Filme western

Home in Oklahoma (1946)
Home in Oklahoma
The Kissing Bandit (1948)
Banditul care săruta
The Plunderers (1948)
The Plunderers
Calamity Jane and Sam Bass (1949)
Calamity Jane si Sam Bass
Bells of Coronado (1950)
Clopotele din San Coronado
Colt .45 (1950)
Colt 45
Comanche Territory (1950)
Ținutul comanșilor
Devil's Doorway (1950)
Blestemul sângelui
Man in the Saddle (1951)
Cavalerul morții
The Painted Hills (1951)
Lassie și căutătorii de aur
The Stranger Wore a Gun (1953)
Străinul era înarmat
The Vanquished (1953)
The Vanquished
Thunder Over the Plains (1953)
Thunder Over the Plains
Drum Beat (1954)
Drum Beat
Southwest Passage (1954)
Caravana deșertului
The Lone Gun (1954)
Pistolarul singuratic
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955)
Davy Crockett în Vestul Sălbatic
Kentucky Rifle (1956)
Convoiul blestemat
Quincannon, Frontier Scout (1956)
Quincannon, Frontier Scout
The Young Guns (1956)
The Young Guns