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Old 08 Jul 2005, 18:35   #2721
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(Monty Python's) Life of Brian - 9/10: asa am sarbatorit terminarea bacului... Cred ca dupa admitere ma inec intr-o baie de Monty Python... si am sa reincep sa vorbesc despre filmele astea. :?
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 08 Jul 2005, 19:53   #2722
The One and Only Gollum
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Friends-Season 6 9/10 4 more to go...
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 08 Jul 2005, 22:04   #2723
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batman begins 7/10 - ajuns acasa acuma in nici un caz nu o sa arunc dvd-ul cu "returns" care a fost si ramane the batman movie pt mine, dar i got my kicks si cu ce avem aici. destul de bine inchegat si egal pt ceva mai mult de doua ore insa am apreciat mai mult a doua bucata (gotham) decat prima (cu "devenirea"), si taman invers cred ca se astepta din partea spectatorilor. in rest, standard summer action fare.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 08 Jul 2005, 22:20   #2724
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Sezonul 3 din Scrubs - can't get 'nough of those scrubs...u gotta lov' them...
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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Old 09 Jul 2005, 00:37   #2725
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3-Iron (2004), de Kim Ki-duk...o poezie ce se recita singura, filmul iti intra in suflet si iti cere sa evadezi alaturi de Tae-suk intr-o alta lume mai apropiata de fiinta, mai linistita si plina de speranta...o calatorie in sufletul oricui...coloana sonora e sublima si face juma' de film...
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 09 Jul 2005, 08:21   #2726
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Filantropica 7/10 Mafia cersetorilor nu da roade.Oricum,un film romanesc misto.
Y Tu Mama Tambien 7/10 Mai mult,aia faceau f***,decat film,mi s-a parut o drama interesanta.
The force be with you!
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Old 09 Jul 2005, 18:27   #2727
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Si in sfarsit
Sezonul 4 din Scrubs - cel mai tare...imi pare rau ca s-a ternat...dar se poate revede over...and over...and over again...
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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Old 09 Jul 2005, 19:03   #2728
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Sezonul 1 din Desperate Housewives. Am asteptat ceva timp pana am facut rost de ep 23 da' a meritat. Astept cu interes sezonul 2. Gabrielle si Bree are sooo hot.
Switched On Lotus
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 04:42   #2729
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Crash (Cronenberg) 9/10 - Mi-a placut Videodrome si asta mi-a placut si mai mult. Si cicatricele Cronenberg style si sfarcul pe metal. This man's great. Mi s-a parut justificat sexul in cantitati industriale, avand in vedere ca era studiat un fetish.

Wonderboys - 9/10 - Nu auzisem de el pana acum. Comedie onesta, Michael Douglas foarte ok, Tobey Maguire so-not-crybaby-fucked-leo-dicaprio-style, adica foarte ok. -1 pentru ca are cateva momente penibile, care puteau fi taiate cu usurinta. 9 pentru ca are niste replici pur si simplu geniale. Last thing you would expect intr-un film cu Tobey si Michael Douglas. Gen "Well, he did say a few things that made me believe it was his car. - Like what? - That's my car, motherfucker." si "Now, that is a big trunk. It holds a tuba, a suitcase, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly. That's just what they used to say in the ads." si altele care nu au nici un farmec scrise.
apocalypse please
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 07:30   #2730
WitchKing of Angmar
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Laws of Atraction 6/10 dragutz..that's all

Mystic River 9/10 excetpional.a fost cu o intarziere mai mare,dar m-a lasat speechless; nu actiunea ci mai mult actori shi felul cum au jucat.brilliant sean penn
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 13:05   #2731
The White Rider
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Chris Rock - NEver Scared 5/10 - porcarii rasiale si vesnicile probleme ale mariajului ... hai sa spunem ca a mers

The Longest Yard - also known as or copy/pasted - Mean Machine. Chris Rock incepe sa ma enerveze cu glumele lui despre albi si negrii. Unde aterizeaza vomita numai dume despre sclavie si superioritatea albilor. Sandler - the same, restul = figuranti care se placheaza unu pe altu'.

Club Dread - 6.5/10 - nebunie curata, situatii penibile, satira adusa tuturor filmelor cu serial killers. Rezultat = mi-a dat cu virgula ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 13:19   #2732
kasper hauser
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Originally Posted by Cinemania:

Santa Sangre ('89) de A. Jodorowsky

"I stretch out my hands to thee:
my soul thirsts for thee like a
parched land...
Teach me the way I should go,
for thee I lift up my soul."

...geniu...impresionant...nu pot decat sa ma inchin in fatza unei opere de arta...sa tac si sa admir... (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

Sa incerci si Rainbow thief, nu e nici pe departe atat de rau pe cat se spune...
"Silencio"(Mulholland Drive)
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 14:34   #2733
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)...fair entertainment...with ups and downs...7/10

@kasper hauser

o sa incerc sa-l vad...
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 15:30   #2734
The One and Only Gollum
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Friend-Season 7 9/10

Apple seed 7/10 un anime grozav despre incerarea oamenilor de a convietui cu "bioriod-ii" ("clone" ale oamenilor), dupa al treilea razboi mondial...

Ghost in the shell 4/10 nu prea a fost pe placul meu dar o sa ma uit si la ghost in the shell 2 sa vad cum e...
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 18:36   #2735
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Millions, Danny Boyle.

Misto, spre foarte misto, din cand in cand genial.

bravo drace.
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 18:42   #2736
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The Unsaid - decent flick...cu un Andy Garcia bun in rolul unui psiholog si el bun 6/10
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 20:23   #2737
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1 the pacifier 1/5 adik (*) :sick:
deci vin diesel face ce au mai facut si arnold ( kindergarden cop) si hulk hogan (in filmu ala de tot kktu pe care il tot da prostv-ul)
partea trista e ca filmu e mult mai prost
si gasca( sau rata) insuficient folosita
porobabil de teama sa nu fure integritatea vreunei scene de great acting and meaningfulness d la mr diesel
singura chestie amuzanta e un dialog
gen "u really have big breasts..!! are u wearing a bra?? will my beasts grow as big as yours?" (fetita de 10 ani catre mr diesel)
2 filantropika 5/5 :shock: :w00t: :love: :love: :hmm: 8)
un scenariu admirabil, faze memorabile, ceva poezie
gotta love it
3 ambience-the movie 4/5 :shock: :hmm: :w00t: :huh:
great tricks& some trippin stuff
un pistol aratat absolut penal si gratuit
un porumbel sau cam asa ceva probabil metaforic trantit intro secventa din care nu se intelege nimic
activitati de zi si noapte prin parcari si alte locuri publice
experimente in mare parte d efect din montaj
si un soundtrack cu acid jazz impecabil dozat
4 la veille dame et les pigeons 5/5 :love: :w00t: :love: :love: :love: :love: :huh:
inainte de tripletelle din orasu frumos, facut de aceeasi echipa
the ultimate pigggggeon movie....
absurd si minunat
si sarcastic la adresa americacanilor
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 10 Jul 2005, 23:00   #2738
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War of the Worlds - un general 7.50/10, pentru efecte mai mult...dar pentru sfarsit mai putin ca na, nu a fost la nivelul asteptarilor la nimeni (oricum alta metodata de a-i distruge trebuie sa recunoasteti ca nu exista)
Dakota a facut treaba ei adik a tipat...ceea ce mi se pare perfect normal pentru un copil ca sa nu mai spun fetita de 11-12 ani cat are in film...
Fiul e prea putin important pentru a mentiona ceva despre el...
Cruise nu a fost cine stie ce...sincer nici nu i-am simtit prezenta...pentru ca toate efectele astea mi-au atras atentia...si la sfarsit cand i-a spus soldatului "uite, nu mai are scut!!!" si au inceput aia sa traga cu bazooka (degeaba zic eu ca tot cadea pana la urma...
deci in concluzie un film care trebuie fazut neaparat la cinema...eu l-am vazut acasa, nu a avut acelasi efect dar aici a plouat si a tunat exact ca in film deci feelingu a fost asemanator...
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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Old 10 Jul 2005, 23:16   #2739
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The Amityville Horror - deloc original, cu un story si scenariu simpliste, nu la fel de ocult ca primele 2...singurul plus:Ryan Reynolds in rolul tatalui posedat de spiritele suparate 5/10
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 11 Jul 2005, 00:51   #2740
Unlikely Messiah
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Juste toate observatiile tale - inclusiv aia cu "uite, nu mai are scut!" - când äla era deja pe cäzutelea-n bot. Uite-aici topicul, pentru discutii mai aprofundate:
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