Filme comedie, 2013, SUA

Son of Ghostman (2013)
Stripped (2013)
The Caterpillar's Kimono (2013)
The Debacle (2013)
The Fable of Shannon Cable (2013)
The Immortal Augustus Gladstone (2013)
The Mighty King of Love (2013)
The Nextnik (2013)
The Space Jockey Pursuit (2013)
The Turtle and the Time Machine (2013)
Three of One Kind (2013)
Tom Dick & Harriet (2013)
Tom, Dick și Harriet
Fetching (2013)
Prieteni adevărați
Dealin' with Idiots (2013)
Dealin' with Idiots
This Magic Moment (2013)
O clipă magică
The Ridicule (2013)
The Ridicule
Sarah Silverman: We Are Miracles (2013)
Sarah Silverman: Suntem niște miracole
Întâlnire cu micul tău Troțki interior (2013)
Encounters with Your Inner Trotsky Child
Shrek the Musical (2013)
Shrek the Musical
Grow Up, Tony Phillips (2013)
Maturizează-te, Tony Phillips!