Filme familie, anii 1990

Ordonează: Vezi:
Breakout (1998)
Salvati-l pe tata!
My Uncle the Alien (1996)
Unchiul meu extraterestru
Family Tree (1999)
Merita sa lupti
The Modern Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1998)
Aventurile moderne ale lui Tom Sawyer
Mysteries of Egypt (1998)
Mysteries of Egypt
Bunny (1999)
The Last Home Run (1996)
Dorinta implinita
Little Miss Millions (1993)
Craciunul in familie
Seasons of the Heart (1993)
Anotimpurile inimii
War of the Buttons (1994)
Războiul nasturilor
The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996)
The Adventures of Pinocchio
Chips, the War Dog (1990)
Chips, catelul razboinic
It's a Digital World (1994)
It's a Digital World
Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story (1994)
Nopti in Infern
You Lucky Dog (1998)
Un catel norocos
Into the West (1992)
Pamantul Eternei Tinereti
Vandronik (1990)
Tovarasul de drum
A Feast at Midnight (1994)
A Feast at Midnight
Little Heroes (1992)
Micii eroi
Soccer Dog: The Movie (1999)
Cel mai mic campion