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Old 19 Feb 2006, 22:21   #241
Join Date: Jan 2006
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O zi obisnuita de lucru

Te trezesti,
Nokia, Colgate, Nescafe, Hochland, Orbit.
Renault, Compaq, Epson, Nokia, Nokia, Nokia.
McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Orbit.
Compaq, Epson, Nokia, Nokia, Nokia. Renault.
Nokia... Nokia.
Te culci.
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Old 19 Feb 2006, 22:23   #242
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ACRU – Unitate de mãsurã a acrelii. Ex: am
o soþie de 3 acri ºi o soacrã de 5

ACTRIÞÃ – Matriþã pentru fabricarea acelor

A GENERALIZA – Verb mai mare în grad decît "a

ALIDADA – Fratele mai mic al lui Ali-Baba (pe
fratele mijlociu, din respect pentru
dumneavoastrã, nu-l amintim)

APOPLEXIE – Stare de disconfort creatã de apa
provenitã de la vecin, neconvenþional,
prin tavan

BIROCRAÞIE – Democraþie originalã, bazatã pe
încasarea cît mai multor biruri, cam ca
la noi

BULDOZER – Aparat sofisticat utilizat la
repartizarea în fiecare litru de sifon a
163.172.249+3 bule de CO 2

CIMBRU – Marcã poºtalã din Banat

CONTRADICÞIE – Ceva împotriva dicþiei, spre exemplu

DOGMÃ – "ªi ce rasã zici cã e cîinele ãsta?"

EXTRACTOR – Fost tractor la C.A.P., actualmente
piese de schimb în Turcia

EVADAT – Rãspuns pentru "Cine dat þie mãr,

FÃÞIª – Îndemn adresat celor mici

FURCULIÞÃ – Mãrturisire fãcutã în instanþã

GHINION – Variantã moldoveneascã pentru
ardelenescul "Bine, Ioane"

MERITORIU – Teritoriul ocupat de livada de meri

MILA – Pereche de note muzicale folositã la
mãsurarea distanþelor; se cunosc: mila
terestrã, mila marinã ºi mila publicã

NASTURE – Plasture pentru nas

PITON – Peºte a cãrui lungime declaratã se
obþine din cea realã prin înmulþire cu 3,14

PASPARTU – Salut adresat de gazdã, la plecare,
unui gurmand autoinvitat de Revelion

PLASTURE – Nasture din material plastic

SARCINA – "Dupã cum arãþi, ar trebui sã sari ºi

SCARABEU – Cetãþean ce locuieºte la bloc, pe
scara a doua; din aceeaºi familie de
cuvinte se cunosc scaraceu ºi

TRACTOR – Actor cu mult trac.

ÞURÞUR – Sunetul soneriei, iarna

YETI – Filmul lui Spielberg, "E.T.", pe
ecranele Iaºiului
Horia Criºan & Alimpie Sevastian
("Râsu' Lumii", 2/1990, 11/1990, 14/1990, 9/1995, 1/1996)

BATALION – Fratele mai mic al plutonierului Batal

BIRMANIA – Predispoziþie maladivã a unui
ministru de finanþe de a pune noi taxe
ºi impozite

CASCÃ – Ordin pe care comandantul îl dã
militarilor cu puþin timp înainte de

COLONEL – Intestinul subþire

HAITI – Grupuri de lupi flãmînzi care bîntuie
prin judeþul Botoºani

LIBERTATEA – Privilegiu de care se bucurã
PRESEI un ziarist la ieºirea din închisoare

MAIOR – Turist care bate drumurile cu maiul

MOLIERE – Cutiuþe în care se pãstreazã naftalina

POLIÞIA CÃLARE – Echipaj al Poliþiei care se ocupã cu

TIMIDÃ – Femeie care foloseºte în orice
împrejurare furculiþa

TIR – Camion turcesc în care ºoferul
ÎNCRUCIªAT dezleagã integrame împreunã cu o
fetiþã rãtãcitã prin parcare

TUN – Victoria finalã în asediul unei bãnci
Mihai Frunzã ("Þeapa", 2/1998, 3/1998)

AMPULÃ – Amintiri din tinereþe

GARGARÃ – Boalã parlamentarã

MUCOASÃ – Posibilã purtãtoare de SIDA, în jur
de 16 ani

SIFILIS – Munca de Sisif a lui Lis

MÎNCÃRIME – Creaþii ale poeþilor ardeleni, în versuri
albe: mîncã rime

DIABET – Boalã plinã de afecþiune, care te duce
cu zãhãrelul ºi-n final… îþi face felul!
Ananie Gagniuc ("Þeapa", 4–5/1999)

FUSAR – Husar fustangiu

GARDENIE – Legãturã de rudenie între un tip isteþ
ºi un gard; zicãtoare popularã: "înalt ca
bradu' ºi prost ca gardu"

GHERILÃ – Un moº simpãticuþ care dãruieºte copiilor din Cambodgia, Honduras ºi
Peru cadouri drãguþe: mitraliere,
pistoale, grenade, mortiere…

HOLDING – Sistem de alarmã pentru holuri

LEªINÃ – Pe unde merge le tren

NATRABT – Trabant aflat pe linia de montaj,

NASOL – Amintiri despre viitor

RATEU – Pateu din carne de raþã

TUTUN – A-armã de-de-de a-a-artilerie

AIUREA – Loc bine determinat spre care ne

ALOPECIE – Cãderea pãrului, de pildã cînd pomul
este lovit cu toporul la rãdãcinã

ALTERCAÞIE – Schimb de cuvinte cu parul

BASCÃ – Femeie din Pirinei, cu marginile
îndoite înãuntru

CELULOZÃ – Boalã cãpãtatã în închisoare

COMBINEZON – Lenjerie uºoarã, transparentã, purtatã
de lucrãtorii de pe combine

DIHOR – Pîrþ cu blanã

HERMAFRODIT – Fetiþ care este bãiatã

LEUCEMIE – Cancerul monedei naþionale

MOPS – Cîine care a fãcut ceva box la viaþa lui

SCUMPETE – Termen drãgãstos adresat femeii
iubite în inflaþie

SOPRAN – Cîntãreþ cu alea mici, mici

ÞÎNÞAR – Pãsãri de casã la Dracula

ÞÎÞÃ – Sîn care nu ne mai place

VEDETÃ – Navã micã de rãzboi care se bucurã
de o deosebitã popularitate
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Old 20 Feb 2006, 04:05   #243
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Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 20 Feb 2006, 13:24   #244
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by Supastar:
O zi obisnuita de lucru

Te trezesti,
Nokia, Colgate, Nescafe, Hochland, Orbit.
Renault, Compaq, Epson, Nokia, Nokia, Nokia.
McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Orbit.
Compaq, Epson, Nokia, Nokia, Nokia. Renault.
Nokia... Nokia.
Te culci.

how sad! durex doar 1/zi, si numai seara...
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Old 20 Feb 2006, 19:38   #245
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Fascinant: http://mblog.lib.umich.edu/%7Erdivec...rld_of_sm.html
I play to win
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Old 22 Feb 2006, 23:20   #246
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Shakira anyone..?

It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 22 Feb 2006, 23:40   #247
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Once upon a time, in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned bunny and
an orphaned snake. By a surprising coincidence, both were blind from birth.
One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake was
slithering through the forest, when the bunny tripped over the snake and
fell down.

This, of course, knocked the snake about quite a bit. "Oh, my," said the
bunny, "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I've been blind since
birth, so, I can't see where I'm going. In fact, since I'm also an orphan, I
don't even know what I am." It's quite ok," replied the snake. "Actually, my
story is as yours. I too have been blind since birth, and also never knew my
mother. Tell you what, maybe I could slither all over you, and work out what
you are so at least you'll have that going for you."

"Oh, that would be wonderful" replied the bunny. So the snake slithered all
over the bunny, and said, "Well, you're covered with soft fur, you have
really long ears, your nose twitches, and you have a soft cottony tail. I'd
say that you must be a bunny rabbit."

"Oh, thank you, thank you," cried the bunny, in obvious excitement.

The bunny suggested to the snake, "Maybe I could feel you all over with my
paw, and help you the same way that you've helped me."

So the bunny felt the snake all over, and remarked, "Well, you're smooth and
slippery, and you have a forked tongue, no backbone and no balls. I'd say
you must be either a team leader, supervisor or possibly someone in senior
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 22 Feb 2006, 23:50   #248
Unlikely Messiah
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E-te, cucu!
Era parlamentar toatä ziua!
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Old 25 Feb 2006, 14:11   #249
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"It's not all hearts and flowers. Romantic love, that feeling of euphoria we expect in the West, is a lower priority among some in places such as India and Taiwan. Photographer Jodi Cobb scoured the globe to document how people define love and how it fits into their lives."

"That thing called love"

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Old 25 Feb 2006, 20:26   #250
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cine vrea un link tare?
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 26 Feb 2006, 01:39   #251
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I.M.M., Obvious, Mala, Cherryblosson, europe_east, lestatika, Anda Onessa, Marge (...nu; Marge s-a dus...), Demona, Lady_Skar...! Nu räspunde nimeni?
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Old 26 Feb 2006, 02:21   #252
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It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 28 Feb 2006, 06:52   #253
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very nice ( and music the same)

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 28 Feb 2006, 16:40   #254
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s'il vous plait cinemanie
pray NOW!
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Old 28 Feb 2006, 16:52   #255
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
s'il vous plait cinemanie

but of course...stai sa ajung acasa ca l-am dosit pe acolo pe undeva
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 28 Feb 2006, 20:53   #256
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
s'il vous plait cinemanie

no ashe, ca ai fost cel mai curajos, uite linkul:


PS: da' nu te supara pe mine, da? ci da-l mai departe
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 01 Mar 2006, 05:22   #257
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Airlight, ti-am zis coane sa nu-ti mai parchezi masina la intamplare...e al treilea casetofon care ti se fura absolut aiurea...treaba ta.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 01 Mar 2006, 06:45   #258
Unlikely Messiah
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Am pus la Ars Poetica niste chestii care numai "paste" nu-s, cä-n rest, sunt "copy-, dadaisme si aberatii" cât încape!
(Au o legäturä si cu Nico Laescu, da' sub Tilä.)
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Old 04 Mar 2006, 02:15   #259
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Intrati pe www.google.com si scrieti Failure. In loc de Search, dati I'm feeling Lucky :lol:
I play to win
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Old 04 Mar 2006, 08:27   #260
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In loc de "Failure" scrieti "Ass hole" si apasati pe acelasi buton de "I feel lucky"... e mult mai tare. :lol:
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