Filme western

The Rounders (1965)
The Rounders
Four Eyes and Six-Guns (1992)
Patru ochi și șase arme
Hearts of the West (1975)
Inimile vestului
Colorado Territory (1949)
Colorado Territory
The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (1972)
Jesse James
Glory Glory (2002)
Ingerii razbunatori
Wind River (2000)
Chemarea inimii
Mustang Country (1976)
Tinutul mustangilor
Escape from Fort Bravo (1953)
Escape from Fort Bravo
Into the Badlands (1991)
Vanatorul din Vestul Salbatic
The Good Old Boys (1995)
Vremuri apuse
The Journeyman (2001)
The Shadow Riders (1982)
Calaretii intunericului
San Antonio (1945)
San Antonio
Waterhole #3 (1967)
Goana spre comoara
Ride, Vaquero! (1953)
Calareste Vaquero!
Go West (2005)
Destinatia Occident
Showdown (1963)
Everything That Rises (1998)
Prețul pământului
Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade (2004)
Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade