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Old 27 May 2006, 23:35   #1
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Elizaveta Bam

Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 28 May 2006, 05:18   #2
Unlikely Messiah
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Old 28 May 2006, 09:59   #3
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bah ce s-a intamplat e nevoie de ceai de menta sau de telina....?
k ink nu s-a specifikt ce-i moale si ar trebui sa fie tare...... :lol:
Farewell is sometimes hello forever
Lady L
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Old 28 May 2006, 13:39   #4
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de Tocilescu aþi auzit? E nenea ãla care prezintã filmele de vineri noaptea pe TVR1. E, ãla mai face ºi regie de teatru/musical/operã.
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Old 28 May 2006, 14:52   #5
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e mason si are un fiu scriitor...

ps: si are si diabet.
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Old 28 May 2006, 15:22   #6
Unlikely Messiah
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Si boalä de-aia de rinichi... na, c-am uitat cum îi zice... :? Aia de dacä nu te duci regulat la doctor, mori. Se trateazä c-un prieten al meu arhitect.
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Old 28 May 2006, 16:24   #7
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by marx:
e mason si are un fiu scriitor...

ps: si are si diabet.

dl marx are 'dosaru' tuturor
oops, sorry: am vrut sa zic la toti, k sa fie in ton cu indeletnicirea...
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Old 28 May 2006, 19:53   #8
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in dosaroteca mea figurezi ca expert in mondenitati.
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:43   #9
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marx, zi-mi ºi mie, dintre regizorii mondiali de film care sunt masoni? cã sunt curios.
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:45   #10
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on topic: mai ruleazã marþi www.bulandra.ro/program.htm
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:47   #11
Unlikely Messiah
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Mozart, George Washington, Regina Beatrix a Olandei, Mihail Sadoveanu si Nicolae Bälcescu.
(Filme n-am auzit sä fi fäcut - da' masoni, sigur!)
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:52   #12
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sigur, de morþi ºtie toatã lumea sau se poate afla care au fost. dar marx pare sã aibã dosare cu informaþii ºi despre cei în viaþã.
dintre preºedinþii americani nu numai George Washington. ºtiu cã toþi în afarã de Kennedy au fost/sunt masoni.
oricum, ce conteazã? doar de curiozitate întreb.
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:56   #13
Unlikely Messiah
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Originally Posted by Leonard:
dintre preºedinþii americani nu numai George Washington. ºtiu cã toþi în afarã de Kennedy au fost/sunt masoni.
Normal! Am folosit o sinecdocä. Ce voiai, sä ti-i însir aici pe toti? Ne-apuca dimineata.
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Old 28 May 2006, 22:59   #14
Unlikely Messiah
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De fapt, stai...
Uite ce-am gäsit. Toti ästia a fost / este masoni (si nu orice masoni: din-äia mari de tot!):

Abergavemy, Marchiz de...
Acheson, Dean
Adeane, Lord Michael
Agnelli, Giovanni
Alba, Duce de...
Aldington, Lord
Aleman, Miguel
Allibone, Profesor T. E.
Alsop, reprezentantul familiei...
Alteta Sa Regalä, Printesa Beatrix
Alteta Sa Regalä, Regina Margreta
Amory, Houghton
Anderson, Charles A.
Anderson, Robert O.
Andreas, Dwayne
Asquith, Lord
Astor, John Jacob, si succesorul säu, Waldorf
Aurangzeb, descendentii lui...
Austin, Paul
Baco, Sir Ranulph
Balfour, Arthur
Balogh, Lord
Bancroft, Baron Stormont
Barnato, B.
Barran, Sir John
Baxendell, Sir Peter
Beatrice de Savoia, Printesä
Beaverbrook, Lord
Beck, Robert
Beeley, Sir Harold
Beit, Alfred
Benn, Anthony Wedgewood
Bennet, Hopkinson W.
Benneton, Gilberto - sau, alternativ, Carlo
Bertie, Andrew
Besant, Sir Waltwer
Bethal, Lord Nicholas
Bialkin, David
Biao, Keng
Bingham, William
Binny, J. F.
Blunt, Wilfred
Bonacassi, Franco Orsini
Botther, Fritz
Bradshaw, Thronton
Brandt, Willy
Brwester, Kingman
Buchan, Alastair
Buffet, William C.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William
Bush, George
Cabot, John. Reprezentantul familiei
Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony
Cadman, Sir John
Califano, Joseph
Carrington, Lord
Carter, Edward
Carlin, Donat
Casa de Braganza
Casa de Hohenzollern
Catto, Lord
Cavendish, Victor C. W., Duce de Devonshire
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chang, V. F.
Chechirin, Gheorghi, sau reprezentantul familiei
Churchill, Winston
Cicireni, V., sau reprezentantul familiei
Cini, Conte Vittorio
Clark, Howard
Cleveland, Amory
Cleveland, Harland
Clifford, Clark
Cobold, Lord
Coffin, Reverend William Sloane
Constanti, Casa de Orania
Cooper, John, reprezentantul familiei
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Conte
Cowdray, Lord
Cox, Sir Percy
Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring
Crowther, Sir Eric
Cumming, Sir Mansfield
Curtis, Lionel
d'Arcy, William K.
d'Aremberg, Marchis Charles Louis
d'Avignon, Conte Étienne
Danner, Jean Duroc
David, John W.
de Beneditti, Carlo
de Bruyne, Dirk
de Gunzberg, Baron Alain
de Lamater, General Maior Walter
de Menil, Jean
de vries, Rimmer
de Zulueta, Sir Philip
Delano, reprezentantul familiei
Dent, R.
Detering, Sir Henri
di Spadaforas, Conte Guitierez (Casa de Savoia)
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec
Drake, Sir Francis
Duchene, François
Edward, Duce de Kent
Eisenberg, Shaul
Elliott, Nicholas
Elliott, William Yandel
Elsworthy. Lord
Farmer, Victor
Forbes, John M.
Foscaro, Pierre
France, Sir Arnold
Fraser, Sir Hugh
Frederick al IX-lea, Rege al Danemarcei, reprezentantul familiei
Freres, Lazard
Frescobaldo, Lamberto
Fribourg, Michael
Gabor, Dennis
Gallatin, Albert, reprezentantul familiei
Gardner, Richard
Geddes, Sir Auckland
Geddes, Sir reay
George, Lloyd
Giffen, James
Gilmer, John D.
Giustiniani, Justin
Gladstone, Lord
Gloucester, Duce de...
Gordon, Walter Lockhart
Grace, Peter J.
Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur
Greenhill, Sir Dennis
Grey, Sir Edward
Gyllenhammar, Pierres
Haakon, Rege al Norvegiei
Haig, Sir Douglas
Hailsham, Lord
Haldane, Richard Burdone
Halifax, Lord
Hall, Sir Peter Vickers
Hambro, Sir Jocelyn
Hamilton, Cyril
Harriman, Averill
Hart, Sir Robert
Hartman, Arthur H.
Healey, Dennis
Helsby, Lord
Heseltine, Sir William
Hesse, Mare Duce de...; descendentii, reprezentantul familiei
Hoffman, Paul G.
Holland, William
House, Colonel Mandel
Howe, Sir Geoffrey
Hughes, Thomas H.
Hugo, Thieman
Hutchins, Robert M.
Huxley, Aldous
Inchcape, Lord
Jamieson, Ken
Hapjet, Ernst Israel
Jay, John, reprezentantul familiei
Keynes, John Maynard
Jord, J. J.
Joseph, Sir Keith
Katz, Milton
Kaufman, Asher
Keith, Sir Alexander
Keswick, Sir William Johnston, sau Keswick, H.N.L.
Keswick, William Johnston
Kimberly, Lord
King, Dr. Alexander
Kirk, Grayson L.
Kissinger, Henry
Kitchener, Lord Horatio
Kohnstamm, Max
Korsch, Karl
Lambert, Baron Pierre
Lawrence, G.
Lehrman, Lewis
Lever, Sir Harold
Lewin, Dr. Kurt
Lippmann, Walter
Livingstone, Robert R., reprezentantul familiei
Lockhart, Bruce
Lockhart, Gordon
Linowitz, S.
Loudon, Sir John
Luzzatto, Pierpaolo
Mackay, Lord, de Clasfern
Mackay-Tallack, Sir Hugh
Mackinder, Halford
MacMillan, Harold
Maiestatea Sa, Regina Elizabeth a II-a
Maiestatea Sa, Regina Juliana
Matheson, Jardine
Mazzini, Giuseppe
McClaughlin, W. W.
McCloy, John J.
McFaydean, Sir Andrew
McGhee, George
mcMillan, Harold
Mellon, Andrew
mellon, William Larimer, sau reprezentantul familiei
Meyer, Frank
Michener, Roland
Mikovan, Anastas
Milner, Lord Alfred
Mitterand, François
Monnet, Jean
Montague, Samuel
Montefiore, Lord Sebag, sau Episcop Hugh
Morgan, John P.
Mott, Stewart
Mountain, Sir Brian Edward
Mountain, Sir Dennis
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Munthe, A., sau reprezentantul familiei
Naisbitt, John
Neeman, Uyval
Newbigging, David
Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal
Norman, Montague
O'Brien of Lotherby, Lord
Ogilvie, Angus
Okita, Saburo
Oldfield, Sir Morris
Oppenheimer, Sir Ernest, si succesorul säu, Harry
Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech)
Orsini, Franco Bonacassi
Ortolani, Umberto
Ostigy, J. P. W.
Paley, William S.
Palme, Olaf
Palmerston, Lord
Palmstierna, Jacob
Pao. Y. K.
Pease, Richard T.
Peccei, Aurellio
Peek. Sir Edmund
Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal
Perkins, nelson
Pestel, Eduard
Peterson, Rudolph
Petterson, Peter G.
Petty, John R.
Philip, Print, Duce de Edinburgh
Piercy, George
Pinchott, Gifford
Pratt, Charles
Price Waterhouse, reprezentant
Rainier, Print
Raskob, John Jacob
Rees, John Rawlings
Rees, John
Rennie, Sir John
Rettinger, Joseph
Rhodes, Cecil John
Rockefeller, David
Role, Lord eric of Ipsden
Rosenthal, Morton
Rostow, Eugene
Rothmere, Lord
Rothschild, Elie de... sau Edmon de... si/sau Baron Rothschild
Runcie, Dr. Robert
Russell, Lord John
Russell, Sir bertrand
Saint Gouers, jean
Salisbury, Marquisse de Robert Gascouigne Cecil. Shelburbe, The Salisbury, Lord
Samuel, Sir Marcus
Sandberg, M. G.
Sarnoff, Robert
Schmidheiny, Stephan - si fratii säi, Thomas, Alexander
Schoenberg, Andrew
Schultz, George
Schwartzenburg, E.
Shawcross, Sir Hartley
Shiloach, Rubin
Silitoe, Sir Pwercy
Simon, William
Sloan, Alfred P.
Smuts, Jan
Sproull, Robert
Stals, Dr. C.
Stamp, Lord Emily, reprezentant
Steel, David
Stiger, George
Strathmore, Lord
Strong, Sir Kenneth
Strong, Maurice
Swathling, Lord
Swire, J. K.
Tasse, G., sau reprezentantul familiei
temple, Sir R.
Thompson, William Boyce
Thompson, Lord
Thyssen-Bornamisza, Baron Hans Heinrich
Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey
Turner, Sir Mark
Tuyron, Lord
Urquidi, Victor
Van Den Broek, H.
Vance, Cyrus
Verity, William C.
Vesty, Lord Amuel
Vickers, Sir Geofffey
Villiers, Gerald Hyde, alternativ cu familia
Volpi, Conte
von Finck, Baron August
von Hapsbrug, Arhiduce Otto, Casa de Hapsburg-Lorena
von Thurn si Taxis, Max
Wallenberg, Peter, sau reprezentantul familiei
Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr.
Waburg, S. C.
Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara
Warner, Rawleigh
Warnke, Paul
Warren, Earl
Watson, Thomas
Webb, Sydney
Weill, David
Weill, Dr. Andrew
Weinberger, Sir Caspar
Weizman, Chaim
Wells, Herbert George
Wheetman, Pearson (Lord Cowdray)
White, Sir Dick Goldsmith
Whitney, Straight
Wiseman, Sir William
Wolfson, Sir Isaac
Wood, Charles
Young Owen
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Old 29 May 2006, 00:28   #15
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Pittis mai e mason, cum de nu stia domnu' regizor?!

ps: marii regizori au fost marxisti :oops:
masoni nu cunosc, dar robert bresson, ala cu balthasarul, era janseist (sau cum s-o scrie), in rest doar pacatosi....
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Old 29 May 2006, 08:06   #16
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si, sa nu uitam, anticrestini... sper sa nu trezesc iar monstrul!
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 24 Apr 2007, 00:08   #17
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v-am zis eu cã e tare.
premierul UNITER pentru cel mai bun spectacol din 2006!!!!!!
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 24 Apr 2007, 05:39   #18
Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante
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Originally Posted by marx:
in dosaroteca mea figurezi ca expert in mondenitati.
Am ras. " :lol: "
Dragostea de tara naste prosti
Romania e o tara plina de banci, farmacii, cazinouri si shaormerii
E o tara de prostituate, de hoti de buzunare si portari cu simtul raspunderii
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Old 24 Apr 2007, 08:42   #19
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by Carmine Galante:
Originally Posted by marx:
in dosaroteca mea figurezi ca expert in mondenitati.
Am ras. " :lol: "

rizi dupa un an.
u r SO late! :w00t:
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Old 24 Apr 2007, 11:46   #20
Piotr Buendia
Piotr Buendia
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efect intarziat
Nous sommes du Soleil. We love when we play.
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