8.1 / 10
21 voturi
Locul naşterii: Amritsar, Punjab, British India (now India) · Data naşterii: 29.12.1942 (82 ani) · Ocupaţie: Actor · Zodia: Capricorn
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cetateanu pe 20 Septembrie 2010 19:12
Imi place genul asta de actor indian care stie sa cante sa danseze ,sa faca filme de actiune , de comedie sau drama.In plus acest actor arata o sensibilitate ce greu se poate gasi la alti actori.
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filip luminita pe 06 Iunie 2006 22:44
Este un super actor...........;am urmarit multe filme cu el.......nota 10 ;si fetele lui la fel pt ca are 2.........sunt tot actrite.....;dati din nou filmul"ARADHANA".........in care Rajesh Khanna are o interpretare de exceptie.......
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manoharv2001 pe 7 decembrie 2010 08:06
Super Star Rajesh Khanna - The Cary Grant of India Rajesh Khanna irrevocably impacted Indian cinema and culture like no actor before him. His acting perfection and application of talent were drawn solely from his inward vision. Khanna did not cultivate the phenomenal attributes that created his "superstardom" by reason or will, but through the connectedness to his own persona that the masses then idealized. For he is one who is impervious as to who is ahead and who is behind. Khanna’s inward vision, a special gift from the divine leads him always. Today he is the indomitable and highly respected veteran of one hindred and fifty films. For me, he is like the Cary Grant of India. Both actors are Capricorns that have played the widest variety of roles without ever bankrupting the fascination of the audience. Khanna is the platinum standard for landmark performances and sheer screen presence. Ever since the camera discovered his photogenia it has been having a love affair with it. His Byronic inspirations of romance as autographed elegantly on screen endure. Rajesh Khanna is a lovemark because he kindles our affections at the highest denominators and that is a life nobly lived means.
gabita_raican pe 16 Aprilie 2014 21:04
Rajesh Khanna-primul superstar din India
Rajesh Khanna a generat in India idolatrizare si nebunie in perioada 1969-1973. Filmul care l-a facut superstar a fost "Aradhana"(in Romania l-au numit "Vandana").Sharmila Tagore (partenera lui din Aradhana) a declarat ca nu a vazut o asemenea isterie nici inainte ,nici dupa el. Milioane de fani, intr-o epoca in care filmul putea fi vizionat doar la cinema. Au existat fete care s-au casatorit cu fotografia lui, si-a gasit masina plina de urme de ruj, avea nevoie de protectia politiei pentru ca fiecare fan(fana) dorea o bucatica din hainele lui.Detine recordul de 15 blockbuster-uri consecutive. Cati actori au ajuns la asemenea performanta? Cati actori au primit dragostea fanatica a milioane de oameni? Rajesh Khanna a fost numit "Fenomenul".
PACAT ca in Romania nu s-au difuzat decat 4 filme cu el: Vandana , Prietenii mei elefantii,Straina,Zmeul de hartie. A jucat roluri variate in… citeşte

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mihaeladinu27 pe 06 Iulie 2012 23:11
Rajesh Khanna
Un actor incredibil de frumos....mor dupa indienii astia din filmele vechi, sunt atat de furmosi!!!!
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manoharv2001 pe 07 Decembrie 2010 08:05
Rajesh Khanna – The Greatest Living Legend and the real & only Super Star of Indian Cinema
There are romantic leading men and there are romantic leading men, but very few have taken cinematic love to legendary heights. While there might be other icons but Super-Star- Actor Rajesh Khanna after four decades, he is the ultimate true romantic legend.
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bindy pe 15 Aprilie 2009 19:14
Actorul din poza nu este Rajesh Khanna ci Amitabh Bachchan.
0 1
Alex.M pe 15 aprilie 2009 19:25
S-a corectat. Mulţumim!

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