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Old 16 Jan 2010, 22:30   #101
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Daca pentru voi anii 90 se limiteaza la chestiile pe care le-ati enumerat pe aici, you're missing on a lot.
90's =

edit: si pentru ca am omis ceva de pe lista de blasfemii, cazul Pete Doherty. daca as avea un buton care sa-l faca sa nu fi existat niciodata, l-as apasa in secunda asta.

Last edited by miercuri : 16 Jan 2010 at 22:34.
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Old 16 Jan 2010, 22:34   #102
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Windom, horny mood, cumva ?

Si da, ultimu' album Rammstein a fost bun!
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Old 17 Jan 2010, 00:04   #103
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Daca pentru voi anii 90 se limiteaza la chestiile pe care le-ati enumerat pe aici, you're missing on a lot.
90's =

edit: si pentru ca am omis ceva de pe lista de blasfemii, cazul Pete Doherty. daca as avea un buton care sa-l faca sa nu fi existat niciodata, l-as apasa in secunda asta.
Pai pt tine 90s inseamna Generatia Pro- or stg.. Anii 90 exista muzical prin Metallica si gasca imensa de rockeri care se pisau pe rap si DM. Restul e tacere...
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Old 17 Jan 2010, 00:16   #104
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Daca pentru voi anii 90 se limiteaza la chestiile pe care le-ati enumerat pe aici, you're missing on a lot.

Cine zice ca ne limitam la atat (combinat, zic)? Ce ne scapa valoric vorbind?
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 17 Jan 2010, 10:59   #105
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Evident ca tot suntem biased cand vine vorba de aprecierile astea, dar eu prin triada mea anti-2000 am incercat sa fiu obiectiva luand in calcul cat mai multe genuri si cam tot mainstreamul. Tu zici ca pentru tine emo nu exista, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu exista pentru anii 2000 si ca nu e din pacate unul din cele mai influente curente ale deceniului trecut.
Nu prea are sens sa continuam discutia in ritmul asta. E normal ca mie sa mi se para anii 90 cel mai misto deceniu ever cand mai mult de jumatate din albumele mele preferate dateaza de atunci. Si repet, mi se pare singurul deceniu care a sunat bine pe toate planurile muzicale, nu numai cele care ma intereseaza pe mine. O sa incerc sa exemplific intr-un topic separat ce inseamna asta.
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Old 19 Jan 2010, 09:30   #106
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Album: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)
Artist: Wilco

O capodopera unanim recunoscuta, YHF e un album deopotriva sofisticat si melodic, experimental si clasic, genul acela de disc pe care daca il asculti de 10 ori si tot gasesti ceva nou, de fiecare data, in el. Adica exact opusul reziduurilor mind-numbing care circula pe posturile de radio de azi.

nota: 10 / 10 (esential)


Heavy Metal Drummer

Pot Kettle Black

Ashes of American Flags
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Old 19 Jan 2010, 10:07   #107
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Animal Collective, Merriweather Post Pavillion

Il tot ascult, incercand sa pricep fascinatia tuturor specialistilor, care-l considera, unanim, in primele trei albume ale lui 2009. Inca n-am reusit...

Dar imi place piesa asta, totusi

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Old 19 Jan 2010, 10:21   #108
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Wow, esti primul om (in afara de mine) pe care il aud sa nu-i placa Merriweather
Eu unul am aceeasi senzatie si vis-a-vis de Tv on the radio: Why everybody likes'em and I don't ?
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Old 19 Jan 2010, 10:24   #109
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Nu ca nu-mi place - nu-l pricep. Nu-i pricep sound-ul. E ca LCD Soundsystem acum un an sau doi - cel mai bun album al anului si eu nu intelegeam de ce. Pricep, mai degraba, Amadou si Mariam
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 19 Jan 2010, 12:51   #110
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Originally Posted by Chambord:
Eu unul am aceeasi senzatie si vis-a-vis de Tv on the radio: Why everybody likes'em and I don't ?
Si eu am aceeasi senzatie. Dar se cam subintelege ca sunt incercata foarte des de senzatii din astea, m-am cam resemnat.
Nu stiam ca au scos Animal Collective album nou, mereu aflu noutatile din muzica cu intarziere. O sa-l ascult si eu, but I only like them moderately, deci toate sansele sa mi se para so-so

Ultimul album ascultat a fost
King Britt - King Britt Presents Sister Gertrude Morgan (2005)

Soundtrackul True Blood m-a facut sa-mi ciulesc urechile la piesa New World in My View.
King Britt e un DJ experimental din Philadelphia, iar Gertrude Morgan a fost o predicatoare evangelista din New Orleans pe la mijlocul secolului trecut, ale carei predici erau o imbinare de performance art, spiritualitate africana si crestina. Remixurile lui King Britt au la baza un album inregistrat de ea prin anii 70. Rezultatul e foarte hipnotic, voodoo-ish. Noroc cu HBO ca mai dezgroapa astfel de gems.

edit: chiar, care e top... 3-ul vostru pe 2009?
la mine ar fi:
1. Manic Street Preachers
3. Patrick Wolf
Ar mai fi si Soulsavers, The Antlers si poate Fever Ray, dar nu-s prea hotarata in privinta lor...si inca o gramada pe care n-am apucat sa le ascult integral, bineinteles.
U2, Placebo si Muse au fost dudele anului

Last edited by miercuri : 19 Jan 2010 at 13:03.
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Old 19 Jan 2010, 13:22   #111
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Dead Man's Bones, Madness, Grizzly Bear, Patrick Wolf, Arctic Monkeysii si, spre propria-mi disperare, Florence and the Machine incepe sa creasca in mine. Mai sunt si altii...
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".

Last edited by Im.Kino : 19 Jan 2010 at 15:52.
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Old 20 Jan 2010, 08:48   #112
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my picks:

1 Part The Second 2009 Maudlin Of The Well
2 The Hazards Of Love 2009 The Decemberists
3 Hymn To The Immortal Wind 2009 Mono

dudele anului: ultimele Muse si Flaming Lips

in plus mai am o lista lunga de ascultat:

Grizzly Bear 2009 Veckatimest
Thrice 2009 Beggars
Built to Spill 2009 There Is No Enemy
The XX - The XX 2009
Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca 2009
The Horrors - Primary Colours 2009
Mumford & Sons 2009 Sigh No More
Beak> 2009 Beak>
Lightning Bolt 2009 Earthly Delights
Wild Beasts 2009 Two Dancers
Bell Orchestre 2009 As Seen Through Windows
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Old 20 Jan 2010, 09:56   #113
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Nu fiti rai, Muse are un farmec asa, aparte - e ideal pentru un joc de-a Guess Who? Regula e simpla, aplicata fiecarei piese de pe album: Cine ghiceste cel mai repede (dupa cat mai putine acorduri) ce trupa urmeaza a fi pastisata.
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 20 Jan 2010, 10:32   #114
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Adica dintre Queen, Depeche Mode ... si care ar mai fi ?
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Old 20 Jan 2010, 10:40   #115
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Eei, nu ma pune s-ascult albumul sa notez Cele doua trupe mentionate, frumos alternate, pe la mijloc niste System of a Down, ceva sterpelituri de la Chopin... nu e suficient?
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Old 21 Jan 2010, 14:45   #116
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Tocmai am incheiat reascultatea lui Twelve (2007), albumul de cover-uri al lui Patti Smith (unii din cei "preluati" ar trebui sa renunte la meserie, really!)
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 29 Jan 2010, 17:17   #117
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Massive Attack - Heligoland (2010)
Ca tot leakuise am zis sa-l incerc, mi-a fost recomandat cu mare entuziasm de niste prieteni muzicofili care asculta cateva sute de albume noi pe an. N-am terminat inca de audiat, dar impresia e destul de clara, mi se pare un album atat de insipid. O sa ma simt asa aiurea sa le zic ca nu mi-a placut. O sa reascult Mezzanine zilele astea sa-mi aduc aminte de ce imi placeau Massive Attack.

Sa speram ca leakul de la The Knife n-o sa fie tot o dezamagire.
edit: nici The Knife nu e ce voiam eu. Bummer.

Last edited by miercuri : 29 Jan 2010 at 17:35.
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Old 30 Jan 2010, 09:18   #118
cu v mic
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Epica - Design Your Universe [2009]

Dezamăgitor... prea multe piese asemănătoare cu cele vechi.
E prea clişeic să spui că e clişeic.
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Old 12 Feb 2010, 10:49   #119
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Paul Breazu scrie cronica de muzica saptamanala, la Dilema
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Old 12 Feb 2010, 17:22   #120
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Thumbs up Tomaso Albinoni

1. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto a chinque Op.9/2 D-minor - 1. Allegro non presto (3:43)
2. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto a chinque Op.9/2 D-minor - 2. Adagio (4:13)
3. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto a chinque Op.9/2 D-minor - 3. Allegro (2:51)
4. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/2 C-major - 4. Allegro (2:01)
5. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/2 C-major - 5. Adagio (1:00)
6. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/2 C-major - 6. Allegro (1:50)
7. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/6 D-major - 7. Allegro (2:40)
8. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/6 D-major - 8. Adagio (1:39)
9. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/6 D-major - 9. Allegro (2:14)
10. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto �* 5 Op.9/9 C-major - 10. Allegro (4:00)
11. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto �* 5 Op.9/9 C-major - 11. Adagio (2:29)
12. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto �* 5 Op.9/9 C-major - 12. Allegro (3:28)
13. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/8 D-major - 13. (no tempo) (2:18)
14. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/8 D-major - 14. Largo (1:58)
15. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/8 D-major - 15. Allegro (1:45)
16. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/5 C-major - 16. Allegro (3:20)
17. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/5 C-major - 17. Adagio (1:56)
18. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/5 C-major - 18. Allegro (3:09)
19. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/3 B flat-major - 19. Allegro (2:47)
20. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/3 B flat-major - 20. Adagio (2:02)
21. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.7/3 B flat-major - 21. Allegro (2:13)
22. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/3 F-major - 22. Allegro (4:30)
23. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/3 F-major - 23. Adagio (2:13)
24. Stefan Schill - Nicol Matt: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, - Concerto Op.9/3 F-major - 24. Allegro (3:55)
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