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Old 21 Sep 2003, 07:24   #1
El Chewbaccabra
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Ce-ar fi sa... (please read)

facem un fel de campionat al filmelor. Kinda like "Liga Campionilor"
Alegem 16/32/64 chiar filme considerate filme cult si le grupam 2 cate 2 in polls. Ideea e sa fie cat mai DIFERITE unul de altul. De ex:
Terminator 2 vs The Godfather.
La inceput vor fi 16, dup-aia 8, dup-aia 4... s.a.m.d., pana cand ramane numai unul care va fi... the champion of champions.
Acum normal ca majoritatea or sa zica "Dar Nasul e un film mult mai bun decat Terminatorul"... nu va cer sa faceti critici, luati in considerare si factorul divertisment". V-ati simtit bine urmarind filmul? Ati ramas cu ceva, v-a influentat in vreun fel viata?
Ce credeti de idee? Daca va place va rog sa veniti cu propuneri, adaugari, idei. Daca nu... Nu raspundeti si I'll get the idea.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 07:51   #2
Spirit of the System
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Bla, bla, bla asa ziceti filme si noi votam. Cev ade genul? Cine ajunge in finala. Mi-ar placea sa vad un lotr vs matrix sunt curios care ar castiga la noi. Si n-ar fi bun un poll aici?
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 09:13   #3
El Chewbaccabra
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Ideea era sa aruncam in arena si filme clasice si filme "cool".
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 09:35   #4
your Worst Nightmare
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Adica...ce e mai mishto: sa fii "intelijent" sau "cool"...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 09:56   #5
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Sau ama
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 10:59   #6
El Chewbaccabra
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Adica...ce e mai mishto: sa fii "intelijent" sau "cool"...

Nu cred ca poti sa fii cool fara sa fii inteligent. 8)
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 11:30   #7
El Chewbaccabra
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but then again... se intampla sa fiu foarte naiva uneori. :oops:
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 11:57   #8
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Nu cred ca poti sa fii cool fara sa fii inteligent. 8)

Try again! Look at me! I'm cool 8) ...but soooooooooo NOT "intelijent"... :lol:
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 12:24   #9
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Try again! Look at me! I'm cool 8) ...but soooooooooo NOT "intelijent"... :lol:
Mai esti si funny uneori!
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 14:44   #10
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I'm in.

Dar fara arbitrii corupti, da?
We are accidents waiting to happen...
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:01   #11
Spirit of the System
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Chestia e sa se propuna niste filem ca asa ne invartim in jurul cozii vreo 2 ani. Am zis era bun un poll si dupa o data anuma se inchidea poll-ul (Se punea un termen de 2 luni 64 de zile sa zicem)....
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:05   #12
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Shi...deci...cand incepem?
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:24   #13
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In sfarsit, o idee noua care imi place (desi am mai vazut-o - pe imdb). Cand incepem sa-mi aduc cele 32 de nominalizari.

(Campionatul regizorilor e mai interesant)
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:45   #14
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Nu cred ca poti sa fii cool fara sa fii inteligent. 8)

Try again! Look at me! I'm cool 8) ...but soooooooooo NOT "intelijent"... :lol:

Oh my God she is like sooo lying ... and to quote my favourite cartoon character lately Mojo Jojo :lol: "Demona that is" ... she' bright and cool and funny ... cool and funny(lady_skar) are part of that trio : cool and funny and smart ... :wink:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:51   #15
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by christi:
I'm in.

Dar fara arbitrii corupti, da?

I'm with this guy right here ... imi plae cum gandeshte (fack Urs Meier - persona no-grata in Romania :lol: :evil: ) ... + ideeea este geniala Lady Skar ... de abeaashtept ... da ne trebuie un lider k-lumea kre sa ne organizeze .. sa iasa ceva marpha nu aruncam cate un measj din cad in cand ... adik sa ne tzinem de el ....

let's do this ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 15:54   #16
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
+ ideeea este geniala Lady Skar ... de abeaashtept ... da ne trebuie un lider k-lumea kre sa ne organizeze .. sa iasa ceva marpha nu aruncam cate un measj din cad in cand ... adik sa ne tzinem de el ....

let's do this ...

Daca nu ne apucam acum, n-o mai facem in veci. Lady_Skar, da startu'!
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 16:01   #17
The White Rider
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adevar graieshti MinRep ... tre sa incepem klmea shi sa ducem totu la capat ... nu cum au fakut ashtia cu Trilohia za Metrics... au lasat-o in pom ... mie nu-mi plac chestiile astea ... arata a lipsa de concentratzie shi multa superficialitate ....
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 17:23   #18
Spirit of the System
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Ma ce v-am zis eu, ne-am invartit pe 17 posturi in jurul cozii...
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 21:19   #19
El Chewbaccabra
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WOW! Cool, let's get this party started!
Gandaalf, ai perfecta dreptate, eu iau chestia asta destul de serios, poate un pic cam prea in serios, dupa cum o sa se vada mai jos. Vreau sa fie organizat, nu asa aruncam doua filme, si hai sa vedem care-i mai bun. One more thing: Daca incepem, TERMINAM!!! Chiar de-ar fi sa votez numai eu singura!
Eu zic sa avem categorii: actiune, drame, comedii, "really really weird" (aici intra alea care nu stim exact ce sunt dar ne plac oricum, de exemplu Fight Club, e drama sau actiune?) Cred ca trebuie sa mai lucram la asta nu?
Stabilim numarul de filme.
32 e ok cu toata lumea?
cate 8 in fiecare categorie. don't you just love math? :evil:
dupa care facem pollurile, dar nu e voie ca doua filme sa fie din aceeasi categorie, cel putin nu in primele 2 etape! De ce? Pentru ca it's more fun! Una e sa pui Matrix vs Alien (un exemplu) si alta e Matrix vs Spaceballs.
Nu stiu, asa imi suna bine. Daca vreti sa facem pollurile in cadrul categoriilor si sa iasa 4 campioni care se bat intre ei bine, dar asa mi se pare chiar mai complicat. De ex, Pulp Fiction (de la weird) poate e mai bun ca Rambo (de la actiune) , dar Rambo poate nu e mai bun ca... Ace Ventura (evident comedii). See what I'm saying? D-aia nu vreau filme din aceeasi categorie la inceput, pentru ca nu vreau un film sa joace mai mult de doua "meciuri".
Ok, hai ca v-am ametit de tot. Am nasul infundat, nu pot sa respir si am si febra, prin urmare cred ca nu mai gandesc rational.
Tell me what you think si dup-aia facem alegerile.

PS: Desi imi place sa fiu laudata pentru ideile mele geniale, mentionez ca aceasta NU imi apartine, am vazut-o tot pe alt forum, dar mi s-a parut ca s-ar potrivi de minune acestuia.
PS2: ce zici TLD, dupa post-ul asta tot mai urmarim "coada" aia?

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna die now. :cry:
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 21 Sep 2003, 21:34   #20
Spirit of the System
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Sincer tot ne invartim in jurul cozii, ca nu s-a propus inca nimik din filme. Ma rog ai explica tmai detaliat ce ai zis si in primul post. Eu sunt de acord si intyru in joc, dar vreau sa votez... 8)
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