Locul naşterii: New Rochelle, New York, SUA
· Data naşterii:
· Data decesului: 22.03.1994
· Ocupaţie: Regizor
· Zodia: Taur
Walter Lantz a fost un creator de desene animate, regizor, producător american, care s-a născut la data de 27.04.1899 și care a decedat la data de 22.03.1994. A rămas celebru în istoria filmului de animație, deoarece a fost creatorul personajului Ciocănitoarea Woody. Walter Lantz a fost apreciat pentru întreaga sa carieră în 1978, când Academia de Film i-a decernat un premiu Oscar omagial.
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- Get Lost! Little Doggy (1964) - Passerby
- Woody Woodpecker and His Friends / Ciocănitoarea Woody (1982)
- The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953)
- Woodpecker in the Rough (1952)
- Stage Hoax (1952)
- Scalp Treatment (1952)
- Born to Peck (1952)
- Sleep Happy (1951)
- Puny Express (1951)
- Woody Woodpecker Polka (1951)
- Wicket Wacky (1951)
- Slingshot 6-7/8 (1951)
- The Redwood Sap (1951)
- Destination Meatball (1951)
- Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (1941)
- The Merry Old Soul (1933)
Filmografie - scenarist
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal (1985) - Himself
- Walter, Woody and the World of Animation (1982) - Himself
- Woody Woodpecker and His Friends / Ciocănitoarea Woody (1982) - Himself
- Week End in Hollywood (1947) - Himself
Filmografie - producător
- Walter, Woody and the World of Animation (1982)
- Woody Woodpecker and His Friends / Ciocănitoarea Woody (1982)
- Unlucky Potluck (1972)
- Rain Rain, Go Away (1972)
- Indian Corn (1972)
- Gold Diggin' Woodpecker (1972)
- A Fish Story (1972)
- Show Biz Beagle (1972)
- Pecking Holes in Poles (1972)
- The Genie with the Light Touch (1972)
- For the Love of Pizza (1972)
- Chili Con Corny (1972)
- Bye, Bye, Blackboard (1972)
- The Rude Intruder (1972)
- Woody's Magic Touch (1971)
- The Snoozin' Bruin' (1971)
- Sleepy Time Chimes (1971)
- Shanghai Woody (1971)
- The Reluctant Recruit (1971)
- Kitty from the City (1971)
- How to Trap a Woodpecker (1971)
- Flim Flam Fountain (1971)
- Moochin' Pooch (1971)
- Chilly's Hide-a-Way (1971)
- The Bungling Builder (1971)
- Airlift a la Carte (1971)
- Wild Bill Hiccup (1970)
- Seal on the Loose (1970)
- Hi-Rise Wise Guys (1970)
- Coo Coo Nuts (1970)
- Buster's Last Stand (1970)
- All Hams on Deck (1970)
- The Un-Handy Man (1970)
- Gooney's Goofy Landings (1970)
- Charlie's Golf Classic (1970)
- Charlie in Hot Water (1970)
- Little Skeeter (1969)
- Woody's Knightmare (1969)
- Tumble Weed Greed (1969)
- Ship a-Hoy Woody (1969)
- Prehistoric Super Salesman (1969)
- Phoney Pony (1969)
- Project Reject (1969)
- Gopher Broke (1969)
- Cool It, Charlie (1969)
- Chilly and the Looney Gooney (1969)
- Charlie's Campout (1969)
- Woody the Free-Loader (1968)
- A Peck of Trouble (1968)
- One Horse Town (1968)
- A Lad in Baghdad (1968)
- Hook, Line, and Stinker (1968)
- Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin (1968)
- Fat in the Saddle (1968)
- Paste Makes Waste (1968)
- Jerky Turkey (1968)
- Highway Hecklers (1968)
- Bugged in a Rug (1968)
- Sissy Sheriff (1967)
- Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker (1967)
- The Nautical Nut (1967)
- Hot Diggity Dog (1967)
- Horse Play (1967)
- Have Gun - Can't Travel (1967)
- Window Pains (1967)
- Vicious Viking (1967)
- Mouse in the House (1967)
- Hot Time on Ice (1967)
- Chilly and the Woodchopper (1967)
- Chilly Chums (1967)
- Chiller Dillers (1967)
- Polar Fright (1966)
- Woody and the Beanstalk (1966)
- Rough Riding Hood (1966)
- Practical Yolk (1966)
- Monster of Ceremonies (1966)
- Lonesome Ranger (1966)
- Hassle in a Castle (1966)
- The Big Bite (1966)
- Astronut Woody (1966)
- South Pole Pals (1966)
- Operation Shanghai (1966)
- Foot Brawl (1966)
- Woodpecker Wanted (1965)
- What's Peckin' (1965)
- Three Little Woodpeckers (1965)
- Sioux Me (1965)
- Janie Get Your Gun (1965)
- Case of the Elephant's Trunk (1965)
- Canned Dog Feud (1965)
- Birds of a Feather (1965)
- Half Baked Alaska (1965)
- Guest Who? (1965)
- Fractured Friendship (1965)
- Davey Cricket (1965)
- Lighthouse-keeping Blues (1964)
- Woody's Clip Joint (1964)
- Skin Folks (1964)
- Saddle-Sore Woody (1964)
- Roamin' Roman (1964)
- Get Lost! Little Doggy (1964)
- Freeway Fracas (1964)
- Dumb Like a Fox (1964)
- Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle (1964)
- Rah Rah Ruckus (1964)
- Deep Freeze Squeeze (1964)
- Stowaway Woody (1963)
- Shutter Bug (1963)
- Coy Decoy (1963)
- Tepee for Two (1963)
- The Tenant's Racket (1963)
- Science Friction (1963)
- Case of the Cold Storage Yegg (1963)
- Goose Is Wild (1963)
- Goose in the Rough (1963)
- Charlie's Mother-in-Law (1963)
- Tragic Magic (1962)
- Short in the Saddle (1962)
- Room and Bored (1962)
- Rocket Racket (1962)
- Rock-a-Bye Gator (1962)
- Robin Hoody Woody (1962)
- Little Woody Riding Hood (1962)
- Home Sweet Home Wrecker (1962)
- Crowin' Pains (1962)
- Corny Concerto (1962)
- Careless Caretaker (1962)
- Calling Dr. Woodpecker (1962)
- Mother's Little Helper (1962)
- Fowled-Up Birthday (1962)
- Woody's Kook-Out (1961)
- Voo-Doo Boo-Boo (1961)
- Tin Can Concert (1961)
- Sufferin' Cats (1961)
- Poop Deck Pirate (1961)
- Phantom of the Horse Opera (1961)
- Papoose on the Loose (1961)
- Gabby's Diner (1961)
- Franken-Stymied (1961)
- Eggnapper (1961)
- Busman's Holiday (1961)
- The Bird Who Came to Dinner (1961)
- Bear and the Bees (1961)
- St. Moritz Blitz (1961)
- Mackerel Moocher (1961)
- Clash and Carry (1961)
- Southern Fried Hospitality (1960)
- Pistol Packin' Woodpecker (1960)
- Ozark Lark (1960)
- Hunger Strife (1960)
- How to Stuff a Woodpecker (1960)
- Heap Big Hepcat (1960)
- Fowled Up Falcon (1960)
- Billion Dollar Boner (1960)
- Bats in the Belfry (1960)
- Ballyhooey (1960)
- Fish Hooked (1960)
- Woodpecker in the Moon (1959)
- Truant Student (1959)
- Tomcat Combat (1959)
- The Tee Bird (1959)
- Space Mouse (1959)
- Romp in a Swamp (1959)
- Panhandle Scandal (1959)
- Mouse Trapped (1959)
- Log Jammed (1959)
- Kiddie League (1959)
- Bee Bopped (1959)
- Yukon Have It (1959)
- Watch the Birdie (1958)
- Tree's a Crowd (1958)
- Three-Ring Fling (1958)
- Salmon Yeggs (1958)
- Misguided Missile (1958)
- Jittery Jester (1958)
- His Better Elf (1958)
- Half Empty Saddles (1958)
- Everglade Raid (1958)
- The Bongo Punch (1958)
- Polar Pest (1958)
- Little Televillain (1958)
- A Chilly Reception (1958)
- The Unbearable Salesman (1957)
- To Catch a Woodpecker (1957)
- Round Trip to Mars (1957)
- Red Riding Hoodlum (1957)
- Plumber of Seville (1957)
- International Woodpecker (1957)
- Goofy Gardeners (1957)
- Fowled-Up Party (1957)
- Fodder and Son (1957)
- Dopey Dick, the Pink Whale (1957)
- Box Car Bandit (1957)
- The Big Snooze (1957)
- Woody Meets Davy Crewcut (1956)
- Woodpecker from Mars (1956)
- The Talking Dog (1956)
- Pigeon Holed (1956)
- The Ostrich Egg and I (1956)
- Niagara Fools (1956)
- Get Lost (1956)
- Chief Charlie Horse (1956)
- Calling All Cuckoos (1956)
- Arts and Flowers (1956)
- After the Ball (1956)
- Room and Wrath (1956)
- Operation Cold Feet (1956)
- Witch Crafty (1955)
- The Tree Medic (1955)
- Square Shootin' Square (1955)
- Private Eye Pooch (1955)
- Helter Shelter (1955)
- Flea for Two (1955)
- Bunco Busters (1955)
- Bedtime Bedlam (1955)
- Hot and Cold Penguin (1955)
- Sh-h-h-h-h-h (1955)
- Under the Counter Spy (1954)
- Socko in Morocco (1954)
- Real Gone Woody (1954)
- Pig in a Pickle (1954)
- Hot Rod Huckster (1954)
- A Horse's Tale (1954)
- Hay Rube (1954)
- A Fine Feathered Frenzy (1954)
- Dig That Dog (1954)
- Convict Concerto (1954)
- Broadway Bow Wow's (1954)
- Alley to Bali (1954)
- I'm Cold (1954)
- Wrestling Wrecks (1953)
- What's Sweepin'? (1953)
- Operation Sawdust (1953)
- The Mouse and the Lion (1953)
- Hypnotic Hick (1953)
- Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure (1953)
- 'The Flying Turtle' (1953)
- The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953)
- Buccaneer Woodpecker (1953)
- Belle Boys (1953)
- Chilly Willy (1953)
- Termites from Mars (1952)
- Woodpecker in the Rough (1952)
- Stage Hoax (1952)
- Scalp Treatment (1952)
- The Great Who-Dood-It (1952)
- Born to Peck (1952)
- Sleep Happy (1951)
- Puny Express (1951)
- Woody Woodpecker Polka (1951)
- Wicket Wacky (1951)
- Slingshot 6-7/8 (1951)
- The Redwood Sap (1951)
- Destination Meatball (1951)
- Drooler's Delight (1949)
- Scrappy Birthday (1949)
- Wild and Woody! (1948)
- Wacky Bye Baby (1948)
- Pixie Picnic (1948)
- Kiddie Koncert (1948)
- The Playful Pelican (1948)
- Dog Tax Dodgers (1948)
- Banquet Busters (1948)
- Woody, the Giant Killer (1947)
- Well Oiled (1947)
- Solid Ivory (1947)
- Smoked Hams (1947)
- Overture to William Tell (1947)
- The Mad Hatter (1947)
- The Coo Coo Bird (1947)
- The Bandmaster (1947)
- Who's Cookin Who? (1946)
- The Reckless Driver (1946)
- Fair Weather Fiends (1946)
- Bathing Buddies (1946)
- The Wacky Weed (1946)
- Mousie Come Home (1946)
- Apple Andy (1946)
- Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (1941)
- The Big Cat and the Little Mousie (1938)
- Jolly Little Elves (1934)
- The Merry Old Soul (1933)
Filmografie - scriitor
Filmografie - o poveste de
- Jolly Little Elves (1934)
> Producatori
> Walter Lantz
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Devil May Cry
- Picture This
- Reflet dans un diamant mort
- Surviving Black Hawk Down
- Imagine Dragons: Live from the...
- Mentorii
- Becoming Led Zeppelin
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Beating Hearts
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Out of the Nest
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- Snow White
- The Alto Knights
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Michael
- Starbright
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV
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Walter Lantz
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