Seriale TV mister, bafta

A Touch of Frost (1992) - Serial TV
Inspectorul Jack Frost
Rumpole of the Bailey (1978) - Serial TV
Rumpole of the Bailey
Five Days (2007) - Serial TV
Cinci zile
Inspector Morse (1987) - Serial TV
Inspector Morse
Foyle's War (2002) - Serial TV
Razboiul lui Foyle
The Good Wife (2009) - Serial TV
Soția perfectă
Big Little Lies (2017) - Serial TV
Marile minciuni nevinovate
Dexter (2006) - Serial TV
House M.D. (2004) - Serial TV
Dr. House
Poirot (1989) - Serial TV
Hercule Poirot
Lost (2004) - Serial TV
LOST: Naufragiații