Distribuţie Chez Upshaw



Molly Sims Molly Sims Claire Bird
Kevin Pollak Kevin Pollak
Illeana Douglas Illeana Douglas
Greg Grunberg Greg Grunberg Mahoney
George Coe George Coe Reg. Nixon
Rance Howard Rance Howard Harry
Shane Johnson Shane Johnson Slade Woodshed
Don Most Don Most Vet Guest
Seth Bailey Seth Bailey Montage Guest #1
Jennie Floyd Trumpet Guest
Marguerite Nocera Montage Guest #9
Mike Jerome Putnam Rolex Guest
Seth Di Marco Cleaner #4
Graham Mackie Montage Guest 11
Annie Bakke Montage Guest 6
Julie Adams Elise
Sebastian Vale Jolly Elfin Man
Juana Samayoa Ice Cream and Candy Guest
Seth Cushman Cleaner
Chance A. Rearden Bald Guest
Eric Scott Cooper Guest
Gloria Heaton Montage Guest 5
James Green Montage Guest 3
Sean Goodearl Attendant'
Jack J. Bennett Patty / Burly Man
Laura Lund Guest
William Mortensen Vaughan Montage Guest 6 / Wilbur Woodruff
Kerry Wynnyk Woman with cuisinart
Linda Brent Montage Guest 4
Mike Pond Attendant 2
Denise Lafey Rocking Chair Guest
Sheryl Scialla Female Guest
Marc Mosely Green Visor Guest
Feliz McInnis Aunt Charlotte
George Patience Montage Guest 9
Lavern Elrod Montage Guest 8
Shane Johnson
Seth Cushvion Cleaner#4


Marvin Acuna producător
Marvin V. Acuna producător
Tina Pavlides producător
James Binaski producător asociat
Jason Schmid producător asociat
Eva Valett coproducator
Victoria Herbert producător executiv