Filme drama, anii 1950

Ordonează: Vezi:
Le Cas du Dr Laurent (1957)
Cazul doctorului Laurent
The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1957)
The Barretts of Wimpole Street
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
Gustul dulce al succesului
Old Yeller (1957)
Un prieten adevarat
An Affair to Remember (1957)
O iubire de neuitat
Kumonosu jo (1957)
Tronul însângerat
Across the Bridge (1957)
Dincolo de pod
The Enemy Below (1957)
The Enemy Below
The Three Faces of Eve (1957)
The Three Faces of Eve
Loving You (1957)
Loving You
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Martorul acuzării
Kanal (1957)
Arrivederci Roma (1957)
Seven Hills Of Rome
3:10 to Yuma (1957)
Drumul dreptății
Seven Waves Away (1957)
S.O.S: Pericol in larg
Moi, un noir (1957)
Eu, un negru
Jet Pilot (1957)
Spioni si iubiti
The Story of Esther Costello (1957)
Povestea lui Esther Costello
Until They Sail (1957)
Until They Sail
Something of Value (1957)
Something of Value