Filme biografice 2015

51 Degrees (2015)
Killing Jesus (2015)
Killing Jesus
Whitney (2015)
Fulboy (2015)
Dressed as a Girl (2015)
Dressed as a Girl
Queen of the Desert (2015)
Regina deșertului
Je compte sur vous (2015)
Thank You for Calling
I Saw the Light (2015)
Un drum prea scurt
The Girl King (2015)
Regina Kristina
Brand: A Second Coming (2015)
Brand: A doua venire
A Tale of Love and Darkness (2015)
O poveste a iubirii și a intunericului
Life (2015)
Francisco (2015)
Francisc: Roagă-te pentru mine
Full Out (2015)
Full Out
Papa Hemingway in Cuba (2015)
Cu Hemingway în Cuba
Anton Tchékhov 1890 (2015)
Anton Tchékhov 1890
Flic, tout simplement (2015)
Doar polițist
Shadow of a Hero (2015)
Shadow of a Hero
The Gamechangers (2015)
The Gamechangers
Arletty, une passion coupable (2015)
Arletty, une passion coupable