Poze (26)
Toate pozele »Biografie
S-a nascut la data de 5 decembrie 1901 la Chicago, Illinois, SUA, si a lucrat ca desenator de reclame, dupa care si-a intemeiat propriul studio de productie de desene animate in Los Angeles. In 1928, filmul sau de scurt metraj Steamboat Willy, avandu-l in prim-plan pe Mickey Mouse a avut un succes imens in Statele Unite. A fost primul film animat cu sonor, iar Disney personal a dat viata vocii personajului Mickey.
De atunci incolo, desenele animate Disney au avut mare cautare, insa compania a...
S-a nascut la data de 5 decembrie 1901 la Chicago, Illinois, SUA, si a lucrat ca desenator de reclame, dupa care si-a intemeiat propriul studio de productie de desene animate in Los Angeles. In 1928, filmul sau de scurt metraj Steamboat Willy, avandu-l in prim-plan pe Mickey Mouse a avut un succes imens in Statele Unite. A fost primul film animat cu sonor, iar Disney personal a dat viata vocii personajului Mickey.
De atunci incolo, desenele animate Disney au avut mare cautare, insa compania a avut probleme financiare din cauza insistentelor lui Walt Disney de a imbunatati constant calitatea artistica si tehnica a productiilor sale. Primul sau desen animat de lung metraj, Alba ca zapada si cei sapte pitici (1938) a fost produs in noua ani si a dobandit un succes comercial urias. Alba ca zapada a fost urmata de filme clasice pentru copii cum ar fi Pinocchio (1940), Dumbo (1941) si Bambi (1942). Fantasia (1940), care a combinat parti animate cu piese muzicale clasice, a reprezentat o capodopera artistica si tehnica. In Cantecul sudului (1946), Disney a combinat actori reali cu personaje animate, iar incepand cu Comoara din insula din 1950, compania a adaugat repertoriului sau filme cu actori in carne si oase. Disney a fost unul dintre primele studiouri care a produs filme pentru televiziune, seriile Zorro si Davy Crocket avand un succes remarcabil in randul copiilor. La inceputul anilor ’50, Walt Disney a inceput sa proiecteze un urias parc de distractii ce urma sa fie construit in apropiere de Los Angeles. El intentiona ca Disneyland sa aiba o valoare educationala, dar sa fie si distractiv atat pentru adulti, cat si pentru copii.
A cumparat teren in localitatea Anaheim, situata la aproximativ 25 de mile in sud-estul Los Angelesului, iar constructia parcului a inceput in 1954. In vara anului 1955, au fost trimise invitatii speciale pentru deschiderea parcului Disneyland ce urma sa aiba loc la 17 iulie. Din nefericire, invitatiile au fost falsificate si mii de persoane neinvitate au patruns in parc in ziua lansarii sale. Parcul nu era inca pregatit pentru public: mancarea si bautura s-au terminat in cateva ore, tocul inalt al unei femei a ramas intepenit in asfaltul inca neintarit, iar barca cu aburi a lui Mark Twain aproape s-a rasturnat din cauza faptului ca era ocupata de prea multi pasageri. Parcul insa nu a avut de suferit, iar atractii cum ar fi Castelul, Aventurile lui Alba ca zapada, Statia spatiala X-1, Calatoria prin jungla au atras nenumarati copii si parinti. Evenimentele speciale si construirea continua de atractii inovatoare ii determinau pe acestia sa viziteze parcul din nou.
In 1965, a inceput constructia unui parc tematic Disney si mai mare, in apropiere de Orlando, Florida. Walt Disney a murit in 1966, iar Walt Disney World a fost deschis in onoarea sa la 1 octombrie 1971. Ulterior, la Walt Disney World s-au adaugat Epcot Center, Disney-MGM Studios, si Animal Kingdom, acest complex devenind principala atractie turistica a statului Florida. In 1983, in Japonia s-a deschis Disneyland Tokyo, iar in 1992 a fost inaugurat la Marne-la-Vallee in apropiere de Paris Disneyland Paris -sau EuroDisney"-. 15 December 1966 mozre din cauza problemelor la inima si plamani in Los Angeles, California, SUA.
Walt Disney are o stea pentru televiziune, în partea de nord, aria 6700 și o stea pentru film, tot în partea de nord, aria 7000, ambele pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- Disney 100: A Century of Dreams - A Special Edition of 20/20 / Disney 100: Un secol de vise - Ediție specială a 20/20 (2023)
- Mickey: The Story of a Mouse / Mickey: Povestea unui șoricel (2022)
- Apollo: Missions to the Moon / Apollo: Misiunile spre lună (2019) - Self (archive footage)
- les aventures d'archives / les aventures d'archives (2016) - Himself (archive footage)
- Get a Horse! (2013) - Mickey Mouse (voce) (sunet de arhivă)
- Aquile senza corona / (2011)
- Disneyland (1954) - Mickey Mouse (1 episode, 1955)
- Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947) - Mickey Mouse
- Mickey's Delayed Date (1947) - Mickey Mouse
- Fun & Fancy Free (1947) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Squatter's Rights (1946) - Mickey Mouse
- Saludos Amigos (1942) - El insusi
- Lend a Paw (1941) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- A Gentleman's Gentleman (1941) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Fantasia (1940) - Mickey Mouse (segment 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice') (voice)
- The Pointer (1939) - Mickey Mouse
- Mickey's Trailer (1938) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Brave Little Tailor (1938) - Mickey Mouse
- Mickey's Amateurs (1937) - Mickey Mouse (voice)
- Alpine Climbers (1936) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Hollywood Party (1934)
- Three Little Pigs / Cei trei porcușori (1933) - Porcusorul practic (voce)
- Building a Building (1933) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Santa's Workshop (1932) - Elf (voice)
- Mickey's Good Deed (1932) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- Mickey's Orphans / Mickey's Orphans (1931) (1931) - Mickey Mouse (voce)
- The Shindig (1930)
- The Picnic (1930)
- Fiddling Around (1930)
- The Gorilla Mystery (1930)
- The Fire Fighters (1930)
- The Chain Gang (1930)
- The Skeleton Dance / Tanz Der Skelette (1929)
- The Plowboy (1929)
- Mickey's Follies (1929)
- Mickey's Choo-Choo (1929)
- The Karnival Kid (1929)
- The Jazz Fool / The Jazz Fool (1929)
- The Barn Dance (1929)
- 100 Years of Disney Animation: A Shorts Celebration / O sută de ani de Disney (2023)
- The Golden Touch (1935)
- Fiddling Around (1930)
- When the Cat's Away (1929)
- The Skeleton Dance / Tanz Der Skelette (1929)
- The Plowboy (1929)
- The Opry House (1929)
- The Karnival Kid (1929)
- The Jazz Fool / The Jazz Fool (1929)
- The Barn Dance (1929)
- Plane Crazy (1928)
- All Wet / Al agua patos (1927)
Filmografie - scenarist
- Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021) Trailer
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year / 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year (2009)
- The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics (2008)
- Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History (2008)
- Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical Treasure (2008)
- Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic (2007)
- Cracker Crazy: Invisible Histories of the Sunshine State (2007)
- The Hardy Boys: From Dixon to Disney (2006)
- Il était une fois... Walt Disney (2006)
- From Kansas City to Hollywood (2005)
- Alice's Cartoon World: An Interview with Virginia Davis (2005)
- Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years (2005)
- Making of the Sherman Brothers (2003)
- The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea' / The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea' (2003)
- Walt Disney World Resort: Behind the Scenes (2002)
- Temalørdag: Walt Disney 100 år (2001)
- The Magic Kingdom and the Magic of Television (2001)
- Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': Still the Fairest of Them All (2001)
- It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures (2001)
- The Fantasia Legacy: The Concert Feature (2000)
- Sir John Mills' Moving Memories (2000)
- The Story Behind Walt Disney's 'Fun and Fancy Free' (1997)
- You Can Fly!: The Making of Walt Disney's Masterpiece 'Peter Pan' (1997)
- Sports on the Silver Screen (1997)
- The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies (1995)
- The Maestros of Philadelphia (1993)
- The Best of Disney Music: A Legacy in Song - Part I (1993)
- The Best of Disney: 50 Years of Magic (1991)
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic (1990)
- The Art of Disney Animation (1988)
- Jiminy Cricket's Christmas (1986)
- The Walt Disney Comedy and Magic Revue (1985)
- Walt Disney World EPCOT Center: A Souvenir Program (1984)
- Once Upon a Mouse (1981)
- A Dream Called Walt Disney World (1981)
- The Walt Disney Story (1973)
- Hollywood Without Make-Up (1963)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
Filmografie - producător
- Everybody loves Mickey / Toata lumea il iubeste pe Mickey (2007)
- I'm No Fool with Electricity (1970)
- Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968)
- Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967)
- Monkeys, Go Home! (1967)
- The Jungle Book / Cartea Junglei (1967) Trailer
- Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966)
- Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)
- The Fighting Prince of Donegal (1966)
- The Monkey's Uncle (1965)
- Goofy's Freeway Troubles (1965)
- Freewayphobia #1 (1965)
- The Moon-Spinners (1964)
- The Misadventures of Merlin Jones (1964)
- Mary Poppins (1964) Trailer
- Emil and the Detectives (1964)
- Yellowstone Cubs (1963)
- The Three Lives of Thomasina (1963)
- The Sword in the Stone / Sabia din stâncă (1963) Trailer
- Son of Flubber (1963)
- Savage Sam (1963)
- The Incredible Journey (1963)
- A Symposium on Popular Songs (1962)
- Moon Pilot (1962)
- Big Red (1962)
- Almost Angels (1962)
- The Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961)
- One Hundred and One Dalmatians / 101 Dalmațieni (1961) Trailer
- The Litterbug (1961)
- Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog (1961)
- Donald and the Wheel (1961)
- Aquamania (1961)
- The Absent Minded Professor / Profesorul traznit (1961) Trailer
- Donald Duck and his Companions (1960)
- Ten Who Dared (1960)
- Pollyanna (1960)
- Islands of the Sea (1960)
- Goliath II (1960)
- Disneyland '59 (1959)
- Third Man on the Mountain (1959)
- Sleeping Beauty / Frumoasa adormită (1959) Trailer
- Noah's Ark (1959)
- Mysteries of the Deep (1959)
- How to Have an Accident at Work (1959)
- Donald in Mathmagic Land (1959)
- Paul Bunyan (1958)
- The Light in the Forest (1958)
- Grand Canyon (1958)
- I'm No Fool in Water (1957)
- The Truth About Mother Goose (1957)
- The Story of Anyburg U.S.A. (1957)
- Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956)
- You and Your Ears (1956)
- I'm No Fool Having Fun (1956)
- I'm No Fool with a Bicycle (1956)
- I'm No Fool as a Pedestrian (1956)
- Westward Ho the Wagons! (1956)
- Samoa (1956)
- Jack and Old Mac (1956)
- In the Bag (1956)
- How to Have an Accident in the Home (1956)
- Hooked Bear (1956)
- A Cowboy Needs a Horse (1956)
- Chips Ahoy (1956)
- Dateline: Disneyland (1955)
- You and Your Sense of Touch (1955)
- You and Your Food (1955)
- I'm No Fool with Fire (1955)
- You the Human Animal (1955)
- You and Your Senses of Smell and Taste (1955)
- You and Your Five Senses (1955)
- Contrast in Rhythm (1955)
- Up a Tree (1955)
- No Hunting (1955)
- Men Against the Arctic (1955)
- Lake Titicaca (1955)
- Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier / Davy Crockett în Vestul Sălbatic (1955)
- Beezy Bear (1955)
- Bearly Asleep (1955)
- Two for the Record (1954)
- Once Upon a Wintertime / O poveste de iarna (1954)
- Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet (1954)
- The Vanishing Prairie (1954)
- Stormy, the Thoroughbred (1954)
- Spare the Rod (1954)
- Social Lion (1954)
- Pigs Is Pigs (1954)
- The Lone Chipmunks (1954)
- Little Toot (1954)
- Grin and Bear It (1954)
- Grand Canyonscope (1954)
- The Flying Squirrel (1954)
- Dragon Around (1954)
- Donald's Diary (1954)
- Casey Bats Again (1954)
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea / 20000 de leghe sub mări (1954) Trailer
- Working for Peanuts (1953)
- The Sword and the Rose (1953)
- The Simple Things (1953)
- Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953)
- Peter Pan (1953)
- The New Neighbor (1953)
- Melody (1953)
- How to Sleep (1953)
- How to Dance (1953)
- For Whom the Bulls Toil (1953)
- Football Now and Then (1953)
- Father's Week-end (1953)
- Father's Day Off (1953)
- Don's Fountain of Youth (1953)
- Canvas Back Duck (1953)
- Uncle Donald's Ants (1952)
- Two Weeks Vacation (1952)
- Two Gun Goofy (1952)
- Two Chips and a Miss (1952)
- Trick or Treat (1952)
- Teachers Are People (1952)
- Susie the Little Blue Coupe (1952)
- The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
- Pluto's Party (1952)
- Pluto's Christmas Tree (1952)
- Man's Best Friend (1952)
- The Little House (1952)
- Let's Stick Together (1952)
- How to Be a Detective (1952)
- Hello Aloha (1952)
- Father's Lion (1952)
- Donald Applecore (1952)
- Operation Wonderland (1951)
- How to Catch a Cold (1951)
- Tomorrow We Diet! (1951)
- Test Pilot Donald (1951)
- R'coon Dawg (1951)
- Plutopia (1951)
- Out of Scale (1951)
- No Smoking (1951)
- Lucky Number (1951)
- Lion Down (1951)
- Home Made Home (1951)
- Get Rich Quick (1951)
- Fathers Are People (1951)
- Dude Duck (1951)
- Cold Turkey (1951)
- Cold Storage (1951)
- Chicken in the Rough (1951)
- Bee on Guard (1951)
- Alice in Wonderland / Alice în Țara Minunilor (1951) Trailer
- Cold War (1951)
- Wonder Dog (1950)
- Treasure Island (1950)
- Trailer Horn (1950)
- Puss Cafe (1950)
- Primitive Pluto (1950)
- Pluto's Heart Throb (1950)
- Pests of the West (1950)
- Out on a Limb / Pe o creangă (1950)
- Motor Mania (1950)
- Morris the Midget Moose (1950)
- Lion Around (1950)
- Hook, Lion and Sinker (1950)
- Hold That Pose (1950)
- Food for Feudin' (1950)
- Cinderella / Cenușăreasa (1950)
- Camp Dog (1950)
- The Brave Engineer (1950)
- Bee at the Beach (1950)
- Pluto and the Gopher (1950)
- Crazy Over Daisy (1950)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)
- Winter Storage (1949)
- The Wind in the Willows (1949)
- Tennis Racquet (1949)
- Slide Donald Slide (1949)
- Sheep Dog (1949)
- Sea Salts (1949)
- Pueblo Pluto (1949)
- Pluto's Sweater (1949)
- Pluto's Surprise Package (1949)
- Honey Harvester (1949)
- The Greener Yard (1949)
- Goofy Gymnastics / Gimnastica lui Goofy (1949)
- Donald's Happy Birthday (1949)
- Bubble Bee (1949)
- All in a Nutshell (1949)
- Trees (1948)
- Pecos Bill (1948)
- Bumble Boogie (1948)
- The Trial of Donald Duck (1948)
- Three for Breakfast (1948)
- They're Off (1948)
- Soup's On (1948)
- Pluto's Purchase (1948)
- Pluto's Fledgling (1948)
- Mickey Down Under (1948)
- Johnny Appleseed (1948)
- Inferior Decorator (1948)
- Drip Dippy Donald (1948)
- Donald's Dream Voice (1948)
- Daddy Duck (1948)
- Cat Nap Pluto (1948)
- Bone Bandit (1948)
- Blame It on the Samba (1948)
- The Big Wash (1948)
- Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947)
- Wide Open Spaces (1947)
- Straight Shooters (1947)
- Sleepy Time Donald (1947)
- Pluto's Housewarming (1947)
- Mickey's Delayed Date (1947)
- Mail Dog (1947)
- Foul Hunting (1947)
- Figaro and Frankie (1947)
- Donald's Dilemma (1947)
- Crazy with the Heat (1947)
- Clown of the Jungle (1947)
- Bootle Beetle (1947)
- Bongo (1947)
- After You've Gone (1946)
- Blue Bayou (1946)
- All the Cats Join In (1946)
- Willie the Operatic Whale (1946)
- Wet Paint (1946)
- Pluto's Kid Brother (1946)
- Peter and the Wolf (1946)
- The Martins and the Coys (1946)
- Lighthouse Keeping (1946)
- A Knight for a Day (1946)
- Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet (1946)
- In Dutch (1946)
- Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive (1946)
- Dumb Bell of the Yukon (1946)
- Double Dribble (1946)
- Donald's Double Trouble (1946)
- Casey at the Bat (1946)
- Bath Day (1946)
- The Purloined Pup (1946)
- The Pelican and the Snipe (1944)
- Pedro (1943)
- The Flying Jalopy / Rabla zburătoare (1943)
- The Olympic Champ (1942)
- How to Swim / Cum să înoți (1942)
- How to Fish / Cum să pescuim (1942)
- Donald's Gold Mine (1942)
- Bambi (1942) Trailer
- Old MacDonald Duck (1941)
- Early to Bed (1941)
- Dumbo (1941) Trailer
- Donald's Camera (1941)
- Pinocchio (1940) Trailer
- Mr. Duck Steps Out / Domnul Rățoi iese în oraș (1940)
- Fantasia (1940)
- The Practical Pig (1939)
- The Hockey Champ / Campionul la hochei (1939)
- Donald's Penguin (1939)
- Donald's Lucky Day (1939)
- Donald's Cousin Gus / Vărul lui Donald, Gus (1939)
- Donald's Golf Game (1938)
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / Albă ca Zăpada și cei șapte pitici (1937)
- Mickey's Amateurs (1937)
- Little Hiawatha (1937)
- Donald's Ostrich (1937)
- Toby Tortoise Returns (1936)
- Three Little Wolves (1936)
- Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936)
- Elmer Elephant / Elefantul Elmer (1936)
- The Tortoise and the Hare (1935)
- The Robber Kitten (1935)
- The Golden Touch (1935)
- The Cookie Carnival (1935)
- The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934)
- The Goddess of Spring / Crăiasa primăverii (1934)
- The Flying Mouse (1934)
- The Big Bad Wolf (1934)
- Three Little Pigs / Cei trei porcușori (1933)
- Old King Cole (1933)
- Building a Building (1933)
- Santa's Workshop (1932)
- Flowers and Trees (1932)
- Babes in the Woods (1932)
- Mickey's Orphans / Mickey's Orphans (1931) (1931)
- The Shindig (1930)
- The Picnic (1930)
- Fiddling Around (1930)
- The Gorilla Mystery (1930)
- The Fire Fighters (1930)
- The Chain Gang (1930)
- Wild Waves (1929)
- When the Cat's Away (1929)
- The Skeleton Dance / Tanz Der Skelette (1929)
- The Plowboy (1929)
- The Opry House (1929)
- Mickey's Follies (1929)
- Mickey's Choo-Choo (1929)
- The Karnival Kid (1929)
- The Jazz Fool / The Jazz Fool (1929)
- The Barnyard Battle (1929)
- The Barn Dance (1929)
Filmografie - scriitor
Filmografie - miscellaneous crew
- One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing / Lipsește un dinozaur! (1975) Trailer
- The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968)
- Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar (1967)
- Monkeys, Go Home! (1967)
- The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin (1967)
- Run, Appaloosa, Run (1966)
- Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)
- Those Calloways (1965)
- The Monkey's Uncle (1965)
- A Tiger Walks (1964)
- Emil and the Detectives (1964)
- The Three Lives of Thomasina (1963)
- Moon Pilot (1962)
- Nikki, Wild Dog of the North (1961)
- Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog (1961)
- Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus (1960)
- Eyes in Outer Space (1959)
- Third Man on the Mountain (1959)
- The Shaggy Dog (1959)
- Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)
- Tonka (1958)
- Niok l'éléphant (1957)
- Johnny Tremain (1957)
- Westward Ho the Wagons! (1956)
- The Littlest Outlaw (1955)
- Prowlers of the Everglades (1953)
- The Sword and the Rose (1953)
- The Olympic Elk (1952)
- The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- EPCOT (1967) - Himself
- Donald's Fire Survival Plan (1965) - Himself
- The Jack Benny Hour (1965) - Himself
- Hedda Hopper's Hollywood (1960) - Himself
- Gala Day at Disneyland (1960) - Himself
- Disneyland '59 (1959) - Himself - Host
- 4 Artists Paint 1 Tree: A Walt Disney 'Adventure in Art' (1958) - Himself - Narrator
- Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956) - Himself
- Dateline: Disneyland (1955) - Himself
- The 26th Annual Academy Awards (1954) - Himself - Winner, multiple awards
- The 25th Annual Academy Awards (1953) - Himself - Presenter: Music Awards
- Grantland Rice Sportlight No. R11-10: A Sporting Oasis (1952) - Himself
- Operation Wonderland (1951) - Himself
- The Walt Disney Christmas Show (1951) - Himself - Host
- Screen Snapshots: Famous Cartoonists (1950) - Himself - 'Mickey Mouse' creator
- One Hour in Wonderland (1950) - Gazdă
21 premii şi 31 nominalizări Oscar, o nominalizare Cannes, 6 premii Venetia
Toate premiile »
listă cu 184 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 15 Noiembrie 2011
listă cu 79 actori, creată de FoxHound pe 22 Iunie 2011
Despre Walt Disney
Premiile Oscar 2024: Recorduri doborâte și realizări istorice la cea de-a 96-a ediție
S-a găsit unul din scurtmetrajele Disney din 1928 – iată cum arăta precursorul lui Mickey Mouse
50 de ani de la Mary Poppins
Femeile din spatele prinţeselor Disney
La mulţi ani, Kurt Russell!
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A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Mickey 17
- A Minecraft Movie
- How to Train Your Dragon
- G20
- June and John
- We Beat the Dream Team
- Devil May Cry
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Beating Hearts
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Out of the Nest
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
În curând la cinema
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Snow White
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Starbright
- The Legend of Ochi
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
Program TV

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Walt Disney
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