Filme 2013, Canada

Ordonează: Vezi:
Hills Green (2013)
Real Gangsters (2013)
Real Gangsters
Man of Steel (2013)
Man of Steel: Eroul
Down River (2013)
Leap 4 Your Life (2013)
Late Night Classics Presents Gorilla! (2013)
Into the Mind (2013)
Into the Mind
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)
Aventurile lui T.S.Spivet
The Grand Seduction (2013)
The Grand Seduction
Gabrielle (2013)
Le démantèlement (2013)
The Auction
The Guerilla Picture Show (2013)
Common Chord (2013)
Puncte comune
Le météore (2013)
The Meteor
If I Had Wings (2013)
If I Had Wings
Enemy (2013)
Tom à la ferme (2013)
Tom la fermă
The Case of the Midnight Murderer (2013)
Redshift (2013)
Algonquin (2013)