Filme biografice, istorice

Ordonează: Vezi:
Dont Lose Your Soul (2012)
El Presidente (2012)
Futures Past (2012)
Kennedy/Reagan (2012)
Kufferten (2012)
La sombra azul (2012)
Mondo Sacramento (2012)
A World Not Ours (2012)
O lume care nu ne aparține
Gottes mächtige Dienerin (2011)
Slujitoarea Domnului
Sztuka znikania (2013)
Arta dispariției
The Serbian Lawyer (2014)
Avocatul sârb
Limonov: The Ballad (2016)
Limonov: The Ballad
The True American
The True American
Bolívar, el hombre de las dificultades (2013)
Bolivar, Omul dificultăților
Huérfanos (2014)
Clémenceau (2012)
Can't Stand Losing You (2012)
Can’t stand losing you: The Police
The Meanest Man in Texas (2019)
The Meanest Man in Texas 
Prophet's Prey (2015)
Prophet's Prey
As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM (2015)
As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM