Filme documentare 2020

Kiss the Ground (2020)
Vindecarea pământului
Exhibition on Screen: Raphael Revealed (2020)
Rafael descoperit
American Utopia (2020)
David Byrne's American Utopia
The chief government architect - The power of imagination (2020)
Arhitectul sef al Olandei - Puterea imaginatiei
Itinerarii evreiesti in Romania (2020)
Itinerarii evreiesti in Romania
Everest - Najtazsia cesta (2020)
Dhaulagiri este Everestul meu
Ophir (2020)
A small, insignificant love (2020)
A small, insignificant love
Mayor (2020)
Agatha Christie: 100 Years of Poirot and Miss Marple (2020)
Agatha Christie – 100 de ani de suspans
O jednoj mladosti (2020)
A fost odata in tinerete
Youth v Gov (2020)
Youth v Gov
Il nostro Eduardo (2020)
Eduardo al nostru
Karel (2020)
Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story (2020)
Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story
Vier auf vier Rädern (2020)
Vier auf vier Rädern
Il triangolo della morte: I mostri di Firenze (2020)
Monsters of Florence
Borsch. Sekretnyi ingredient (2020)
Borsch. The Secret Ingredient
King Bansah and his Daughter (2020)
King Bansah and his Daughter
Hálfur Álfur (2020)
Half Elf