Filme anii 1970

Ordonează: Vezi:
Carry On Abroad (1972)
Tot inainte, o vacanta de pomina!
Pribeh lasky a cti (1978)
Poveste de dragoste si onoare
Korol Lir (1971)
Regele Lear
The Legend of Valentino (1975)
Legenda lui Valentino
Carry On Henry (1971)
Tot inainte Henry!
Carry On Dick (1974)
Tot inainte Dick!
Carry On Matron (1972)
Tot inainte, sora sefa!
Best of Daffy and Porky (1972)
Daffy si Porky
The Big Bus (1976)
Autocarul nuclear
Eagle's Wing (1979)
Aripa de vultur
Amintiri bucurestene (1970)
Amintiri bucurestene
Greased Lightning (1977)
Campionul libertatii
The Klansman (1974)
Razboi contra clanului
Up the Sandbox (1972)
Castele de nisip
Zigzag (1970)
Hogan's Goat (1971)
Tapul lui Hogan
In Celebration (1975)
Catherine et Cie (1975)
Moneda de schimb
China 9, Liberty 37 (1978)
The Spiral Staircase (1975)
Scara in spirala