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Old 18 Mar 2004, 14:16   #1
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Posts: 406

Daca treburile nu merg asa de bine, iata reteta sa va descarcati nervii :
Pentru cei care in mod ocazional, traiesc o zi mizerabila si ar avea nevoie sa-si descarce nervii pe cineva ... pe cineva necunoscut ...

Eram asezat la birou cand mi-am amintit ca uitasem sa raspund cuiva care-mi telefonase. Am gasit nr respectiv si am sunat. Un barbat raspunde :
- Alo?

- Zic politicos : Pot sa vorbesc cu d-na Carole Cantin, va rog ?

- Tipul imi inchide telefonul in nas injurand. Nu puteam sa cred ca cineva putea fi atat de nesimtit. Verfic numarul. Inversasem ultimele doua cifre...

Dupa ce am vorbit cu Carole, decid sa mai fac un apel spre numarul gresit;.
Cand tipul raspunde, ii urlu : Nu esti decat o gaura de c...r ! si inchid. Am notat numarul cu mentiunea +gaura de c...r si l-am lasat aproape de telefonul de pe birou. Pe urma , la fiecare doua-trei saptamani, cand aveam intr-adevar cate o zi infernala, il sunam pe tip si-i urlam : Nu esti decat o gaura de c...r !;. Asta ma facea sa ma simt mai bine. Cand a aparut posibilitatea de a afisa numerele care te apeleaza, m-am gandit ca s-ar putea sa fie sfarsitul apelurilor terapeutice catre gaura de c...r;. Asa ca am sunat si : Buna ziua, numele meu este Guy Tremblay, de la Bell Canada. Va sun pentru a va intreba daca cunoasteti noul nostru serviciu de afisaj? Tipul a urlat : Nu! si a inchis telefonul injurand. L-am sunat din nou, rapid, sa-i spun : Asta din cauza ca nu esti decat o gaura de c...r !

Cateva saptamani mai tarziu, ma duc la cumparaturi. Dupa mai multe minute de cautare gasesc in sfrasit un loc de parcare liber. Cum ma pregatesc sa parchez acolo, un tip, intr-un BMW negru, imi taie calea si-mi ia locul. Il claxonez si-i spun ca am asteptat destul ca sa prind locul respectiv. Imi raspunde printr-un deget; si se indreapta spre magazine.
Eram furios si ma pregateam sa caut un alt loc de parcare cand am remarcat anuntul De vanzare; pe geamul din spate al BMW-ului.
Am notat numarul ...
Cateva zile mai tarziu, imediat dupa ce am sunat la prima gaura de c...r; (i-am pus numarul pe compunere rapida si formez tot timpul inainte *67, pentru ca numarul meu sa nu se afiseze), m-am gandit ca ar fii o idee sa sun si la gaura de c...r; posesoare de BMW. Am format numarul si cineva a raspuns :


Zic : Sunteti domnul care are un BMW negru de vanzare ?

Exact !

Atunci intreb uteti sa-mi dati adresa unde as putea sa vad masina ?

Da. Stau la 1802, strada 34 Vest, o casa de caramida rosie. Masina este tot timpul parcata in fata. ;.

Indraznesc : Numele d-voastra? ;

Numele meu este Marcel Carrier. ;.

Si urmez : Cand este cel mai indicat sa va caut , dle Carrier? ;.

Sunt acasa in fiecare dupa-amiaza, dupa ora 17. ;.

Adaug : Asculta Marcel, pot sa-ti zic ceva?

Da? ;.

Lovitura de gratie : Nu esti decat o gaura de c...r !;.

Inchid telefonul si adaug numarul lui la lista de numere cu compozitie rapida. De acum, cand am cate o zi mizerabila, am doua gauri de c...r; de sunat.

Dar dupa ce i-am sunat cu randul timp de cateva luni, nu ma mai simteam asa de
usurat ca la inceput. La sfarsitul unei zile cu adevarat nimicitoare, mi-a venit o idee ... Tocmai trecuse de ora 17 si-l sun pegaura de c...r; no 1.

Alo? ;. Nu esti decat o gaura de c...r !; dar de data asta nu inchid.

Esti inca acolo ?;, ma intreaba.

Da! ;.

Atunci imi striga : Nu mai suna, ca altfel ... ;.

I-o tai : + Du-te dracu', gaura de c...r ! ;.
Urla: Cine esti ? ;.

Raspund : Numele meu este Marcel Carrier. ;.

Zau? Si unde stai ? ;.

Bravez : Draga gaura de c...r , stau la 1802, strada 34 Vest. Am o casa superba de caramida rosie si un BMW care te-ar face sa crapi de invidie.;.

Vin imediat , Marcel si-ai sa vezi cum am sa te fac sa-ti inghiti dintii. ;.

Surad : Nu mi-e frica de tine, gaura de c...r, vino !
Imediat am sunat la +gaura de c...r; no 2. : Alo?

Salut, gaura de c...r ! ;, si astept.

Tipul incepe sa urle : Daca pun vreodata mana pe tine ... ;.

Ce-o sa-mi faci ? ;.

Iti sparg botu' !
Bun. E ziua ta norocoasa, gaura de c...r. Vin ! ;.

Am inchis si am sunat imediat la politie spunand ca locuiesc la nr. 1802, strada 34 Vest si ca nu mai pot rezista , il voi omori pe nenorocitul de amant homosexual. Apoi am sunat la canalul de televiziune TQS informandu-i ca o bataie intre sefii bandelor
de motociclisti se derula pe strada 34 Vest.

Apoi am sarit in masina si m-am infiintat prin apropierea locului respectiv. Si am vazut doi imbecili batandu-se pe viata si pe moarte, in fata a sase masini de patrulare si al unui elicopter de Politie, precum si sub nasul echipei de la Stirile de seara ale TQS.

ACUM ma simt mult mai bine ..

PS posibil scenariu de film...
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Old 18 Mar 2004, 15:06   #2
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Theo, asa... foloseste copy+paste pe banii contribuabililor.... :lol:
Pe când un nou post cu: Possible SPAM (accuracy low): Ti-am zis sa nu imi trimiti chestii de astea!!!!!
Sau pe asta nu l-ai primit, inca? :o
No offence!
Well that was back in the day
And if you weren't there
It doesn't matter anyway
Because you wouldn't understand
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Old 18 Mar 2004, 16:46   #3
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Originally Posted by blitz43:
Theo, asa... foloseste copy+paste pe banii contribuabililor.... :lol:
Pe când un nou post cu: Possible SPAM (accuracy low): Ti-am zis sa nu imi trimiti chestii de astea!!!!!
Sau pe asta nu l-ai primit, inca? :o
No offence!

Povestea mi s-a parut simpatica. Daca as fi avut un link, nu as fi dat copy - paste. Oricum, nu ma numar printre cei care umplu paginile forumului cu platitudini sau mistouri ieftine, sau cel putin asa imi place sa cred.
Scuze celor care considera ca am ocupat inutil spatiu pe cinemagia.
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Old 18 Mar 2004, 18:51   #4
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nici seinfeld, inspirandu-se din obisnuitul 'every day crap' nu putea sa faca o poveste asa trasnet!! i-am dat eu copy-paste ca s-o am la indemana oricand am o zi de kkt.

multumesc, theo!
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
(Woody Allen)
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Old 18 Mar 2004, 19:05   #5
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Marfa poveste ... chiar m-am amuzat dupa ziua de azi care a fost o zi de ...
If U have something to say ,SAY IT
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Old 19 Mar 2004, 08:50   #6
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Originally Posted by theo:
Povestea mi s-a parut simpatica. Daca as fi avut un link, nu as fi dat copy - paste. Oricum, nu ma numar printre cei care umplu paginile forumului cu platitudini sau mistouri ieftine, sau cel putin asa imi place sa cred.
Scuze celor care considera ca am ocupat inutil spatiu pe cinemagia.

mey, mey... io ti-am zis, no offence! :lol:
dar, poate chiar ai avut una din zilele alea grele!
No offence, din nou! :lol:
Well that was back in the day
And if you weren't there
It doesn't matter anyway
Because you wouldn't understand
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Old 19 Mar 2004, 12:52   #7
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Vai, demult nu am mai ras asa de bine...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(si cand te gandesti ca totul a inceput de la o mica greseala...)
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 19 Mar 2004, 16:40   #8
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Chiar buna povestea... dar a doua oara nu mai e atat de haioasa asa ca nu prea are rost s-o recititi...
apocalypse please
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Old 19 Mar 2004, 18:05   #9
The One and Only Gollum
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dea.....foarte interesanta!!
(*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 19 Mar 2004, 22:03   #10
The White Rider
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Arunca un film din seria Lord Of the Rings... sau How High ... pretena langa mine - kre ma scarpina shi sa nu ma deranjeze nimeni shi sa ma vezi ce zambesc atuncea ... :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 20 Mar 2004, 00:00   #11
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hai, gaandalf, caVIATA BATE MEREU FILMUL. nu m-as distra la LOTR nici daca m0ar gadila cineva la talpi.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
(Woody Allen)
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Old 23 Mar 2004, 14:39   #12
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by notorious:
hai, gaandalf, caVIATA BATE MEREU FILMUL. nu m-as distra la LOTR nici daca m0ar gadila cineva la talpi.
am zis io k viatza nu bate filmul ? I Don't Think So ... but i did specify one of my "it makes me feel good and smile!" definitions...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 Mar 2004, 15:01   #13
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mai ales ca nu mai stiam ce sa mai perorez la adresa unora...o zi grea...
dar mi+a trecut.

ma gandesc pe cine sa sun :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
multam fain, theo.
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Old 24 Mar 2004, 00:01   #14
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Bun. Povestea e super misto dar cine a scris-o???? Ca as vrea sa citesc si alte chestii de acelasi autor in caz ca mai are.
ps. M/am cacat pe mine de ras. Ai fost inspirat cu copy paste. Pacat ca nu ai pus numele autorului.
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Old 24 Mar 2004, 09:14   #15
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Din pacate nu stiu. L-am primit si eu pe mail si l-am dat mai departe.
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Old 29 Mar 2004, 15:20   #16
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For thousands of years, men have tried to understand how to deal with women. Now, behavioural scientists have come up with an infallible merit/demerit system to help men manage. Remember, in the world of romance one single rule applies: Make the woman happy.

Do something she likes and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects. Sorry, that's the way the game is played.

Here's a guide to the points system:


You make the bed [+1]
You make the bed, but forget to add the decorative pillows [0]
You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets [-1]
You replace the toilet paper roll when it runs out [0]

When the toilet paper has run out, you resort to Kleenex [-1]
When the Kleenex runs out you use the next bathroom [-2]
You go out to buy her tampons [+5]
in the snow [+8]
but return with beer [-5]
and no tampons [-25]
You check out a suspicious noise at night [0]
it turns out to be nothing [0]
it turns out to be something [+5]
you pummel it with a six iron [+10]
it's her cat [-40]


You stay by her side the entire party [0]
You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with an old university drinking mate [-2]
named Tiffany [-4]
Who is a dancer [-10]
With breast implants [-18]


You remember her birthday [0]
You buy a card and flowers [0]
you take her out to dinner [0]
you take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar
Okay, it is a sports bar [-2]
and it's all-you-can-eat night [-3]
it's a sports bar all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colours of your favourite team [-10]


Go out with a pal [0]
The pal is happily married [+1]
The pal is single [-7]
He drives a Ferrari [-10]
With a personalised number plate (GR8NBED)[-15]


You take her to a movie [+2]
You take her to a movie she likes [+4]
You take her to a movie you hate [+6]
You take her to a movie you like [-2]
It's called Death Cop III [-3]
Which features cyborgs that eat humans [-9]
You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans [-15]


You develop a noticeable beer gut [-15]
You develop a noticeable beer gut & exercise to get rid of it [+10]
You develop a noticeable beer gut and resort to loose jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts [-30]
You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too." [-800]


She asks, "Does this dress make me look fat?" You hesitate in responding [-10]
You reply, "Where?" [-35]
You reply, "No, I think it's your bum"[-100]
Any other response [-20]


When she wants to talk about a problem: You listen, displaying concerned ___expression [0]
You listen, for more than 30 minutes [+5]
You relate to her problem and share a similar experience [+50]
Your mind wanders to last weekend's game and you suddenly hear her saying, "well, what do you think I should do ??" [-100]
You have fallen asleep [-200]


You talk [-100]
You don't talk [-150]
You spend time with her [-200]
You don't spend time with her [-500]
You are seen to be enjoying yourself [GAME OVER - YOU
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Old 29 Mar 2004, 16:28   #17
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nu puteai sa le traduci? mi-e lene sa citesc in engleza
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 29 Mar 2004, 17:03   #18
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barbatii sunt misogini, femeile sunt misandrine...
mai e cineva normal pe lumea asta????? :roll:
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Old 29 Mar 2004, 17:25   #19
The White Rider
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http://hal.cs.tuiasi.ro/~adycrt/stiati_ca.swf - check it out :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 29 Mar 2004, 21:41   #20
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
http://hal.cs.tuiasi.ro/~adycrt/stiati_ca.swf - check it out :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Asta-i cea mai buna poanta de aici!!!

(si tot la porcu' ala ma gandesc... :lol: :lol: :lol: )
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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