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Old 11 Feb 2009, 01:39   #61
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Eu mi-am mai schimbat intre timp optiunile,in functie de buzz-ul din ultima vreme. Can't wait for the contest,I love competitions .

Predictiile mele updated:

1)Best Short Film, Live Action: Spielzeugland
2)Best Short Film, Animated: La Maison en Petits Cubes
3)Best Documentary, Short Subjects: Smile Pinki
4)Best Documentary, Features: Man on Wire - Runner up: Trouble the Water
5)Best Foreign Language Film of the Year: Vals Im Bashir - Runner up: The Class
6)Best Animated Feature Film of the Year: WALL·E
7)Best Achievement in Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
8)Best Achievement in Sound Editing: The Dark Knight
9)Best Achievement in Sound: The Dark Knight
10)Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song: WALL·E
11)Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score: Slumdog Millionaire
12)Best Achievement in Makeup: The Curios Case of Benjamin Button
13)Best Achievement in Costume Design: The Duchess
14)Best Achievement in Art Direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
15)Best Achievement in Editing: The Dark Knight
16)Best Achievement in Cinematography: The Dark Knight
17)Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published: Slumdog Millionaire (Ar fi culmea ca Roth sa castige Oscarul,din moment ce l-a mai primit o data pentru acelasi film )
18)Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen: Milk
19)Best Achievement in Directing: Danny Boyle - Slumdog Millionaire
20)Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Viola Davis. Runner up: Marisa Tomei
21)Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger
22)Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Kate Winslet. Runner up: Meryl Streep
23)Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Mickey Rourke (Pentru ca Hollywood-ul ii iarta pe cei care au mers intr-o directie gresita si care si-au revenit ulterior, DESI am cam simtit ca Mickey Rourke was playing himself.Acum ca stau sa ma gandesc,probabil tocmai asta a fost partea grea a rolului,sa retraiasca acele momente de failure din viata lui). Runner up:Sean Penn
24)Best Motion Picture of the Year: Slumdog Millionaire

Am editat doua categorii. Cum nu mai pot face nicio editare ulterioara,I'm hoping for the best
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 09:34   #62
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Interesant.Predictiile astea se fac pana pe 22?Mai e ceva timp.
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 16:46   #63
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Declar deschisa Agentia de pariuri/preconizari Oscar 2009!
Din acest moment, pana pe 20 februarie, ora 18, putem posta aici predictiile noastre, la toate cele 24 de categorii. Cei care au postat deja intra automat in concurs, sau pot reveni asupra preconizarilor facute, o singura data. Orice editare ulterioara a predictiilor descalifica respectivul forumist. Sunt puse la bataie peste 50 de DVD-uri, filmele fiind oferite de EmpireDistribution.
Orice postare cu predictii postata dupa ora 18 a zilei de vineri, 20 februarie, nu se va lua in considerare. Nu se vor lua in considerare nici topurile partiale; predictiile trebuie facute la toate cele 24 de categorii.
Forumistii care vor face predictii corecte la minim 20 de categorii sunt castigatorii a 10 DVD-uri. Castigatorii ii vom afla, evident, in noaptea de duminica spre luni, pe parcursul decernarii Oscarurilor.
Cei care "nimeresc" intre 15-19 categorii castiga 7 DVD-uri cu filme, cei care au facut predictii corecte la minim 10, maximum 14 categorii primesc automat 3 DVD-uri, iar cate un DVD se va da celor care au preconinzat corect 8 sau 9 categorii. Cate un afis de film se va da celor cu minim 5, 6 sau 7 categorii preconizate corect.
I am not lucky, I am good...
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 18:45   #64
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Pana acum vad ca au pus predictiile numai buticut, corinka si suspect de bizar. Ei sunt singurii care isi pot edita clasamentul, intrucat au postat inainte de lansarea concursului cu premii.
In rest, discutiile despre nominalizari si predictii pot continua tot in acest topic, nu este dedicat exclusiv pariorilor
I am not lucky, I am good...
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 19:45   #65
Suspect de bizar
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Slumdog millionar/Vagabondul milionar n-are ºansã.O sã se repete faza de anu trecut.La BAFTA Normal cã Vagabondul... o câºtigat,îi film britanic,ºi Globu,nu ºtiu de ce,din acelaºi motiv pt. care anul tecut Atonament/Remuºcare a câºtigat în faþa lui No country for old men/Nu existã þarã pentru bãtrâni bãnuiesc.

PSrintre DVD-uri,se numãrã Pulp Fiction? :?
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 19:48   #66
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Le bag si eu. Le-am vazut pe toate (de la categoriile importante). Parerea imi este formata...am sa pun ce vreau eu sa castige, nu ceea ce cred ca o sa castige. Asa e cel mai corect, parerea mea.

Best Motion Picture of the Year: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Kate Winslet (The Reader)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role - Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler)

Best Achievement in Directing - Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire)

Best Original Screenplay - In Bruges

Best Adapted Screenplay - cum a zis si buticut in prezicerile lui. Deci Slumdog Millionaire.

Best Achievement in Cinematography - The Dark Knight

Best Achievement in Editing - The Dark Knight

Best Achievement in Art Direction - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Best Achievement in Costume Design - nu l-am vazut dar e evident. The Duchess

Best Achievement in Makeup - The Dark Knight

Best Original Score - Wall-E

Best Original Song - Peter Gabriel, Thomas Newman (Wall-E)

Best Achievement in Sound - The Dark Knight

Best Achievement in Sound Editing - The Dark Knight, urmat de Wall-E

Best Achievement in Visual Effects - The Dark Knight

Best Animated Feature Film of the Year - Wall-E

Best Foreign Language Film of the Year - Vals im Bashir (Israel)

Best Documentary - l-am vazut, nu m-a dat pe spate, dar e reusit. Man on Wire.

Best Short Film, Animated - Presto

Nu pot sa primesc totusi si un poster daca castig si dvd-uri...mai scadem din numaru de dvd-uri...
Eh, mai bine vorbim dupa 22
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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Old 11 Feb 2009, 22:37   #67
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Vorbim dupa 22, dar gandeste-te de pe acum cam de la ce premiera din ultimele luni ai vrea afis.
I am not lucky, I am good...
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Old 11 Feb 2009, 23:15   #68
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Heath ia oscar
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 15:09   #69
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Originally Posted by marcusARCUS:
Heath ia oscar
Nu ne-ar fi trecut prin cap. :w00t:

Am sa vin si eu cu o predictie. Pana cand le putem posta?
This is blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left. And I'm ready for war.
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 15:09   #70
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da...deci incerc sa gandesc ca aia de aleg filmele 'castigatoare'. Sper sa-mi iasa! :hmm: Here we go...

Best Motion Picture of the Year: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
(pentru ca americanii nu stiu ce inseamna 'film bun' [aici sper sa ma insel])

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn for Milk
(sa speram ca nu ramane cu miscari 'cha-cha-cha' domnul Sean Penn)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Meryl Streep for Doubt
(e timpul pentru '3')

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
(Let's Put a on that Face! )

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Marisa Tomei for The Wrestler

Best Achievement in Directing - Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire)
('merita si el o statuie..cum ii zice...a da.. bafta :shock: nuuu ...oscar ')

Best Original Screenplay:Milk (2008): Dustin Lance Black

Best Adapted Screenplay:Frost/Nixon (2008): Peter Morgan

Best Achievement in Cinematography:The Dark Knight

Best Achievement in Editing:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008): Claudio Miranda

Best Achievement in Art Direction - The Dark Knight (2008): Nathan Crowley, Peter Lando

Best Achievement in Costume Design: Australia (2008): Catherine Martin

Best Achievement in Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008): Greg Cannom

Best Original Score: Slumdog Millionaire (2008): A.R. Rahman

Best Original Song : Slumdog Millionaire (2008): A.R. Rahman

Best Achievement in Sound: Wanted

Best Achievement in Sound Editing: The Dark Knight (2008): Richard King

Best Achievement in Visual Effects: Iron Man (2008): John Nelson

Best Animated Feature Film of the Year: WALL·E (2008): Andrew Stanton

Best Foreign Language Film of the Year: Vals im Bashir (Israel)

Best Documentary: Encounters at the End of the World (2007): Werner Herzog, Henry Kaiser

Best Short Film, Animated: Presto (2008): Doug Sweetland Presto

Best Short Film, Animated: Presto (2008): Doug Sweetland

Best Short Film, Live Action: Grisen (2008): Tivi Magnusson, Dorthe Warnø Høgh
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 20:06   #71
Suspect de bizar
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Io aº propune sã se stickuiascã topicu'.
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 21:13   #72
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Originally Posted by E.Floares:
Originally Posted by marcusARCUS:
Heath ia oscar
Nu ne-ar fi trecut prin cap. :w00t:

Am sa vin si eu cu o predictie. Pana cand le putem posta?

Din acest moment, pana pe 20 februarie, ora 18, putem posta aici predictiile noastre, la toate cele 24 de categorii.
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 21:28   #73
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Pfoai ce ma enerveaza,tot ca vizitator postez :lol:
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 21:48   #74
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Originally Posted by Suspect de bizar:

PSrintre DVD-uri,se numãrã Pulp Fiction? :?

Nu ca ma gandesc deja la castig ,dar mi-ar placea sa stiu doar din curiozitate ce titluri se pun la bataie. Eu am un wishlist pus deoparte,ar fi misto sa se regaseasca cateva din titlurile dorite printre cele oferite ...ma gandesc ca nimeresc si eu destule cat sa castig 1 DVD macar...
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 21:55   #75
Suspect de bizar
Suspect de bizar
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De la Empire,Pacientul englez,Good Will Hunting,Pulp FictionPoveste din Bronx,Carlito,Închisoarea îngerilor ºi altele îs în colecþia noua colecþie lansatã.
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Old 12 Feb 2009, 22:30   #76
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Btw,nu scapati din vedere amanuntul asta:
Nu se vor lua in considerare nici topurile partiale; predictiile trebuie facute la toate cele 24 de categorii.

Am intrat pe site-ul http://www.empirefilm.ro/dvd-ro.htm . Au oferta destul de buna .

Not sure about Slumdog Millionaire for Best Picture. Pe de-o parte, a castigat la BAFTA si poate tocmai asta e problema,ca nu ar fi trebuit sa castige,de obicei premiindu-se filmele British pentru ca...Academia nu o va face.

Nici statistica nu e prea buna:

"From 1968 to 1991, the BAFTA award for best British film was eliminated, but at least one British production contended for best picture every year but 1979. In those 24 years, seven British films won the best picture prize — "Sunday Bloody Sunday"(1971); "Chariots of Fire" (1981, also best picture Oscar); "Gandhi" (1982, also best picture Oscar); "Educating Rita" (1983); "The Killing Fields" (1984); "A Room With A View" (1986); and "The Commitments" (1991). Perhaps because that last film, a light-hearted romp about a budding band in Dublin, beat both "Dances With Wolves" and "The Silence of the Lambs," BAFTA reintroduced the British film award the following year."

Dar risc totusi cu Slumdog-ul,pe principiul ca poate Academia vrea sa mai schimbe macazul si sa premieze un film mai lighthearted cu care sa ii multumeasca pe toti. Vezi:
2008 - No Country For Old Men
2007 - The Departed
2006 - Crash

Ca audienta,cred ca va fi peste cea de anul trecut,desi a pierdut prin lipsa lui The Dark Knight de la Best Picture (la care ma asteptam,de altfel,nu m-ar mira ca printr-o forma de "protest" fanii TDK sa nu se uite deloc la premii). Totusi,audienta nu va fi cu mult peste, pentru ca Academia nominalizeaza filme pe care putini le-au vazut la categorii importante...

Am facut un top in ordine descrescatoare a incasarilor worldwide a filmelor nominalizate :
$999,081,085 - The Dark Knight
$631,908,951 - Kung Fu Panda
$582,030,528 - Iron Man
$533,692,120 - Wall-E
$341,167,543 - Wanted
$220,051,688 - Bolt
$195,261,716 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - evident cu Brad Pitt pe afis au reusit sa stranga o suma considerabila,dar luand in considerare bugetul imens,de abia il acopera
$191,572,090 - Australia
$188,056,525 - Tropic Thunder
$160,082,925 - Hellboy II: The Golden Army
$129,547,783 - Slumdog Millionaire (care inca nu a fost lansat in multe tari)
$90,759,327 - Changeling
$87,438,966 - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
$55,995,130 - Revolutionary Road
$39,487,891 - The Duchess
$39,071,282 - Defiance
$36,480,412 - Doubt
$32,915,277 - In Bruges
$32,681,469 - Milk
$24,476,173 - The Reader
$20,915,650 - Frost/Nixon
$20,739,676 - The Wrestler
$17,348,974 - Happy-Go Lucky
$15,257,271 - The Visitor
$13,008,040 - Rachel Getting Married
$3,597,502 - Frozen River (OMG )

Ce o sa ajute la cresterea ratingului:
- Nominalizarea lui Heath Ledger
- Hugh Jackman ca prezentator (Chicks dig 'the sexiest man alive' :lol: ),cu mentiunea ca sper sa faca glume bune,pacat doar ca nu va face pe seama lui Nicole Kidman,i-a promis .
- Identitatea ascunsa a celor care vor inmana premiile
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Old 13 Feb 2009, 20:43   #77
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Sa-mi incerc si eu norocul.

Actor in a Leading Role: Mickey Rourke

Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger

Actress in a Leading Role: Kate Winslet

Actress in a Supporting Role: Penelope Cruz

Animated Feature Film: WALL·E

Art Direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Cinematography: The Dark Knight

Costume Design: The Duchess

Directing: Danny Boyle - Slumdog Millionaire

Documentary Feature: Man on Wire

Documentary Short : The Final Inch

Film Editing: The Dark Knight

Foreign Language Film: Waltz With Bashir

Makeup: Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Music (Score): Slumdog Millionaire

Music (Song): WALL·E

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Short Film (Animated): La Maison en Petits Cubes

Short Film (Live Action): Spielzeugland

Sound Editing: The Dark Knight

Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight

Visual Effects: The Dark Knight

Writing (Adapted Screenplay): Slumdog Millionaire

Writing (Original Screenplay): Milk
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Old 13 Feb 2009, 22:09   #78
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1) Best motion picture of the year:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

2) Achievement in directing:
- David Fincher (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

3) Performance by an actor in a leading role:
- Sean Penn (Milk)

4) Performance by an actress in a leading role:
- Kate Winslett (The Reader)

5) Performance by an actor in a supporting role:
- Heath Ledger (The Dark Night)

6) Performance by an actress in a supporting role:
- Penelope Cruz (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)

7) Best animated feature film of the year:
- Wall-E

8) Achievement in art direction:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

9) Achievement in cinematography:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

10) Achievement in costume design:
- The Duchess

11) Best documentary feature:
- Man on Wire

12) Best documentary short subject:
- Smile Pinki

13) Achievement in film editing:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

14) Best foreign language film of the year:
- Waltz with Bashir (Israel)

15) Achievement in makeup:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

16) Original score:
- Wall-E

17) Original song:
- Wall-E (Down to Earth)

18) Best animated short film:
- La Maison en Petits Cubes

19) Best live action short film:
- Spielzeugland (Toyland)

20) Achievement in sound editing:
- Slumdog Millionaire

21) Achievement in sound mixing:
- Sumdog Millionaire

22) Achievement in visual effects:
-The Dark Night

23) Adapted screenplay:
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

24) Original screenplay:
- Milk
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Old 14 Feb 2009, 00:46   #79
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Daca pica multe din dvd-uri si le am deja...cer numai postere
Sper sa fie si ala de la The Dark Knight (posterul) inclus...ala ar fi cel mai tare...damn...
wishful thinking...

Completez lista mea, se pare ca trebuie ghicite toate 24...so:

Best Short Film, Live Action - Grisen

Best Documentary, Short Subjects - Smile Pinki
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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Old 14 Feb 2009, 10:09   #80
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Originally Posted by M0n0:
Sper sa fie si ala de la The Dark Knight (posterul) inclus...ala ar fi cel mai tare...damn...
wishful thinking...

Mai am eu vreo 2-3 postere de la TDK, dar sunt din alea traduse..."Cavalerul negru" :lol:
This is blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left. And I'm ready for war.
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