Filme western, Canada

Harry Tracy, Desperado (1982)
Harry Tracy
Draw (1984)
Clearcut (1991)
Reguli nescrise
Sodbusters (1994)
Când Vestul era sălbatic
Samurai Cowboy (1994)
Samuraiul cowboy
Ebenezer (1998)
Gunfighter's Moon (1998)
Ultimul duel
Phantom Town (1999)
Orasul fantoma
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
Spirit: Armăsarul vestului sălbatic
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Brokeback Mountain - O iubire secretă
Broken Trail (2006)
Călătorie periculoasă
The Legend of Butch & Sundance (2006)
Legenda lui Butch și Sundance
BloodRayne II: Deliverance (2007)
Regina vampirilor 2
Six Reasons Why (2008)
Six Reasons Why
High Plains Invaders (2009)
High Plains Invaders
The Last Rites of Ransom Pride (2009)
Ultimul drum
Gunless (2010)
Wild Life (2011)
Wild Life
21 Brothers (2011)
Four Billion Bucks (2011)