Filme familie

Courage Mountain (1990)
Muntele curajului
Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season (1999)
Cel mai bun stapan din lume
Zafir (2003)
Mom and Dad Save the World (1992)
Atractie astrala
The Scream Team (2002)
Echipa spiritelor
Midnight Madness (1980)
Nebunia de la miezul noptii
The Barefoot Executive (1971)
Raffles, cimpanzeul telespectator
Miracle of the White Stallions (1963)
Dansul armasarilor albi
The Adventures of Ociee Nash (2003)
Aventurile lui Ociee Nash
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988)
Noile aventuri ale lui Pippi Longstocking
The Man Who Saved Christmas (2002)
Omul care a salvat Craciunul
The Big Green (1995)
Echipa de fotbal
Treasure Island Kids: The monster of Treasure Island (2006)
Monstrul din Insula Comorii
Pete's Dragon (1977)
Un dragon pe nume Elliott
Pelikaanimies (2004)
Omul pelican
Tru Confessions (2002)
O zi din viata mea
Armaan (2003)
Intre datorie si iubire
Winnie the Pooh Spookable Pooh (2000)
Winnie the Pooh Spookable Pooh
Leiutajatekula Lotte (2006)
Lotte din Gadgetville
The Screwy Truant (1945)
The Screwy Truant
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