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Old 12 Jul 2004, 11:30   #61
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Nu am sustinut ca as fi profund niciodata, ci doar era o parere personala cinstita. Am inteles ca tie nu ti-a placut si e dreptul tau, dar nu te mai lua de altii asa degeaba.

Parca era o chestie in latina care spunea ceva de gusturile oamenilor....
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 12:08   #62
The White Rider
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Kred k multzi l-au citat pe Korben ... sunt de acord cu el - ma regasesc printre cei sub 18 ani carora le-a placut filmul - deshi am 22. :w00t:
Mi-am luat filmul akasa shi nu ma pot opri din "privit" ... it's freaking brilliant.
"the wall crawler" i se spune - in partea a2a am vazut wall crawling doar la scandalul cu Aunt May. Ash fi vrut mai mult...
Iar ce m-a enervat un pic a fost secventza teaser - dupa ce o salveaza pe Aunt May (faza asta care a fost mai mult flash) : nesimtzire
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 16:31   #63
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film bunicel, nu extravagant. M-au cam plictisit partea romantica.
Efecte de iti cad ochii in gura. 225 mil. $ sunt foarte multi bani.
"If we have to give them our lives... we give them HELL before we do it!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 16:33   #64
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Originally Posted by georgerc:

Nu am sustinut ca as fi profund niciodata, ci doar era o parere personala cinstita. Am inteles ca tie nu ti-a placut si e dreptul tau, dar nu te mai lua de altii asa degeaba.

Parca era o chestie in latina care spunea ceva de gusturile oamenilor....

Ce ai spus tu acolo e una din legile fundamentala ale unui film. Normal ca unora or sa le placa si altora o sa le para de cacat! Ca doar nu le place tuturor! De-asta am ras foarte tare la citirea mesajului tau. Bine ca nu ne spune cineva ca geamurile daca dai cu o piatra in ele se sparg si ca daca te impiedici cazi si, desigur, ca ploaia e uda. Multumim georgerc!
apocalypse please
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 16:35   #65
The Space Cowboy
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Originally Posted by georgerc:
Parca era o chestie in latina care spunea ceva de gusturile oamenilor....
De gustibus et coloribus non discutandum...
Tradusa in romana gresit... gusturile nu se impun, dar se discuta ...nu ? :?
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 21:01   #66
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Ce ai spus tu acolo e una din legile fundamentala ale unui film. Normal ca unora or sa le placa si altora o sa le para de c****! Ca doar nu le place tuturor! De-asta am ras foarte tare la citirea mesajului tau. Bine ca nu ne spune cineva ca geamurile daca dai cu o piatra in ele se sparg si ca daca te impiedici cazi si, desigur, ca ploaia e uda. Multumim georgerc!

Ha, ha, nici chiar asa.... Departe de mine sa zic asa ceva.... Eu vroiam sa spun ca, spre deosebire de alte filme, unde mai sunt si unii care zic ca au fost asa si asa, ca nici nu le-a placut, nici nu le-a displacut, Spider-man a generat mai mult extreme: este super sau este naspa de tot.
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 07:12   #67
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L-am vazut in Germania la cinema cu Dolby Surround de la mama lui de acasa. Foarte civilizat. Film de (*) (*) (*). Mi-a placut dar ma asteptam la mai mult. Chiar reusit din punctul de vedere al efx si acvel fragment cu "raindrops falling on my head". Parca era un cu totul alt film. A prins bine. Dar in rest mai aveam putin si adormeam pana intra Spidey in actiune. :sleep:
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 09:02   #68
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Personalitatea lui J Johnah Jameson : "What? You looking for a raise ? Get out of here!"
"You're fired, no wait you're unfired!"
"Can you pay me in advance ? :lol: :lol: :lol: You serious?"
chiar amuzant!
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 09:16   #69
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net picking:


Capturing SpiderMan
Spider-Man saves the world from super-powered evildoers. Nels Israelson saves the world from bad movie posters.

The photographer behind posters for such blockbuster films as “Spider-Man 2,” “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “X-Men 2,” Nels snaps movie-goers awake with his ability to make the physically impossible seem perfectly reasonable and the physically possible, otherworldly.

Parachuting In
“One of the features of specializing in film advertising,” he says, “is the thrill-seeking schedule. My work tends to involve intervals of quiet punctuated by a big photo bell going off. Then I run to slide down my photo pole and jump into my photo boots.

“I only parachute in for my moment,” Nels says, stretching the metaphor, ”when all cylinders line up — the studio’s marketing process, the agency’s timetable, the actor’s availability and the production’s protective preoccupation with making the movie.”

Which explains, in part, why Nels switched to digital when he shot Spider-Man for “Spider-Man 2” posters.

“One of the features of film advertising is the thrill-seeking schedule. My work tends to involve intervals of quiet punctuated by a big photo bell going off.”

A Gigantic Advantage
Digitally shooting the stuntman for the “Spider-Man 2” poster “was a gigantic advantage,” Nels says. “First, we were really up against a deadline, so there wasn’t a lot of time to process film and send out for scans.

“But we also knew that, working digitally, we could be more effective at shooting Chris Daniels, the stunt man. Stunt work is very difficult work. And shooting the character of Spider-Man for the poster is a dynamic, stunt-oriented image-making process.

Modeling Spider-Man.
Stunt man Chris Daniels strikes a pose for the movie poster.
“It was great to have the digital system when we needed Chris to hit these strenuous poses, because I could gather around the PowerBook with the creative team, and we could look at it and say ‘Okay. That’s it.’”

While Daniels caught his breath following a strenuous section of the shoot, the creative team — Nels, Chris, Josh Goldstine from Sony Pictures and Rick Lynch from the BLT Agency — reviewed results on the PowerBook. “We could look at the frames and say, ‘Okay. No more balancing on one foot. We got it.’”

Right to the Limit
Part of the reason Nels was able to get what he needed in such a compressed timeframe, he says, “is that we had the review process right there. Working digitally, we could see what was or wasn’t working technically or creatively.”

Using the PowerBook, Nels and his assistants could inspect small areas of the image to make sure that the complex lighting — hard and soft rimlighting and a minimum of fill — stayed within the limits of the digital capture system.

“When you’re shooting comic book stuff,” he says, “there are certain riffs, certain kinds of lighting, posing and staging that aren’t easy to do well or right. Even after years of playing with lighting, it’s still really hard to dial in. With the high-resolution image right there on your screen, on the set, you can really push things to the limit.”
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 10:41   #70
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am vazut shi eu Spidey 2 ...mi-a placut chiar daca nu sunt sub 18 ani ...uneori simti nevoie de un blockbuster..iar majoritatea nu se ridica la inaltimea ashteparilor..shi acum chestii care mi-au placut foarte mult :
- genericul=genial ! :w00t:
-Maguire...(intrebare pt Lady_S daca nu putem sa-i vedem "chestia" lui Hulk..spidey de ce nu shi scoate camasha mai des?adik se rupsese la un moment ...d c nu s-a rupt de tot ? e tot o regula a comicsurilor?...Damn..i am so shallow!)
maguire &Dunst fac un cuplu foarte reushit ...shi joaca bine amandoi insa cel mai mult mi-a placut J.J. ...exact ca-n desenela animate ..pana shi parul e la fel...iar replicile lui sunt mortale!..in rest ..mi-a placut ca filmul a avut mai mult umor decat primul (scena din lift .. :lol: .."ma cam strange intre picioare!"..shi ca sa raspund la o intrebare a lui Lady_S (cred ca ea parca intrebase)does Spidey wear underweare?..hm..i don 't think so....all that stands between us and him is a thin piece of fibre!)
ce a lipsit au fost replicile lui Spidy pline de sarcasm...poate vin in partea a 3-a ..(in primul mi se pare ca a avut cateva..dar acum .. :sleep: )in rest celor carora actiunea li s-a parut prea "over the top ",....probabil nu v-ati uitat la desenele animate...Scena mea preferata ..cea din tren ..SUPER...deci ca o concluzie "Spider-man "un film asfalt!
we all need heroes
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 12:56   #71
The White Rider
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Spider-Man 2 Up to $370.3 Million Worldwide! sursa : Superherohype.com ash zice BOXOFFICE agree ???
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 21:54   #72
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L-am vazut si eu azi. Super filmul, cel mai bun pe care l-am vazut anul asta in afara de LOTR3. Nu m-a lasat nici un moment sa ma plictisesc, iar scena din tren e preferata mea.

E aproape clar acum ca Goblinu se intoarce in partea 3 dar sper sa nu fie singuru inamic. Oricum, nu cred ca vor putea sa faca un film cu super-eroi care sa-l depaseasca pe acesta
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 12:19   #73
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Scorpion:
E aproape clar acum ca Goblinu se intoarce in partea 3 dar sper sa nu fie singuru inamic. Oricum, nu cred ca vor putea sa faca un film cu super-eroi care sa-l depaseasca pe acesta
sa vina VENOM sa ma ridice la cer ... atata timp cat new york-ul e a lui Spidey ... e baiat de cartier ...
Dk il baga doar pe Goblin e de kk rau de tot. Sper sa ramana Sam Raimi la carma acestui film ... :?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 12:40   #74
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
sa vina VENOM sa ma ridice la cer ... atata timp cat new york-ul e a lui Spidey ... e baiat de cartier ...
Dk il baga doar pe Goblin e de kk rau de tot. Sper sa ramana Sam Raimi la carma acestui film ... :?

Da ce mah tre sa fie un singur personaj negativ in 3? Poate o sa introduca 2... desi mie greu sa cred (da mai stii...). Si Sam Raimi cre ca ii prelungesc ei activitatea... pluseaza ei o suma... "nerefuzabila"
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 12:45   #75
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Da ce mah tre sa fie un singur personaj negativ in 3? Poate o sa introduca 2... desi mie greu sa cred (da mai stii...). Si Sam Raimi cre ca ii prelungesc ei activitatea... pluseaza ei o suma... "nerefuzabila"
da pai shi cu Tobey a fost la fel ... n-a vrut sa mai joace initzial shi in partea a2a dar l-au convins "lejer" shi dupa aia au declarat ca era mai mult de cat nerabdator sa joace rolul lui Pete - again - asta a declarata Avi Arad. Deci cam asha merg lucrurile la Hollywood!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 14:10   #76
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Spider-Man 2 Up to $370.3 Million Worldwide! sursa : Superherohype.com ash zice BOXOFFICE agree ???

La noi, in primul week-end, cam 37.000 $ (cam slabutz si, incredibil, mai putin decat Harry Potter!)... sursa: CineMagia.

Si daca tot suntem aici, cat de des se actualizeaza sectiunea BoxOffice Premiere
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 14:56   #77
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@ ladyskar
felicitari pt signature
dovedeste si ca esti un adevarat comics fan, si ca hormonii iti sunt in stare de functionare, dar si ca nu ai vazut filmuletul in care batman, superman, wonderbra (pardon wonderwoman) si storm o pun de un sex in grup pe o terasa. remarcabil, mai ales prin modul demonstrativ in care incalca postulatul tau si se renunta total la textile sau licra sau ce`or fi
@ gandalf
ca esti inca pustan la minte si ti`a placut filmul desi ai peste 18 ani nu este o chestie care sa fie de criticat
dar sa numesti sp2 "brillinat" este o mare nesimtire
in anumite cercuri, unii admit cda se balacesc cu maxim entuziasm in filme de kko, dar numesc asta "placeri vinovate" si-si asuma opinia foarte personala, nu sar sa`l numesca sclipitor
@ nu mai tin minte exact cine
faptu ca gasesti sp2 ca fiind cel mai bun film al anului dupa lotr3 ma face sa nu ma obosesc sa`ti replik mai mult
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 14:58   #78
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si tot la capitolul "exista hormoni" trebuie sa remarc postul lui danica.
foarte funny
keep going
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 15:43   #79
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by KORBEN:
@ gandalf
ca esti inca pustan la minte si ti`a placut filmul desi ai peste 18 ani nu este o chestie care sa fie de criticat
dar sa numesti sp2 "brillinat" este o mare nesimtire
in anumite cercuri, unii admit cda se balacesc cu maxim entuziasm in filme de kko, dar numesc asta "placeri vinovate" si-si asuma opinia foarte personala, nu sar sa`l numesca sclipitor
Poate k n-am folosit cel mai bun adjectiv dar pot spune ca la capitolul efecte speciale filmul chiar e brilliant. Shi la mine hormonii fierb la fel k la 14-16 ani. Imi place la nebunie ca nu am ajuns un ignorant shi imi plac aceste "desene animate" de filme. Shi asha voi fi multa vreme de akum inckolo. Poate ar fi trebuit sa folosesc "placeri vinovate", dar filmul este cel mai bun din toata "gloata" asta de filme cu super eroi. Ptr mine este brilliant.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 15:45   #80
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Originally Posted by MinRep:
Si daca tot suntem aici, cat de des se actualizeaza sectiunea BoxOffice Premiere

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