Filme actiune, romantice, SUA

Ordonează: Vezi:
Howard the Duck (1986)
Howard T Duck
Clinton and Nadine (1988)
Bani murdari
The Big Easy (1986)
Politisti murdari
Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister (1998)
Vanatorii de furtuni
Year of the Comet (1992)
Anul cometei
Goodbye America (1997)
Adio, America!
Gypsy Eyes (1992)
Ochi de tiganca
Kill a Dragon (1967)
Trafic sub teroare
Silver Strand (1995)
Iluzii destrămate
China Seas (1935)
China Seas
D-Day the Sixth of June (1956)
D-Day the Sixth of June
Aces 'N' Eights (2008)
O mână câștigătoare
Last Rites (1988)
Iubeste-ti aproapele!
Friday Foster (1975)
Friday Foster
Montana (1950)
Terra Estrangeira (1996)
Terra Estrangeira
The Bandit of Sherwood Forest (1946)
The Bandit of Sherwood Forest
Untitled Nicolas Lopez Project (2010)
Untitled Nicolas Lopez Project
Renegades (1930)
His Majesty O'Keefe (1954)
His Majesty O'Keefe