Distribuţie The Big Sleep


Somnul de veci




Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart Philip Marlowe
Lauren Bacall Lauren Bacall Vivian Sternwood Rutledge
Dorothy Malone Dorothy Malone Acme Bookstore proprietress
Martha Vickers Martha Vickers Carmen Sternwood
Bess Flowers Bess Flowers Woman with bumped man
Bob Steele Bob Steele Lash Canino
Forbes Murray Furtive man
John Ridgely John Ridgely Eddie Mars
Shep Houghton Nightclub patron
Trevor Bardette Art Huck
Joseph Crehan Joseph Crehan Doc (Medical Examiner)
Jack Chefe Croupier
James Flavin James Flavin Capt. Cronjager
Elisha Cook Jr. Harry Jones
Regis Toomey Regis Toomey Chief Insp. Bernie Ohls (District Attorney's Office)
Ben Welden Pete (Mars' flunky)
Louis Jean Heydt Joe Brody
Tom Fadden Sidney (Mars' flunky)
Jay Eaton Extra in casino
Theodore von Eltz Arthur Gwynn Geiger
Peggy Knudsen Mona Mars
Charles Waldron Gen. Sternwood
Charles D. Brown Norris - the Butler
A contribuit la detaliile filmului: !ARTANA!