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Old 19 May 2006, 18:36   #141
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Nu sunt de acord cu cei care spun ca pot fi facute filme despre IIsus Hristos la fel cum sunt facute despre Alexandru cel Mare.Fondatorul crestinismului e o persoana mult mai importanta decat orice rege sau imparat.Trebuie tinut cont de sensibilitatile sutelor de milioane de crestini.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:39   #142
Unlikely Messiah
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Eu vreau sä fac un film despre Iisus Christos la fel cum as face un film despre Alexandru Ipsilanti.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:44   #143
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Daca scenariul nu respecta dogma poti ofensa sute de milioane de oameni.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:48   #144
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.si daca o respecta poate ofensa alte milioane, care nu sunt crestini. la asta te-ai gandit, putoi? ce parere or sa aiba musulmanii? dar bosimanii? dar aborigenii? dar papuasii?
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 19 May 2006, 18:49   #145
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Dogma e singura blasfemie reala - minciunile politrucilor religiosi, care denaturazä învätätura Domnului Iisus. Jos dogma! Träiascä CREDINTA CRESTINA!!!
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:50   #146
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.jos totul! traiasca regele!
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 19 May 2006, 18:52   #147
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Te-ai gandit putin ca cei de religie crestina (catolici, ortodocsi, protestanti etc) nu sunt cei mai numerosi din lume? De fapt nu sunt nici macar pe locul doi. Asa ca cei care cred in Iisus sunt abia pe locul trei. Apropo de dogme, acestea nu sunt identice pentru toti crestinii, deci ce dogme trebuie sa respecti pentru a nu supara pe nimeni? Pentru musulmani sau indieni, de exemplu, Iisus Hristos este un personaj istoric (ca si Alexandru cel Mare). Deci, de ce sa nu se faca filme despre el?
And out of the darkness, the Zombie did call / True pain and suffering he brought to them all / Away ran the children to hide in their beds / For fear that the devil would chop off their heads.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:52   #148
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Acest raptor nu gandeste atunci cand scrie. Un film in care IIsus este vazut drept un personaj pozitiv nu ii jigneste pe musulmani sau adeptii altei religii.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:54   #149
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.dar pe tine, micul meu Moise, un film in care Satan e personaj pozitiv te-ar ofensa?
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 19 May 2006, 18:54   #150
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din nou @LOTR
Dragul meu, tu ai idee ce inseamna Jihad?
And out of the darkness, the Zombie did call / True pain and suffering he brought to them all / Away ran the children to hide in their beds / For fear that the devil would chop off their heads.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:54   #151
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Pentru Terror-Hollywoodul este in America,o tara majoritar crestina.
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Old 19 May 2006, 18:58   #152
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Frodolicä, frodolicä,
Stim noi cä tu esti Petricä,
Stai cuminte si n-ai fricä,
Imediat vei lua bänicä!
(Nu bänicä cel Stefan,
Ci bänicä de la ban,
Ban, adicä "dat afarä",
Mäi Petricä, mäi mäscarä!)
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:02   #153
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@ Nepotul lui Bilbo

Nu are nici un Dumnezeu ce spui tu. Ce legatura are Hollywoodul cu Razboiul Sfant, si implicit cu imaginea pozitiva a lui Iisus care nu-i afecteaza pe musulmani. Dupa cum spuneam ceva mai devreme discutia asta devine trista pentru ca "some people never learn". Dati cu banul oameni buni!
And out of the darkness, the Zombie did call / True pain and suffering he brought to them all / Away ran the children to hide in their beds / For fear that the devil would chop off their heads.
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:04   #154
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Asta e o aberatie. frodo baggins nu a incalcat nici o regula a forumului. Nu am folosit limbaj obscen.Nu am nici o legatura cu peter jackson. Nu exista motive sa fiu exclus.
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:06   #155
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Ba da. Cä asa vrea muschii nostri.

Terror_IST, Raptor, si altii - faceti-l voi poshtä pe Petricä aka Frodo, cä eu am treabä acum, n-am timp de toti schizofrenicii paranoido-misticoiosi.
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:09   #156
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Nu am folosit limbaj obscen deci nu pot fi dat afara. Daca se intampla asa ceva e posibil sa dau in judecata compania care are acest site pentru incalcarea dreptului la libera exprimare.
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:10   #157
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oh da! da-i in judecata si pt faptul ca sustin homosexualii, ne?
Switched On Lotus
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Old 19 May 2006, 19:19   #158
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.da de ce, daca are dreptate. nu-l poate nimeni caca afara din forum pe vreun motf legal.
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 19 May 2006, 19:38   #159
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Originally Posted by frodo baggins:
Nu am folosit limbaj obscen deci nu pot fi dat afara. Daca se intampla asa ceva e posibil sa dau in judecata compania care are acest site pentru incalcarea dreptului la libera exprimare.

si la ce lege incadrezi abuzul cinemagic?
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 19 May 2006, 22:12   #160
frodo baggins
frodo baggins
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Este incredibila lipsa de respect a lui Pitbull si Alex Leo Serban fata de libertatea de exprimare.Cica ei sunt intelectuali elitisti.
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