girl in the Bathtub (2018)
Misterul fetei din cadă
Phantom Punch (2008)
Phantom Punch
Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story (2013)
Suspiciuni în familie
True Love (2010)
Birth of the Dragon (2016)
Bruce Lee: Nașterea dragonului
The Linda McCartney Story (2000)
Povestea Lindei McCartney
The Man Who Lost Himself (2005)
Amintiri șterse
Life (2015)
Daydream Believers: The Monkees' Story (2000)
Povestea trupei The Monkees
The Sheldon Kennedy Story (1999)
Un vis spulberat
Milgaard (1999)
Cruciada inocentei
Casino Jack (2010)
Casino Jack
Full Out (2015)
Full Out
Aline (2020)
Papa Hemingway in Cuba (2015)
Cu Hemingway în Cuba
2 Frogs dans l'Ouest (2010)
My American Cousin (1985)
My American Cousin