Filme western, SUA

The Carolinian (2011)
The Coyote's Moon (2011)
The Resistance (2011)
The Shift (2011)
The Templar Code (2011)
Under the Western Sun (2011)
Wyatt Earp's Revenge (2011)
Răzbunarea lui Wyatt Earp
Love's Everlasting Courage (2011)
Cutezanța eternă a iubirii
Goodnight for Justice (2011)
Goodnight în numele dreptății
The Book of Eli (2010)
Cartea lui Eli
Jonah Hex (2010)
Jonah Hex
The Warrior's Way (2010)
Destinul unui războinic
True Grit (2010)
Adevăratul curaj
6 Guns (2010)
Răzbunarea Selinei
Gunfight at La Mesa (2010)
Gunfight at La Mesa
Meek's Cutoff (2010)
Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater (2010)
Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater
DC Showcase: Jonah Hex (2010)
DC Showcase: Jonah Hex
Palo Pinto Gold (2009)
Palo Pinto Gold
Redemption: A Mile from Hell (2009)