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Old 12 Aug 2005, 00:39   #1
Unlikely Messiah
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Chestia aia cu $30,000,000 în banca tribului Baluba

De sase ani de când netuiesc, îmi vin cu regularitate e-mail-urile alea pe care le stiti cu totii: cicä-n câte-o bancä din Angola sau Mozamburic e un ditamai contu de j-de-milioane de parai, si dacä däm în scris cä baba care-a murit acolo färä mostenitori era Tusa Safta a lu' Trei Cârlige, ne vine nouä 90% din mälai si-si tin si ei de-un Cico (nu Dumitrescu).
Ultima mi-a venit ieri. Asta era de la un irakian bolnav de cancer care-a cäzut în cäcästoare când era mic, säracu', si pe urmä l-a gazat Saddam în cur.

Intâmplätor, stie cineva cine puii mei e fetele si ce vrea ele? Cä toatä tzeapa e asa de tâmpitä, cä-i näscutä moartä din start. E clar cä tot rostu-i sä le dai un räspuns. DA' DE CE?
(Cä de pildä, nu-i ca chain-mail-urile alea cu Bill Gates dând cu dolarii d-a azvârlita, si altele ca ele, care urmäreau sä suprasolitice serverele. Aici, ästia asteaptä UN e-mail. Ce sä facä cu el?
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Old 12 Aug 2005, 11:43   #2
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da un forward la mesajul asta pt moi...is curios asta de care mai e...
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 12 Aug 2005, 14:30   #3
Unlikely Messiah
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Da' crezi cä-l mai am? L-am sters din prima!
Cum ziceam: un irakian bätut de soartä, si pe urmä, textu' standard.
Oricum, dacä mai vin, o sä-ncep sä fac colectie. Devine un hobby.
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Old 19 Aug 2005, 16:50   #4
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pai astea sunt faimoasele scrisori nigeriene. ma bucura sa vad ca aceasta traditie se extinde

detalii & explicatii si aici:
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Old 19 Aug 2005, 17:15   #5
Unlikely Messiah
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Eteee püla!
Bäi, da-s de-a dreptu' tâNNpiti!
Desi, la câti tânpiti se mai egzistä pe netu' ästa, nu m-as mira s-aud cä mai muscä unii momeala.
Oricum, eu, pânä m-am plictisit, le räspundeam cu:

Sorry, I can't help you right now, but try some of my friends here:
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Old 02 Oct 2005, 01:23   #6
Unlikely Messiah
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Am mai primit o Scrisoare Nigerianä! Yote-o!


Dear Sir/,

I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance
of Bank Of African (BOA). I crave your indulgence as i contact you in
such a
surprising manner. But I respectfully insist you read this letter
as I am optimistic it will open doors for unimaginable financial
rewards for
both of us.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of Twenty Million Five
Hundred Thousand US dollars (US$20.5m) only , in an account that
belongs to
one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in
November 2000 in a plan crash. Since we got information about his
death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim
money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as
next of
kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines
unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin
or relation died along with him at the plan crash leaving nobody behind
the claim.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this
proposal to you so that the money could be released to you as the next
kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement
nobody is coming for it and i dont want this money to go
into the bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money
unclaimed after five years, the money will be transferred into the Bank
treasury as "unclaimed fund".The request for a foreigner as next of kin
this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a
foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
agree that 30% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner, in
respect to the provision of a foreign account , 10% will be set aside
expenses incurred during the business and 60% would be for me.

There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the
percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of
fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relation
next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name,your bank account
number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective
communication and location wherein the money will be remitted. Upon
of your reply,I will send to you by fax or email the text of the
application.I will not fail to bring to your notice that this
transaction is
hitch free
and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required
arrangements have been made for the transfer. You should contact me
immediately as soon as you receive this letter.

Trusting to hear from you immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Bill and exchange manager,
BANK OF African BOA.
Burkina Faso.

Si uite si ce i-am räspuns yo: :lol:

O, Your Princiary Highness!
Thank you for your confidence!
OK, we will do this business as agreed! You found the RIGHT MAN for it, since I'm not only honest and reliable, but also very poor and in dire need of money! I don't have one cent in my purse, and I have to pay urgent debts of almost $3,000, else all my property will be confiscated and I'll also lose my house.
So, you are the answer to all my prayers!
To begin our transaction, please, send to me $3,000, so that I can pay my debts and be able to deal with you.
Of course, this is not supposed to be a "gift", but a credit. In exchange, you will retain the double of this amount (namely, $6,000), from the final 30% that I'm entitled at the end of our business together.
(I'm certain you have $3,000 to spare for a short while, in your own savings and assets, ô, Prince Abdallah, as a bank manager.)
Transfer the funds, please, in my following account (that's sadly empty, at this moment!):
Gratefully yours,
Mihnea Columbeanu, aka Pitbull

Si-acum, astept scrisoarea aia-n care-o sä-mi zicä:
"Da', bä nene, io n-am bani!"
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Old 22 Oct 2005, 03:40   #7
Unlikely Messiah
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Si una din Togo:


(Ia uite, mä ia direct cu "Dragä" - sau poate "Dragule"! :huh: )

Good day to you and your family.I want to greet you in the name of
the Almighty God.I will like to introduce myself to you.

I am Michael B Tony,a brother to the junior wife of the late President
of Togo,My sister is here in Ghana with me because she does not
want to stay in Togo again and because she is not treated well by
her other rivals and also her step-son who is now the ruling
president of Togo.

She told me of an amount of money which her late husband deposited
with Alpha Lynex Security company in Amsterdam to which she has
all the related documents to it in her name as the next of Kinf with one
of her late husbands good lawyer here in Ghana.

She now wants to make the claim from the security company in
Amsterdam but she needs a foreign partner who can help us in
investments and also guide us as our foreign partner and also
get into partnership with you.

I want you to understand that,this transaction is 100% legal and have all
the related documents with a good and prominent lawyer here in Ghana.

As soon as i hear from you,i will give you the contact details of
the lawyer and also of the security company in Amsterdam where
these boxes of money are deposited.I will like you to treat this
at outmost secrecy as my sisters reputation is at stake her.

If you are willing to help my sister who's husband's other
wife's and children wants to claim what belongs to her,please forward your
contact details to me for easier communication and i will give you
the contact details of the security company and lawyer.

Hope to hear positively from you soonest and also feel free to ask
any questions as it will be answered to make you clear of things.

Thanks and God Bless.
Michael B Tony.

I-am zis sä mute actiunea-n Uruguay sau Chile, cä-i teren virgin acolo,
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Old 04 Nov 2005, 11:49   #8
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Din pacate nu a citit nimeni raspunsurile, pentru ca adresele acelea de e-mail ("from address") nu exista.
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Old 12 Nov 2005, 10:32   #9
Unlikely Messiah
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Ai sä râzi! EXISTA!!! Altfel, cum sä-i prindä în plasä pe fraieri?

Zilele trecute mi-a mai venit una, si am corespondat cu tipul pânä azi. A fost un deliciu. V-am salvat si vouä: luati de vä distrati:

From : ericdaniel <ericdaniel@jubii.dk>
Sent : Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:18 AM
To : "ericdaniel ericdaniel" <ericdaniel@jubii.dk>

Dear Friend,
Longest time, I hope all is well together with your family,
if so glory be to God Almighty. Well, Sorry to hear this news
and understand that the fault is not from me. I'm happy to
inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred
under the cooperation of a new partner from paraguay.
Presently i'm in Paraguay for investment projects with my own
share of the total sum. meanwhile,i didn't forget your past
efforts andattempts to assist me in transferring this funds
despite that it failed us some how.

Now contact my secretary in Benin his name is MR MICHAEL BLAZE
on his E-mail address stated below.
(michael_blz@yahoo.co.uk) phone number +229-97093379

Ask him to send you the total Amount of $400,000 U.S dollars
which i kept for your compensation for all the past efforts
and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your
efforts at that time very much. so feel free and get in
touched with my secretary Mr Michael Aand instruct him where
to send the money and send him your Bank details information
so that he will submit it to the Bank where i directed him for
them to inffect the payment into your norminated Bank account
without delay. Please do let me know immediately if you
receive it so that we can share the joy after all the
sufferness at that time ok, In the moment, I’m very busy here
because of the investment projects which me and the new
are having at hand, finally, remember that I have forwarded
instruction to the secretary on your behalf to instruct the
paying Bank where i have
account to wire the money to you as soon as you send your
details information without delay, so feel free to get in
touch with MR MICHAEL BLAZE , he will inform Bank to wire the
money immediately to you without any delay as i instructed
him to do.
Best Regards
Mr. Eric Daniel.

Bun. I-am scris lui "Michael Blaze", si...
Iel cät'ä minie:

From: michael blaze
> > > >Subject: Draft Delivery.
> > > >Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 13:34:40 +0000 (GMT)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >My Dear
> > > >
> > > >Your email well received, as i have been expecting to hear from you
> > > >since. Anyway, my boss left a certified bank draft of US$400,000,00,
> > >which
> > > >i was instructed to send to you as soon as you requested for
> >it.currently
> > > >the draft is here with me in Benin Republic and i will mail the draft
> >to
> > > >you from here as soon as we arranged for the mailing process.And for
> >your
> > > >information you are to bear the cost of mailing the draft to you, which
> > >is
> > > >going to cost you $230,00 as the draft will be mail via Diplomatic
> > >Courier
> > > >Service Company, and my boss does not left any money for the mailing of
> > >the
> > > >draft. So, it's left for you to inform me when you will send the money
> > > >so that i can be able to mailing the bank draft to your address as my
> > >boss
> > > >instructed.
> > > >
> > > >Furthermore, the copy of the bank draft can be send to you via email
> > > >attachement for confirmation.While i will be expecting to have the
> > >mailing
> > > >fee to enable me send the draft immediately.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Thanks and remain blessed.
> > > >
> > > >Waiting for your soonest reply.
> > > >
> > > >Regards
> > > >Mr.Michael Blaze

Io cät'ä iel:

> > >Dear Michael,
> > >You will keep the $230,00 from the total amount, plus $5,000 as a
> >personal
> > >gift for you, from my part, to express my gratitude. Please, don't feel
> > >offended by this offer, it's just a measure of my friendshp and
> >gratitude.
> > >This deal came into a very hard period of my life, after having lost all
> >my
> > >assets and being crowded by huge debts. Can you imagine that, at this
> > >moment, my bank account is empty, and I don't have even one dollar to
> > >spare?
> > >I can barely pay for my own sustenance and my son's, with the paltry $100
> >I
> > >earn every week. It's really a Godsend, for which I'm the most grateful
> >to
> > >you.
> > >So,, please consider the $230,00 as already sent, use well your due
> >$5,000,
> > >and transfer to me the remaining $394,770.
> > >Gratefully yours,
> > >Mihnea aka Pitbull

Iel cät'ä minie:

> > >Thanks for your mail,
> > >Note tht i am secretary paid per month $30 dollars withy a large
> >family,So
> > >i can't afford to pay the mailling fees of $230 dollars,My dear i will
> > >advise as a partner to my boss to look for means and raise this $230
> > >dollars,To enable me mail your draft to your address.
> > >I wait your news
> > >Regards
> > >Mr Michael

Io cät'ä iel:

> >Dear Michael,
> >Thank you for your email, and let me assure you I understand very well the
> >situation, since we are both poor people, underpaid and in need to support
> >our children. As such, I'm even happier that I decided to reward your
> >efforts with my sincere gift of $5,000.
> >Of course, I didn't think for one instant that you should pay the transfer
> >by your own funds! This is why I suggested that you will keep the $230, for
> >the fare, from my own due amount.
> >Let me also suggest to you another mean, even simpler.
> >In time, certain friends in far away countries, impressed by my financial
> >hardships, helped me by sending small amounts for food. They used the
> >transfer services Western Union and MoneyGram. Some of them used to pay the
> >transfers from the same amount that they sent - for example: they sent by
> >MoneyGram $100, but I received only $91, because the service kept the $9
> >due
> >for the transfer.
> >This would be an excellent way to do it, and everybody will have only to
> >gain.
> >I'm waiting to hear from you,
> >Bes for you and for your large family,
> >Mihnea aka Pitbull

Iel cät'ä minie:

> >Thanks for your mail,
> >Ok,how much do you have at hand right now?Let me see is i will help.
> >I wait your news
> >Regards
> >Mr Micheal

Io cät'ä iel:

>Dear Michael,
>Right now, what I have at hand is zero dollars, zero cents. Today, i will
>collect from a company about $30, that will cover the food for me and my son
>during the next week. In fact, this is my usual pattern: every week, I earn
>for my work a few scores of dollars that are barely enough for a living.
>I also have at hand some urgent debts, amounting to about $1,000, that I
>have no way to pay in the near future - except the amount that Mr. Eric
>Daniel will send to me. This is why his news was a real Godsend for me, that
>will save my home and life.
>Friendly yours,
>Mihnea aka Pitbull

Iel cät'ä minie:

>My dear i believe i have tried my best for you,

Io cät'ä iel:

Hehehe, the moment of truth, right?
OK, "Michael", or what your name might be, let me tell you: I only played with you. I know everything about this kind of Internet scam, that became famous as "The Nigerian Letters". You only tried to get some money from me, using the lure of that fabulous amount that should come my way. As it happens, I translated several books about internet and mail crookery, and I know how it works. Now, to my huge amusement, I'll post all our emails in a forum, to have fun with the people there.
Tell me, are there indeed such idiots who really swallow it when they get an email from a complete stranger saying "I'll send to you $400,000"? I can't believe it!!! But, after all, I did notice that oftenly foolishness can reach apocalyptic proportions! Well, if it DOES works from time to time - yes, you deserve to get their money. Stupidity is a sin, and it should pay! Every time I notice this, I thank God that He endowed me with a good brain and a sane judgement.
In the Romanian movie "Filantropica", there are two phrases that I especially love. Here they are:
"Any hand that's reaching to beg should tell a story!" and "I fooled you? I got your money!"
How true they are!
Thank you for the excellent fun you provided to me. It was a refreshing interlude in the grey prose of daily life.
Mihnea aka Pitbull
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Old 12 Nov 2005, 15:31   #10
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Si raspunsul ultimului mail pe care i l-ai trimis? Daca il vei primi, posteaza-l, ar trebui sa fie bestial.
"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde
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Old 12 Nov 2005, 18:04   #11
Unlikely Messiah
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Incredibil, L-AM PRIMIT - acu' câteva minute! A trântit-o asa:


La care i-am zis sä nu mai fure cä nu-i frumos, cä Doamne-Doamne e-n cer si le vede pe toate.
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Old 14 Nov 2005, 02:19   #12
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lol ms pitbull pt this thread :happy:
pray NOW!
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Old 14 Nov 2005, 16:32   #13
Unlikely Messiah
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Bäi, nu se poate! NU, SE, POA, TE! :huh: :shock:
Tipu' INCA mai converseazä cu mine! Deci, la aia de mai sus, îi zic:

Of COURSE I need money, "Michael" dear - because, by contrast with you, I did NOT LIE! Everything I wrote is true - I'm underpaid, hungry, ill and lonely, I have huge debts, I work like a slave day and night to provide for my son. But, again by contrast with you, I never lose my faith in God, and I do believe in miracles. Certainly, I knew your letters were just a play-acting, trying to get from me the money I don't have - but it didn't hurt to imagine, for some moments, that the game was real, and the dream came true. What did I have to lose? Nothing. And what did I gain? A few days of fun.
A word of advice, my friend. Enough scams and stealing, okay? God is above and He sees everything (although I suppose you don't believe in Him) and EVERYTHING we do will come back thousandfold, sooner or later! Do good, and in the end, everything will come your way. Keep on doing evil, and the day will come when you will lament: "Lord, sometimes, long ago, someone called Pitbull warned me - and I didn't listen to him! Why, why, WHY???"
But then, of course... it will be too late.
Alles gutte,
Mihnea aka Pitbull


Dear Mihnea Columbeanu,
Thanks for your mail,Also your advise,The Lord will answer your prayers one day,In Jesus Name?
My dear you send the mailling fees i send your draft to you.
Mr Michael


My God, man, you don't understand I HAVE NO MONEY??? I'm poor, POOR,
P-O-O-R, pennyless, wind blowing in my pockets!
And WHAT draft will you send to me? The one that doesn't exist? If it was
true, if you really had not $400,000, not $40,000, not $4,000, but at least
$1,000 in my name, you would have retained the mailing fees, as I said, and sent to me the remaining amount! EVERYBODY DOES THIS! Every bank, every company, every person!
By the way, I added you on yahoo messenger, it would be nice to have a
friendly talk. Are you upt to it?
Mihnea aka Pitbull



(Da' m-a autorizat pe Yahoo messenger! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: )


No, "Michael" dear, I won't forget it (by the way, it's spelled "forget", not "for get"), because it's really unforgettable!
I won't remain poor either - because, as I told you, I have my faith in God and in His justice. He's just trying me, for now, but it won't go like this forever - and when my work will be recognised and rewarded, my wealth will be well deserved, not obtained by internet scams!
So, sorry for disappointing you on both scores:
1) I won't forget it
2) I won't remain poor either.
Thank you for having authorised me on your yahoo. I can't wait to meet you online for a chat.
Mihnea aka Pitbull

Acuma sä vedem!
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Old 16 Dec 2005, 00:58   #14
Unlikely Messiah
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N-am mai avut ce vedea, amicului i-a cäzut în sfârsit fisa (de 400.000 dolari)!
Da' azi, alta drägutä:

Dr.Ibrahim Sanni.
Assistant Deputy Director,
Credit and Control office
nternational Trust Bank Plc.
CON House, 6th Floor, Idejo Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

Dear Friend,

I am Dr.Ibrahim Sanni, Assistant Deputy Director, Credit and
Control with the International Trust Bank Plc. I was personal
account manager to one late {Engineer Newman} of your country,
who till his death was a contractor with Impresario Nigeria
Limited, Moenier Oil & Gas Consult and Nigerian Ports

On the 28th of November 2002, Engr. Newman, his wife and their
two children were involved in a car accident along Gwagwalada
express road and all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately
lost their lives. At the time of his death, Newman had a
deposit of $15.6 Million which was proceed of a contract work
he just concluded with the Nigerian Ports authority. The
payment was made with an Ecobank cheque which I personally

Unfortunately, till this moment no one has come as his
relation for his deposit with us. My colleagues and I humbly
request your attention to this matter so that we can present
you as his next of kin or beneficiary to his deposit. It is
not a very difficult thing to do especially as you share the
same last name with him and it will not take time too. All we
need is to change the name and particulars of his next of kin
to yours in our computer database and we file in an
application for the release of the fund through the Probate
Office in your name.

It does not necessarily mean that you must be here to conclude
the deal, we may request that the money be sent to Europe or
even the United States for Payment. We will talk about the
Sharing ratio as Soon as you get in touch with me.

Thanks in advance.

My regards,

Dr. Ibrahim Sanni.

* * *

Si räspunsul meu:

Dear God, that's awesome!
Engineer Marin Newman was my uncle! I mourned him a lot, also Aunt Veta, and my little cousins Sucä and Saiche Zäpäcitu, when they lost their lives in that tragic accident, their cart being hit and smashed to pieces by that pack of dynotheriums in panic!
Please, tell me more about them. I don't know all the details. How did it happen, exactly? And whose fault was it?
We'll keep in touch, by all means!
Friendly yours,
Pitbull Newman
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Old 16 Dec 2005, 01:42   #15
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Stii ca majoritatea chestiilor astora sunt spam-uri trimise de virusi care nu figureaza in "sent list"-ul indivizilor si raspunsul tau va fi un soc pentru ei si probabil habar n-au despre ce vorbesti?
apocalypse please
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Old 16 Dec 2005, 02:08   #16
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Stiu, dar uneori se mai întâmplä si ca mai deasupra, cu boul äla de "Michael Blaze", care se strofoca sä-mi smulgä mäcar UN dolärel, dacä nu 2-300, în timp ce eu fäceam misto de el.
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Old 16 Dec 2005, 13:05   #17
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Ie-te dom'le c-a räspuns! :w00t:


Dear Friend,

Thanks for your mail.

I contacted you when we received information from our bank
that if a beneficiary is not presented for the claim of this
inheritance, it will have to be forfeited to the government.
You happen to share the same last name with the deceased
Engineer Newman Columbeanu, and as such, it will be easy for
us to process the legal documents through the Probate Office
in your name as the beneficiary to the deceased account owner.
I do not know if you are related or not but if you are
interested in assisting me, I assure you that every process
and procedure shall be legally and legitimately observed and
followed so that we don't breach any of our local laws on

I intend that as soon as this inheritance is paid, I shall
come over to your country and share the funds so transferred
into two equal parts among ourselves for our mutual benefit
unless you can prove that he really related to you in which
case I shall seek just a commission for assisting you process
the claim.

Now, for us to start the legal processes, I need you to send

1.Your home or office
address........................................... .....

2.Your phone and fax
numbers........................................... ......

With my position in the bank and with the position of my
colleagues too, we are sure to have this transaction concluded
in a very short while.

My telephone number +234-8035774444.

I' m waiting to hear from you.

Dr Ibrahim Sanni.


Dear Ibrahim!
I'm so happy to hear from you again!
So, my dear uncle, Marin Newman Columbeanu, had such a fortune stashed in his bank account? Hehehe, what a funny crook he was, as always! Imagine, when I visited him and Aunt Veta, last summer, in Nigeria, they told me they were so poor they were living in a pigmy hut, and eating raw mayasaura eggs! They didn't even pay for my trip, I had to sell my shuba, kimir and opinci, to buy a trotinette and travel there! And in all that time, he had more than one million dollars in the bank? Amazing!
I'm not surprised he didn't tell the bank executive he has a living relative - me - all his life he was full of secrets! But, indeed, I'm his dear and beloved nephew, and his legal inheritor! So, wait for me, I'll be there tomorrow at sunrise! Thank God I didn't sell my trotinette!
As soon as I reach Nigeria, I'll call you.
Your loyal
Pitbull Newman

(Va urma...?)
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Old 17 Dec 2005, 03:30   #18
Unlikely Messiah
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Da, a urmat...!
Runda din noaptea asta:
Zice Ibrahim:

Dear Pitbull ,

Thanks for your mail.

How are you today, I hope all is well with you?

I would love to discuss with you in detail on how we are going
to transfer this inheritance to your account so I advice you
to give me your direct telephone number and I will call you

1.Your home or office
address........................................... .....

2.Your phone and fax
numbers........................................... ......

Thanks in advance.

My regards

Dr Ibrahim Sanni.

* * *

Zice io:

Hi, Ibrahim,
Thanks for your concern. Yes, everything is ok with me.
I'm writing to you from Greece. I'm on my way to Nigeria now, riding my trotinette, and I checked my email from my abacus that a friend upgraded so that I can also connect to the Internet with it.
I can't give you my home address, since I have a big bad problem: I'm so poor, that I couldn't pay the rent and they kicked me out, so I have no home now, living in my trotinette's trunk, in various parkings. For the same reason, I had to sell my cell phone, in order to survive. But, with the money from dear Uncle Newman, I'll buy a new phone and a new mobile!
As soon as I reach Nigeria, I'll call you from a public phone.
Wait for me!
Friendly yours,
Pitbull Newman Columbeanu
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Old 17 Dec 2005, 12:14   #19
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Originally Posted by Pitbull:
But, with the money from dear Uncle Newman, I'll buy a new phone and a new mobile!

Pitbull ar fi trebuit sa mai scrie:

"And for you, I hope a new car will be enough, my dear friend."

Spune-i omului ca am si eu o matusa de la care trebuie sa mostenesc bani, sa ma contacteze.
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Old 17 Dec 2005, 12:30   #20
Unlikely Messiah
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Bucharest
Posts: 16,822
Nu, dom'le!!!
De fapt, o aveam pregätitä, da' am uitat - nu-i nimic, o bag data urlätoare, dacä tot nu-i picä fisa si comédia continuä.
Ce masinä, care masinä? In märinimoasa-mi maganimitate, îi voi promite cä-i fac cinste cu-o bere "Ciuc" si-un pachet de "Viceroy"!

(Apropo, te-am väzut în ziar, cu video-odaia la ochi, imortalizându-i întru nemurirea neamului pe vajnicii probodnärasisti.)
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