Filme aventuri, 2012, SUA

Skull Forest (2012)
Skum Quixote (2012)
Slave Warrior (2012)
Special Forces (2012)
Speedsuit (2012)
Stone Markers (2012)
Super 35 (2012)
Surkhaab (2012)
Technicolour Llama (2012)
The Admin Effect (2012)
The Adventures of Dude and Bro (2012)
The Adventures of Whitey and Smokey (2012)
The Borneo Incident (2012)
The Fourth Dimension (2012)
The Hunt for Good Americans (2012)
The Legend of the Green Mister (2012)
The Magic Pen (2012)
The Row (2012)
The Stone Sisters: Exodus (2012)
The Unbreakable Sword (2012)