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Old 23 May 2007, 20:00   #141
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eh da "death proof", ma mir ca afost juiduit la cannes. cum zicea si ALS nu s-au prins exact cum sta treaba cu pelicula lui Quentin. Pe cand la noi in tara filmul?
Si o intreba pentru ALS: cum i s-a parut filmul lui Quentin chiar merita potopul de huiduieli or not?
Better rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
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Old 23 May 2007, 20:49   #142
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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sa stiti k intru mai rar aici pt k intru cu F MARE GREUTATE (nu's d c), s incark f greu cinemagia d aici d la cannes

deci, re: 'death proof' - am scris mai sus cum mi s-a parut: funny & zany - a kick-ass kind of movie... azi am vbit si cu dan nutzu dspr el - mi-a zis k atunci cind a iesit d la film ii venea sa tzopaie d bucurie
deci huiduielile sint produsul unor cretini la costum & papion kre s asteapta k la cannes sa curga numai cu filme 'grele' (p kre ei oricum nu l inteleg!)

revenind la gvs: press junket-u cu el (am fost 10) a fost f casual & relaxant, desi au fost si niste idioti kre l-au intrebat ba dspr skateboarding (d park eram d la 'teen usa' sau 'sports illustrated'!), ba d c l-a jucat p 'unkiu tommy' din film (d fapt, este dop-ul, chris doyle :w00t: )
eu l-am intrebat cum a lucrat o scena absolut splendida (aia cu dushu), mi-a raspuns nu zic nu - da as fi vrut MAI in detaliu; apoi l-am intrebat c fel d filme vad skateboardishtii (cu siguranta nu filme d gvs!), dk i s pare k europenii il inteleg mai bine & - in fine - d c sint jurnalistii americani d film atit d prosti cind vine vba dspr el - in sensu k, pt ei, c face gvs (kre NU face bani, ci arta) e o pierdere d timp... things like that.
nu vreau sa promit - but hey: a zis k ar veni la anonimu, in delta! 8)
am luat leg cu mk2 (producatoru lui), punem la pct detaliile... sa vdm!
keep my (& YR!) fingers crossed
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Old 23 May 2007, 21:53   #143
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sa nu ajunga ca larry clark, un mosulica de 60 de ani ce crede ca stie ce-i in capul tinerilor, asa ca-i filmeaza in timp ce dau la laba.
Im Kino gewesen. Geweint.
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Old 23 May 2007, 23:23   #144
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.da premiera la pirati o sa fie la canz? intreb pe bune, in caz ca are careva dubii. ar fi foarte misto.
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 24 May 2007, 09:49   #145
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by jeleu:
sa nu ajunga ca larry clark, un mosulica de 60 de ani ce crede ca stie ce-i in capul tinerilor, asa ca-i filmeaza in timp ce dau la laba.

din fericire, gvs nu e genu voyeurist, asa k nu cred...
si-apoi, dincolo d subiect, c conteaza e cinema-ul din povestile alea, nu?
or la el, slava domnului, exista cinema: 'paranoid park' contine citeva din cele mai frumoase mix-uri d imagine + sound puse vreodata p pelicula (iar aici includ si fragmente filmate in super8 - in principal, imagini d o fluiditate aproape imponderabila kre surprind acrobatiile skateboarderilor- si gonflate ulterior). it's pure, premium cinema!

ieri am aflat o kestie f comik (& cu morala la urma): cik la nu's c conf d presa cu frears, o gagik l-a intrebat cva dspr activitatea lui d 'producator'... frears a intrerupt-o, spunindu-i k n-a fost in viata lui producator! la kre gagik s-a ridicat, cu laptopu deskis in brate, si i-a zis: nu e adevarat - uite, am intrat acum p imdb, unde scrie negru p alb: stephen frears = producator!! :w00t:
morala: pelicannes-u sau babitza
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Old 24 May 2007, 10:30   #146
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cred ca mai degraba gasculitza
"Macar am incercat!" - McMurphy, "Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci".
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Old 24 May 2007, 12:08   #147
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mi se pare ca e si un julian schnabel(adicatelea cu un film,nu cu un tablou) in competitie ?
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
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Old 24 May 2007, 13:23   #148
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leo, use force if needed .
gvs :love: :love: :love:
I smile and I sip my opium tea.
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Old 25 May 2007, 10:19   #149
Alex Leo Serban
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deci (cu aceleasi asteptari la incarcarea paginilor, kre sint exasperante!):

NU am vazut toate filmele din competitie, p unele le-ar dat la o parte pt k nu ma intereseaza (vezi christophe honore, micul pederast parizian mult gonflat (k si assayas!), kre m-a plictisit/dezgustat cu 'ma mere' a sa, dupa bataille, si de-atunci am zis k nu mai calc in veci la filmele lui), p altele le-am ratat pur si simplu pt k aveam altcva d vazut (vezi schnabel), iar acu am 'ratat' voit filmu lu catherine breillat (cam din ac motive k si p honore, minus pederastia :lol: )...
VREAU sa recuperez duminik (cind s reiau toate filmele) 'persepolis' (lungmetraj d animatie) si 'le scaphandre et le papillon' al lui schnabel (a avut cronici bune, dar romanii kre l-au vazut l-au detestat!)

aseara am vazut ult james gray - 'we own the night' -, a fost huiduit puternic dar mie mi-a placut: good solid drama, cu citeva eye-popping scenes (o cursa/urmarire d mashini, sub ploaie torentiala, e haunting) si f bune interpretari all around: joaquin phoenix, robert duvall, mark wahlberg & eva mendez - cel mai bun rol al ei!)
unii au zis k seamana cu un film tv... whatever; p mine nu m-a deranjat - 8 d la mine (mi-a placut MULT mai mult k pelteaua politic-corecta a lui fatih akin!)

tot ieri (dimineata) am vazut si (1/2 din) 'alexandra' al lui sokurov, cu o baba kre s duce in cecenia la nepot-su si umbla tot filmu printre tancuri & taburi si mormaie - d unde posibilul titlu alternativ 'babet pleak la razboi' boring, plus k ceea c facea 'brandu' lui sokurov - o imagine f lucrata - mi s-a parut aici sub standardu propriu (desi review-ul din 'variety' lauda tocmai imaginea!)... singura kestie interesanta e k 'babet' din titlu e jukta d galina vishnievskaia, cintareatza d opera cik si, la vremea respectiva, sotia (acum, vaduva) lui rostropovici 7
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Old 25 May 2007, 10:37   #150
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la ora aceasta, 10.40 la Cannes , se poate miza cu toata mana pe un succes al lui mungiu?
"Macar am incercat!" - McMurphy, "Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci".
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Old 25 May 2007, 17:52   #151
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Originally Posted by Gloria:
Indata incepe conferinta de presa cu mungiu; diseara vad filmul la premiera oficiala; pana vin in sala mungiu & CO va zic de My blueberry: filmul are trei capitole; in toate o vedem pe Norah Jones; pe care, spre binele ei, nu au lasat-o sa vorbeasca prea mult;tacerile sut foarte frumoase, de fapt, in filmele lui wkw ;o prelungire a filmului In the mood for love; aceeasi atmosfera, acelasi ritm, aceeasi poveste despre instrainare; de data aceasta si cautare, un film despre distanta,foarte buna Natalie Portman in cap.trei; opaaa, a intrat mungiu la conferinta

de pe situl oficial al festivalului
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Old 25 May 2007, 18:29   #152
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by keepwalking:
la ora aceasta, 10.40 la Cannes , se poate miza cu toata mana pe un succes al lui mungiu?

dk nu-i dau NICIUN premiu sint niste cacanari!
p bune - a fost filmul cel mai comentat (in bine!) al festivalului
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Old 25 May 2007, 18:30   #153
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Alain Delon la Canal+. este invitat la emisiunea de luni. In celelalte zile sint Tarantino, Madsen, Asia Argento....
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Old 25 May 2007, 22:35   #154
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
sotia (acum, vaduva) lui rostropovici 7
nasol. n-am ºtiut cã a murit :(((
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 25 May 2007, 22:50   #155
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California Dreamin`
se pare ca montajul a indepartat filmul de marca Nemescu, dar productia e condusa bine pana la capat, cu doua momente dificile pentru actrita principala; filmul e anticipat, in stilul media pro, de povestea mortii lui Nemescu; se joaca bine, sunt si gaguri, dar nu de multe ori se iese dintr-o liniaritate/ritm egal. Revin cu impresiile actorilor care au vazut si ei, azi, in premiera filmul la care au lucrat.
I am not lucky, I am good...
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Old 25 May 2007, 23:50   #156
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Originally Posted by Gloria:
cu doua momente dificile pentru actrita principala
unul pe care il rateaza cu brio. ma refer la scena din finalul bataii: pe cat de bun era vasluianu intr-o situatie asemanatoare in marilena, pe atat de falsa mi s-a parut m.d. aici.
de acord cu problemele de ritm, multi timpi morti... mi-au placut in schimb scenele in care personajele au nevoie de translator: misto scrise si misto lucrate
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 26 May 2007, 01:41   #157
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Originally Posted by drudu:
de acord cu problemele de ritm, multi timpi morti... mi-au placut in schimb scenele in care personajele au nevoie de translator: misto scrise si misto lucrate
astept sa apara cat mai repede un regizor cu o bagheta de cristal fin, pe masura scrierilor lui tudor voican....
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Old 26 May 2007, 09:48   #158
Alex Leo Serban
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tocmai am ieshit d la kusturica, 'promise me this' - promit sa nu mai vad in viata mea un film d e.k., asta e absolut GROAZNIC! :sick: un fel d 'pacala pleak la orash' sau d zizi bostan meets geo saizescu p un morman d balegar d gaguri debile & cu un kalashnikov d muzik scrisa d fii-su, muzik kre NU S OPRESTE O CLIPA
singura kre ridea la film era o asiatik din spatele meu, so go figure...
a resounding 3.5! (da, e mai prost kiar si decit 'triangle', doar k ala era ou of competition) cre k cei d la un festival d calibru cannes-ului sint prinsi in 'logik' unui mecanism imposibil: i mean, once u've given the palme d'or TWICE to a guy like e.k., cum dracu sa-i refuzi un film?! c sa-i spui, k a facut un kkt? (balega, k sa fiu in 'spiritul' filmului...)

vazut si eu ieri 'california...'
drudu - NORMAL k filmu are 'timpi morti', 'burti', k treneaza uneori, but hey: la c va asteptati?! e un film NETERMINAT! or, mie mi s pare k s 'tine' destul d bine cu tot acest handicap, are multe momente reushite, maria d. e f buna (si ar fi fost pacat sa nu aiba parte d ac breakthrough, k actrita!), una peste alta: e ok - considering
singura kestie e k eu, sincer, nu l-as fi scos asha - la un fest cum e cannes-ul -, ci direct in dvd INTEGRAL, eventual cu 1-2 tentative d montaj (a lui cristutiu etc) just for the record...
ps mi s pare ORIBILA insinuarea lui marx, cum k voican nu si-a gasit regizorul - cristi nemescu ERA acel regizor kre ar fi putut duce la bun sf scenariile lui voican (dupa cum s-a vazut si din scurte), faptul k ac film are soarta p kre o are nu ar trebui sa fie un motiv d consideratii 'sub centura', mai ales post mortem! mi s pare trist...
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Old 26 May 2007, 10:05   #159
Alex Leo Serban
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un summing-up al festivalului aparut in 'variety' d ieri sub semnatura chief-criticului todd mccarthy; todd uita d filmul lui kim ki-duk 'soom'/'breath', maltratat d conducerea festului printr-o unik (!) proiectie in mik sala bazin - a iesit atunci un mare scandal, pt k oamenii kre urcau scarile rulante s ciocneau d cei kre stateau la cea mai lunga coada d la cannes! ulterior, au mai fost citeva proiectii ale filmului, dar park 'p shestake'... (nota bene: kkd e IN competitie!)
si ink o mik gafa: mccarthy il boteaza p honore, al carui prenume e 'christophe', nu 'christian' (not that it matters... :lol: )

iata articolu:

CANNES -- Everyone seems to agree that there have been quite a few fine films at the Cannes Film Festival this year. What they entirely can't agree upon is which films they are.
Entering the 60th anniversary edition's second and final weekend, the leading contenders for the Palme d'Or would still seem to be two movies from very early in the fest, the Coen brothers' pungent bloody thriller "No Country for Old Men" and Romanian helmer Cristian Mungiu's bracing abortion drama set in the late communist days, "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days."

But as heavyweight art fare bellied up to the bar in the days thereafter, critical opinions, as they are prone to do, started flying in all possible directions. Is Carlos Reygadas, whose "Silent Light" focuses on a Mennonite community in Mexico, the second coming of Carl Dreyer, as a number of American critics suggested, or an "imposter," as the French paper Les Inrockuptibles insisted? Is Christian Honore, with his French "musical" "Love Songs," really the new Jacques Demy or a tone-deaf wannabe? On the basis of "My Blueberry Nights" and "Death Proof," respectively, have Wong Kar Wai and Quentin Tarantino furthered their reputations as ultra-cool stylists or driven off the road?

More clear than ever is the dramatic divide between the views of the French critics and their international (mostly Anglo-American) counterparts. The French not only readily embraced "Love Songs" but also slammed a film generally regarded by English speakers as one of the better competition entries, Julian Schnabel's "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." Was the French rejection due to prejudices formed against his earlier work, unspoken bias against an American with the audacity to make a French-language art film based on a French book, or strictly aesthetic matters? No one professed to know.

Going strictly by the critics' polls here, the top-rated pictures on the Croisette in 2007 are "No Country for Old Men," "4 Months" and "Zodiac"; reaction to "Zodiac" confirms the view of some industryites that Paramount should have waited to premiere the film in Cannes and waited until September to release it.

The high-art side -- that is, films restricted in interest to film buffs and critics and not destined to be seen by ordinary human eyes -- was repped by several pics: Ulrich Seidl's "Import Export," which belongs to the genre dedicated to the proposition that life is undiluted merde; Andrei Zvyagintsev's "The Banishment," a simple story (from William Saroyan) elaborated and inflated to death by grandiose proportions; "Silent Light," which to my eyes possessed the most extraordinary visuals in a festival full of exceptional camerawork and seemed sincere in its portrayal of religious devotion in the bargain; and Bella Tarr's "The Man From London," which epitomized what is known as a "festival film," i.e., one made for no known audience apart from the already converted disciples of a cult director. One version of hell for me would consist of being trapped inside the insular world of this film for eternity.

But the inclusion of such films is de rigeur for a festival such as Cannes and helps keep people talking and disputing. On the other side of the equation, the projection of "Death Proof" upon the giant screen of the Palais du Festival seemed audacious. In the old days, a picture devoted to kick-butt fighting chicks and car crashes, complete with scratches on the film, would have been seen only in the back streets of the market.

Somewhere in between all this are Fatih Akin's "The Edge of Heaven," the highly anticipated follow-up to "Head-On" that some observers liked but was exceptionally schematic and laborious in its structure; Gus Van Sant's "Paranoid Park," a look at a young skateboarder's denial of moral responsibility for a man's death that just seems too insistently limited in its view of the subject; "Secret Sunshine," South Korean helmer Lee Chang-dong's absorbing, well-acted account of a woman undone by a domestic tragedy; the trifling but attractive "My Blueberry Nights"; and "Persepolis," Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud's animated version of Satrapi's graphic novel about her life in Iran and Europe whose promising premise doesn't build satisfyingly either dramatically or visually.

There were the usual examples of films festgoers felt should have been in the competition rather than Un Certain Regard and vice versa and so on. But in a year fest organizers took particularly seriously, given the big anniversary, 2007 proved to be quite lively, and mostly in a good way.
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Old 26 May 2007, 10:36   #160
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[quote="Alex Leo Serban"]
ps mi s pare ORIBILA insinuarea lui marx, cum k voican nu si-a gasit regizorul - cristi nemescu ERA acel regizor kre ar fi putut duce la bun sf scenariile lui voican (dupa cum s-a vazut si din scurte), faptul k ac film are soarta p kre o are nu ar trebui sa fie un motiv d consideratii 'sub centura', mai ales post mortem! mi s pare trist...
:sick: , esti aberant amice leonash
ori esti idiot, ori esti manipulativ.....
si ai stiut sa le denigrezi filmul, Marilena de la P7, cat timp traia Cristi, acum pozezi in marele aparator a unei "morale" inventate de tine.
iti traduc ceea ce am vrut sa spun: Tudor Voican nu s-a oprit din scris, el isi continua destinul, dar cine se va ocupa de scenariile lui?!
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