Locul naşterii: Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
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- Ransom! (1956) - Bank Teller
- Never Say Goodbye / Mereu cu tine (1956) - Nightclub Extra
- The Naked Hills / Dealurile golase (1956) - Man in Hotel Lobby
- The Benny Goodman Story (1956) - Escort
- Top of the World (1955) - Club Dance Extra
- The Shrike (1955) - Restaurant Extra
- The Private War of Major Benson (1955) - R.O.T.C. Drill Observer
- Not as a Stranger / Priveste dincolo de tine (1955) - Nightclub Patron
- The Naked Street (1955) - Judge #3
- My Sister Eileen / Sora mea, Eileen (1955) - Walgreen's employee
- The Last Command (1955) - Invitat
- Hit the Deck (1955) - Audience Extra
- Finger Man (1955) - Club Extra
- Daddy Long Legs / Taticul picioare lungi (1955) - Art Gallery Patron
- The Cobweb (1955) - Recital Attendee
- Cell 2455 Death RowCell 2455 Death Row (1955) - Juror
- The Big Combo (1955) - Dance Extra at Club
- Woman's World (1954) - Reception Guest
- Three Coins in the Fountain / Trei bănuți în fântână (1954) - Invitat
- Them! (1954) - Washington Official
- Tennessee Champ / Campionul din Tennessee (1954) - Fight Fan
- Playgirl (1954) - Restaurant Extra
- Living It Up (1954) - Man in Hotel Lobby
- The Human Jungle / Jungla umană (1954)
- The High and the Mighty (1954) - Mrs. Joseph's Doctor
- Duffy of San Quentin (1954) - Prison Board Member
- Dangerous Mission (1954) - Party guest/Dance extra
- Man in the Attic (1953) - Theatre Patron
- The Long, Long Trailer / O rulotă buclucașă (1953) - Extra at Trailer Show
- The War of the Worlds / Războiul lumilor (1953)
- Second Chance (1953) - extra
- A Lion Is in the Streets / Un leu liber pe străzi (1953) - Speaker introducing Snowden
- Let's Do It Again (1953) - Nightclub Extra
- The Glass Web (1953) - Lounge Extra
- The Girl Who Had Everything / Fata care avea totul (1953) - Horse Auction Spectator
- The Girl Next Door (1953) - Invitat
- Dream Wife / Soția ideală (1953) - Consulate Officer/Party Guest/Wedding Gust
- Destination Gobi (1953) - Admiral
- Confidentially Connie (1953) - Faculty Member
- City Beneath the Sea (1953) - Man at The Rum Pot Athletic Club
- Call Me Madam (1953) - Guest extra at Sally's party
- The Band Wagon / Orchestra ambulantă (1953) Trailer
- Affair with a Stranger (1953) - Diner Patron
- The 49th Man (1953) - Elevator Passenger/FBI Agent
- Never Wave at a WAC (1953) - Invitat
- With a Song in My Heart (1952) - Nightclub Extra/Plane Passenger
- Washington Story (1952) - Senator
- This Woman Is Dangerous (1952) - Gambling House Extra
- Stars and Stripes Forever (1952) - Man at Dancing Masters Convention Concert
- Something for the Birds (1952) - Secretary - Fathers and Sons/Party Guest
- The Sellout (1952) - Amboy's Customer
- Red Planet Mars (1952) - Secretary of the Navy
- The Narrow Margin (1952) - Tenant in Apartment House Hallway
- Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair (1952) - Sulky Race Spectator
- Lovely to Look at (1952) - extra
- Kid Monk Baroni (1952) - Nightclub Table Extra
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) - Man at Craps Table
- Just for You (1952) - Party/Dance Extra
- Glory Alley (1952) - Meeting Attendee
- The Belle of New York (1952) - Supper Club Extra
- The Bad and the Beautiful / Uratul si frumosul (1952) - Invitat
- The Atomic City (1952) - Hotel Lobby Extra
- Affair in Trinidad / Doamna din Trinidad (1952) - Invitat
- Hong Kong (1952) - Hotel Guest
- The Unknown Man (1951) - Assistant District Attorney
- Royal Wedding / Nunta regala (1951) - Royal Attendant
- Rhubarb (1951) - Sporting Goods Store Customer
- Meet Me After the Show (1951) - Nightclub Dance Extra
- The Mating Season (1951) - Man in Hotel Lobby/Party Guest
- Lullaby of Broadway / Cântec de leagăn pe Broadway (1951) - Theatregoer in Box
- Jim Thorpe -- All-American (1951) - Extra at Sports Dinner
- I Can Get It for You Wholesale (1951) - Dinner Guest/Hospital Interne in Corridor
- The Hoodlum (1951)
- The Fat Man (1951) - Man in airport lounge
- As Young as You Feel (1951) - Man at Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
- Angels in the Outfield (1951) - Steakhouse Diner
- The Company She Keeps (1951) - Train Station Extra
- The Second Woman (1950) - Country Club Patron
- Watch the Birdie (1950) - Dignitary on Dais
- Three Little Words (1950) - extra
- Rocketship X-M (1950) - Doctor Taking Lisa's Blood Pressure
- Right Cross (1950) - Nightclub Patron
- Pretty Baby (1950) - Table Extra at Caravan Club
- The Petty Girl (1950) - Nightclub Patron
- One Too Many (1950) - Nightclub Extra at Benefit
- The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) - Man Outside Church
- Never a Dull Moment (1950) - Rodeo Spectator
- My Friend Irma Goes West (1950) - Man Being Deputized
- Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone (1950) - Passenger
- Mr. Music (1950) - Invitat
- Key to the City (1950) - Elevator Passenger
- For Heaven's Sake (1950) - Racetrack Extra
- Emergency Wedding (1950) - Medical Board Committee Man
- Champagne for Caesar (1950) - Backstage Extra at Hollywood Bowl
- Bunco Squad (1950) - Actor playing 'Father of the Bride' in film
- Born to Be Bad / Zâna cea rea (1950) - Charity Ball Guest
- Blues Busters (1950) - Nightclub Extra
- All About Eve / Totul despre Eva (1950) Trailer
- The Admiral Was a Lady (1950) - Bank Guard
- Woman in Hiding (1950) - Man at Bus Station
- The Younger Brothers (1949) - Parole Board member
- A Woman's Secret / Secret de femeie (1949) - Ship Dance Extra
- Undertow (1949) - jucător
- Tulsa (1949) - Invitat
- The Stratton Story (1949) - Restaurant Patron
- Red, Hot and Blue (1949) - Nightclub Extra
- The Lady Gambles (1949) - Nightclub Extra
- Knock on Any Door (1949) - Nightclub Dance Extra
- Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949) - Courtroom Extra
- The Great Lover (1949) - Ship Passenger
- The Fountainhead (1949) - Invitat
- Flamingo Road (1949) - Extra at Lutie Mae's
- The Barkleys of Broadway / Familia Barkley de pe Broadway (1949) - Audience Extra
- And Baby Makes Three (1949) - Wedding Guest
- All the King's Men / Cariera de politician (1949) - Invitat
- Ladies of the Chorus / Piaza rea (1948) - Invitat
- Who Killed Doc Robbin (1948) - aprod
- The Velvet Touch (1948) - First Nighter
- Smart Woman (1948) - Juror
- Race Street (1948) - Nightclub Extra
- My Dog Rusty (1948) - Townsman at Rally
- Lulu Belle (1948) - Nightclub Extra
- Hazard (1948) - Roulette Croupier
- Give My Regards to Broadway (1948) - Nightclub Extra
- Easter Parade / Parada de Paște (1948) Trailer
- Violence (1947) - Committee Man
- They Won't Believe Me (1947) - Piano Concert Extra
- Song of the Thin Man / Cantecul omului de tinichea (1947) - Nightclub Table Extra
- Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman (1947) - Invitat
- Singapore (1947) - Bar Patron
- Possessed (1947) - Jury foreman
- Out of the Past (1947) - Bartender in Acapulco
- Lured (1947) - Concertgoer
- Ladies' Man (1947) - Nightclub Dance Extra
- Honeymoon (1947) - Nightclub Dance Extra/Gallery Extra
- Down to Earth / O zeita pe pamant (1947) - jucător
- Danger Street (1947) - Party Extra
- Christmas Eve (1947) - Reporter
- Blondie in the Dough (1947) - Premier Biscuit Co. Board Member
- Two Guys from Milwaukee (1946) - Dignitary at Penn Station
- To Each His Own / Destinul doamnei Norris (1946) - Extra at Dance
- The Time of Their Lives (1946) - Invitat
- Sioux City Sue (1946) - Studio Executive
- San Quentin (1946) - Father Riley
- The Razor's Edge (1946)
- Plainsman and the Lady (1946) - Man at Pony Express Dedication
- Mr. Ace (1946) - Invitat
- The Jolson Story (1946) - Audience Extra
- The Hoodlum Saint (1946) - Primar
- Gilda (1946) - Gambling Extra
- The Falcon's Adventure (1946) - Nightclub Extra
- Deception (1946) - Well-wisher at Concert
- Criminal Court (1946) - Man Watching Newsreel
- Breakfast in Hollywood (1946) - Audience Table Extra
- The Best Years of Our Lives / Cei mai frumosi ani ai vietii noastre (1946) - Man At Bank Dinner
- Wonder Man (1945) - Pelican Club Extra
- Pride of the Marines (1945) - Naval Officer
- The Lost Weekend / Vacanță pierdută (1945) - Man in Nightclub Washroom
- The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945)
- Guest Wife (1945) - Bar Extra
- Diamond Horseshoe (1945) - Nightclub Extra
- The Affairs of Susan (1945) - Invitat
- Up in Arms (1944) - Nightclub Patron
- Sensations of 1945 (1944) - Well-Wisher
- Laura (1944)
- Experiment Perilous / Experiment primejdios (1944) - Invitat
- Christmas Holiday / Vacanță de Crăciun (1944) - Concert Patron
- Wintertime (1943) - Dining Extra
- Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943) - Audience Extra
- Mission to Moscow (1943) - Dinner Guest
- Lady of Burlesque (1943)
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) - Nightclub Dance Extra
- Crash Dive (1943) - Hotel Desk Clerk
- Silver Queen (1942) - Poker Player
- Pittsburgh (1942)
- My Favorite Spy (1942) - Nightclub extra
- The Major and the Minor / Strengarita (1942) - Ofiţer
- The Big Street / The Big Street (1942)
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith / Conflict conjugal (1941) - Nightclub Dance Extra
- Louisiana Purchase (1941) - Senator
- Lady Be Good (1941) - Invitat
- Dive Bomber (1941) - Invitat
- Broadway Limited (1941)
- Back Street / Strada lăturalnică (1941) - Casino Extra
- Too Many Husbands (1940)
- Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940) - Nightclub Table Extra
- Angels Over Broadway (1940) - Nightclub Extra
- The Roaring Twenties / În umbra prohibiţiei (1939) - Nightclub Extra
- Made for Each Other / Facuti unul pentru celalalt (1939) - Co-Worker
- At the Circus / La circ (1939) - Invitat
- They're Always Caught (1938) - Reporter
- Kentucky (1938) - Dance Extra
- The Cowboy and the Lady (1938) - Dance Extra at Gambling House
- Vogues of 1938 (1937) - Nightclub Patron
- Second Honeymoon (1937) - Invitat
- One Hundred Men and a Girl / O sută de băieți și o fată (1937) - Concert Attendee
- Marked Woman / Femei de noapte / O femeie cu vointa (1937) - Trial Assistant to Graham
- The Man Without a Country (1937) - Dance Extra
- In Old Chicago (1937) - Table Extra at The Hub
- Hitting a New High / Privighetoarea din pădure (1937) - Invitat
- Three Smart Girls (1936) - Extra in Restaurant
- Mr Deeds Goes to Town / Extravagantul Mr. Deeds (1936) - Auditor
- Thanks a Million (1935) - Hotel Guest in Lobby
- Reckless (1935) - extra
- If You Could Only Cook (1935) - Patronul restaurantului
- I Dream Too Much (1935) - Audience Extra
- Love Affair / Poveste de dragoste (1932)
- Weary River / Weary River (1929)
A colaborat cu
Natalie Wood
Claire Trevor
Leonard Nimoy
Robert Wagner
Gene Barry
James Stewart
Gene Tierney
Lola Albright
Ann Doran
Fred Astaire
Miriam Hopkins
June Allyson
Nancy Reagan
Susan Hayward
Gloria DeHaven
Robert Stack
William Schallert
James Whitmore
James Arness
Debra Paget
George Chakiris
Jane Wyman
Jan Sterling
Robert Preston
Bess Flowers
Agnes Moorehead
John Wayne
Bing Crosby
Debbie Reynolds
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- High Rollers
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Plankton! The Movie
- Hurry Up Tomorrow
- Captain America: Brave New World
- The Fantastic Four: First Steps
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Out of the Nest
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Beating Hearts
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
Filme noi în SUA
- Autumn and the Black Jaguar
- Love Hurts
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Snow White
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV
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James Conaty
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