Distribuţie Attack of the Shortbread Witch


Attack of the Shortbread Witch 


Aurora Cancian Aurora Cancian Cinderella (voice)
Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Joy LeFrog
Marc Thompson Grandpa Le Frog (voice)
Kayzie Rogers Grandma Rapunzel (voice)
Bella Hudson Astoria Rapunzel (voice)
Billy Bob Thompson Hawk Snowwhite (voice)
Lipica Shah Clara Cinderella
Rebecca Soler Rose Cinderella (voice)
Lori Gardner Grandma Snowwhite (voice)
Alex Polidori Hawk Snowwhite (voice)
Laurie Hymes Vicky Broomstick
H.D. Quinn Grandpa Beast (voice)
Brittney Lee Hamilton Ruby Stepsister
Chiara Francese Rose Cinderella (voice)
Jessica Paquet Rose Cinderella (voice)
Kathryn Cahill Grandma Cinderella (voice)
Manuel Meli Travis Beast (voice)
Pierluigi Astore Beast (voice)
Emanuela Ionica Joy Le Frog (voice)
Michael Henning Cyrus Broomstick (voice)
Henry F. Benjamin Travis Beast (voice)
Emanuele Ruzza Cyrus Broomstick (voice)
Joy Saltarelli Ruby Stepsister (voice)
Emanuela Baroni Snow White (voice)
Gianni Giuliano Dr. Le Frog (voice)
Eleonora Reti Vicky Broomstick (voice)
Film - Attack of the Shortbread Witch

Attack of the Shortbread Witch

Attack of the Shortbread Witch 
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