Distribuţie Blind Ambition


Blind Ambition


Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Annabella
Vanessa Angel Vanessa Angel Autumn milestone
Christopher Atkins Christopher Atkins Wild bill
Sonia Rockwell Sonia Rockwell Jackie
Brittney Bomann Brittney Bomann Mandy
Jaysha Patel Jaysha Patel Young Sapna
Sewell Whitney Sewell Whitney Marathon Official
Justin Kelly Male Moviegoer
Christina Blevins Christina Blevins Prom Goer
Jennie Floyd Marathon Spectator
Devin Leigh Pedestrian
Daniel Marin Athlete
Tricia Zunker Woman in Park


Tim van der Linden camera and electrical departme
John Lazear camera and electrical departme
Steve Nave coordonator casting
Ivy Thaide costume
Omi Vaidya montaj
Noley Thornton Echipa
John David Denison second unit director or assist