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Old 10 Feb 2005, 19:50   #1281
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the wild bunch 9/10

nu prea dau note de 9, dar twb chiar m-a lasat paf.judecand la cald (acum 3 min l-am terminat de vazut) daca pana acum once upon a time in the west era preferatul meu in genre (care genre, de altfel nici nu-mi place in mod special) the wild bunch i-a luat locul.
director's cut-ul care l-am vazut, are cam 140 de minute, dar te tine si te prinde de la primul cadru cu william holden si cu banda lui, pana la masacrul (si subliniez masacru) din final. mult mai bun decat m-as fi asteptat de la un western.
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Old 10 Feb 2005, 21:10   #1282
The One and Only Gollum
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contrabanda de ciocolata - 7/10 total sf....chocolate illegal...yeah right
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 07:57   #1283
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National Treasure (7/10) ciorbita reincalzita (Indiana Jones redivivus) insa acceptabila. Nitelus rizibil cum Cage dezleaga saradele care-l duc spre comoara in 30 de secunde, in vreme ce ta-su si-a pierdut 20 de ani din viata fara sa ajunga nici macar la situatia de la inceputul filmului. Helen Kruger confirma faptul ca n-are nici in clin nici in mineca cu actoria. Sean Bean in nota obisnuita.

Closer - pina unde am vazut 8/10, dupa care am adormit. O sa mai incerc o data.
You can't give horse tranquilizer to a midget.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 08:17   #1284
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session 9 (cum mi-a recomandat zizi, mai sus pe undeva)

multe trasaturi in comun, cu the machinist, si dpdv al povestii si dpdv al contructiei. anderson creeaza bine atmosfera de thriller, desi se vede de la o posta ca e filmat chiar mai in saracie decat filmul cu Bale, si actorii se descurca onorabil.insa l-am gasit prea nesatisfacator, rezolvarea din final parandu-mi-se superficiala si lasand multe aspecte nerezolvate, care nici macar nu poti sa zici ca sunt interpretabile.
tragand linie, e un low budget mystery/thriller ok, iar autorul e de urmarit pe viitor.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 11:40   #1285
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'sunset bvd' - 10/10 - cred ca tocmai a devenit noir-ul meu preferat... sau, pardon, al doilea noir preferat, dupa 'memento'. este un pic updated, dar personajele sunt fascinante, iar intriga va rasfata orice cinefil.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 12:09   #1286
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corect aici.10/10 indiscutabil.
dupa mine, sunset blvd e peste memento.e in topul meu 10, si l-as revedea oricand, in timp ce memento are un grad de revizionabilitate scazut.
shot-ul de la inceput cu holden plutind in piscina e magistral.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 13:07   #1287
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Waking Life - nu am cuvinte. Filmul e jaw-breaking!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 14:33   #1288
Ambra Blu
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
the wild bunch 9/10

tare filmul, rupe.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 16:35   #1289
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Vazut a n-a oara Ab-normal Beauty . 9/10 (din cauza finalului, de fapt din cauza twist-ului dobitoc). Se pisha pe ****** (nu dau numele ca imi sare forumul in cap). E oarecum pe aceeasi idee ca sus-mentionatul, o tipa face poze si, din intamplare, ajunge sa fie obsedata de poze care prezinta moartea. De remarcat scena cu balansatul de la balcon (mi-a adus aminte de Blue Spring si de scenele cu tipii batand din palme pe balustrade --- nu intru in detalii, cine l-a vazut bine, cine nu, foarte rau). Si inca o chestie dementiala: camera "facuta" pamant (i know, suna stupid dar nu stiu cum sa explic mai bine) si creaturile (un caine, o pasare ) intinse pe "pamant". Mi-a adus aminte de scena cu tarantulele din The Beyond al lui Lucio Fulci (tarantulele tarandu-se pe "podeaua-camera" pana la corpul unui tip). E clar, i've gotta keep my eye on Oxide Pang (l-am remarcat inca de la The Eye dar acolo nu era asa de shmecher).
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 16:44   #1290
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101 Reykjav�*k (2000, r. B. Kormakur) - un film islandez despre un fel de loser, Hylnur, un tip super simpatic care nu face nimic toata ziua si care locuieste inca cu mama lui, desi are vreo 30 de ani (asta imi aduce aminte de Ignatius Reilly din The Confederacy of Dunces).. finalul filmului e destul de "tragic", fiind constrins de imprejurari, Hylnur isi gaseste un job si se duce toata viata boema (si ironia la final: "you can't be dead all the time!)
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 20:27   #1291
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Witness 8.7/10 Now this is some high quality shit. Liked (fara "c") it. Atmosfera puternica, actori grovazi si impletirea maiestruoasa dintre povestea de dragoste si partea thriller.

1/2 din Frida 8.5/10 Era tarziu si n-am stat pana la capat. Un film foarte bun. Alfred Molina rules. De remarcat imaginea, care este incredibila. Rareoti vad asemenea culori si detaliu intr-un film. Reminds me of Amelie.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 21:03   #1292
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Originally Posted by ogto:
Licked it.

sa vedem ce vazui azi.zi prolifica.pe scurt :

aleksander nevski 8/10 - ireal cum majoritatea filmelor istorice, cu batalii grandioase, se asemana si in prezent, cu filmul lui eisenstein.destul de "dated", dar super scena de lupta.

noz w wodzie 8/10 - mi-au placut temele abordate de polanski, si modul cum le-a expus.incepe extrem de lent si plictisitor, dar devine din ce in ce mai captivant spre final.l-am gasit pe Zygmunt Malanowicz (the young boy) extrem de enervant.

!huff - 2 episoade pe hbo(pilotul si inca unul).destul de slabutz.oliver platt si personajul lui mai salveaza din impresia generala dar nu cred ca o sa ma mai uit la alte episoade prea curand.
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 21:35   #1293
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
Originally Posted by ogto:
Licked it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ups :huh:

Too much information...
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Old 11 Feb 2005, 22:06   #1294
The One and Only Gollum
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LOTR-FOTR -10/10
LOTR-ROTK -10/10
silver hawk -8/10 ...un jet li feminin
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 10:23   #1295
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
Se pisha pe ****** (nu dau numele ca imi sare forumul in cap).

daca e 'blowup', nu-ti sar in cap
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 10:30   #1296
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'ray' - finally. poveste clasica ce face un biopic basit: omul care a invins boala, dependenta de droguri, handicapul, totul din vointa proprie si a ajuns, astfel, un WINNER in acest durtfieger zeit... lipsit de imaginatie (cu exceptia catorva cadre fascinante in care ray charles robinson are niste halucinatii legate de fratele sau mort, simtind cum podeaua se umple de apa), de o forma convingatoare (v. cazul lui 'amadeus'), de stil regizoral.

excelent jucat, in schimb - asta, sigur, de un jamie foxx transformat in ray charles 110 (!) %, la fel ca si de simpaticul asociat al lui maddie si david din serialul 'moonlighting' (i-am uitat numele, din pacate) si... tot restul, de fapt.

prea clasic...

7/10 pt actorie.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 10:31   #1297
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Originally Posted by notorious:
Originally Posted by Nightwane:
Se pisha pe ****** (nu dau numele ca imi sare forumul in cap).

daca e 'blowup', nu-ti sar in cap

am i THAT transparent? Mah adevaru' e ca...asta e adevaru' Cel putin din punctul meu de vedere face pipilica pe Blowup acest Ab-normal Beauty. But then again...i might be wrong
Switched On Lotus
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 11:15   #1298
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
But then again...i might be wrong

YOU ?? come on !

p.s.: you're not tryin' to avoid me or anything, are you ? :huh:
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 15:00   #1299
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Dial "M" For Murder - 8/10: Asta isi face incet-incet loc printre filmele mele preferate.

Jurassic Park - 7/10.
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(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 12 Feb 2005, 15:05   #1300
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
Vazut a n-a oara Ab-normal Beauty . 9/10 (din cauza finalului, de fapt din cauza twist-ului dobitoc). Se pisha pe ****** .
Nu stiu daca se pisha pe ****** .... tind sa cred ca nu. In schimb comparatia intre cele doua nu prea isi are rostul. Ala e realizat in '66.
Oricum, vazut si eu Ab-normal Beauty. Fata aia nu a auzit de internet ? Am vazut ca se juca la un moment dat pe un calc.
7/10 Am asteptat o ora jumatate finalul, nu stiu daca a meritat....

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