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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:02   #461
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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re: publik nu este o revista high-brow - este pt un public tinar & trendy care vrea sa fie 'up-to-date' in kestiuni de cultura urbana.
nu vad ce gasesti atit de revoltator in ac. revista... daca nu este vorba de batrinul-&-vechiul sindrom 'strugurii sint acri', atunci poate ar trebui sa-ti recalibrezi asteptarile la ce exista pe piata romaneasca & la ce vrea re: publik. nici mai mult, dar nici mai putin.

in ce ma priveste, eu sustin sus & tare ac. format, pt ca mi se pare quite simply the best there is: are nerv, kwoaie, condeie s.cl. are atitudine. are stil. si nu i-e frica sa spuna: 'imparatul e gol'!

ma-ndoiesc ca nighwane (care e un tip inconsistent & cu gusturi dubioase; vezi ce-a scris dspr 'mdl') e kiar peste ce se scrie in revista. dar ma rog, tu esti amic cu el & e normal sa crezi asta...

in privinta acuzei de 'non-high-brow', pe care mi-ai adus-o indirect, iti amintesc ca mai scriu si in 'idei in dialog', dupa cum continui sa scriu si in 'libertatea' (din 1994 neintrerupt!). nu vad nici o 'cezura' aici; sint stiluri diferite pt publicuri diferite. dar ma deranjeaza atunci cind unii se fac ca nu stiu ca scriu in publicatii f diferite ca factura & nivel, batindu-mi obrazul ca, vezi doamne, sa scrii in 'libertatea' (sau 'elle'!) e cih... well, NU e - si sint la fel de mindru ca scriu acolo ca si-n revista lui pata.
i come in one & the same package!
a bon entendeur, salut.
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:07   #462
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
re: publik este pt un public tinar & trendy

Asta nu e definitia pt Cool Girl, Bravo, Popo-corn si restul revistelor pt muieri proaste?
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:10   #463
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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nu, alea sint ce citesti tu.
re: publik is way out of yr league...
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:14   #464
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Sa-ti zic cum sta treaba cu REublik. Reugnik NU e o revista cool. E o revista necesara in Rromania. Si atat. E o revista ok at times, infecta at times dar merita un ochi aruncat printre pagini. Si o citesc pt ca nu am altceva de citit dar si pt ca,in oarecare masura imi place. Asa ca degeaba zici ca e o revista cool. Ca sa fie revista cool tre sa aiba ceva concurenta si, cum nu exista nici o alta revista de gen, pula cool!
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:16   #465
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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i am totally cool - si n-am nici o concurentza!
now how do u explain that!?
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:20   #466
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cum esti???
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:23   #467
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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as in C.O.O.L.
why, did u miss that? :shock:
the only uncool thing is that i'm talking to u...
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:25   #468
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te pun eu sa vb cu mine? go go go. run home to your momma pana nu ma rostogolesc peste tine.
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:27   #469
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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ai vrea tu sa te rostogolesti peste mine...
in the meantime, all u get is these short kicks for masturbation
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:30   #470
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stai calma ca nu vreau sa te fut. even i wouldn't sink that low. rostogolit in sensul de storcoshit. cu un mare SHIT la urma.
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:32   #471
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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gee, didn't u hear? u are low. as in 'lowlife'. whereas i'm high. as in 'high-brow'. our worlds never meet. except virtually.
so dream on.
& don't let me get night-mares...
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Old 02 Jan 2006, 12:42   #472
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right. stick to fishing from now on.
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Old 03 Jan 2006, 11:43   #473
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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fishing for compliments - it's one of my favorite sports
but i know i won't be getting any from u, so why bother talkin?
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Old 03 Jan 2006, 11:55   #474
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if at first you don't succeed, try,try again.
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Old 03 Jan 2006, 12:06   #475
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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any compliment u might come up with is lost on me.
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Old 03 Jan 2006, 18:32   #476
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Noroc cu DVD-ul, salveaza numarul asta parca prea impregnat de spiritul sarbatorilor, nu vazusem "In the Mood for Love" si ma bucur sa pot adauga filmul acesta in colectia personala.
O chestie care m-a deranjat... Revista asta prea se straduie sa impace toate gusturile tinerilor "trendy" si parca nu reuseste sa ia nici o pozitie. Exemplu: daca in pag. 10 ne indeamna cu convingere sa ne revoltam "impotriva masinariei publicitare vrajitoresti numite Harry Potter", ajunge doar sa rasfoim cateva pagini ca sa vedem o cronica plina de entuziasm al aceluiasi film cu un "re:gal" tiparit in dreptul titlului. Pana la urma eu cu ce impresie ar trebui sa raman dupa ce citesc revista?
Although I'd like to join the crowd in their enthusiastic cloud, try as I may, it doesn't last.
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Old 03 Jan 2006, 23:58   #477
Dead Man Walking
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mda... jumping over some posts, vroiam sa scriu dece nu-mi place re:publik...

draga leo (how sis that sound?)
tu esti un critic bun de cinema, si te citesc de fiecare data cu atentie cand scrii in ziare (just beacuse i live abroad doesn't mean i have no access to mass-media from romania)... numai ca in re:publik, scrii o mica laba facuta la comun cu toti cei care scriu acolo (sau macar in numarul asta... or fi sarmalele de vina, lenea, sau oboseala???). nu ai substanta, si asta se vede, se simte si se citeste.
si cam asa m-am simtit citind tot numarul. am stat, m-am chinuit sa gasesc substanta din articole, si am descoperit ca there is none... nu stiu, tu pe forum esti f. high-brow, scrii bine, te pui insa foarte des si la mintea cocosului, iar acolo, o freci... si nu freci menta, ca aia ar fi misto, dar freci podeaua, you'de down, low, underground.
apropos, se vrea revista asta urbana, dar nu e nici mainstream si nici underground... n-ar nici un ehilibru.
deh, m-am abonat, o sa vad, mai citesc numere, si sper ca anu care vine aduce mai multa inspiratie, si mai multe articole cu substanta.

salve voua tuturor.
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Old 04 Jan 2006, 10:50   #478
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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auzi bai nea... nae,
ce 'substanta' vrei, bre, intr-o cronik de 1500 semne!? substanta e - sau nu e - in film; in review-ul filmului, punctezi de ce (nu) trebuie vazut.
am mai zis-o si o repet: the best criticism (of the future) va fi de tipul 'thumbs up/down'! non-verbal. sign language. capisci?
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Old 04 Jan 2006, 14:04   #479
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pentru asta se pot face fitzuici...distribuite gratis
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 05 Jan 2006, 12:08   #480
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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ce sa faci cu fitzuici, de bine ce nu se va mai citi? :lol:
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