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Old 04 Apr 2005, 12:23   #501
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
TRAGEDY = :shock:
Mi se pare ca lasa cam multe informatii sa scape (pentru un teaser atat de scurt). Oricum, Ewan McGregor strigand "You were the chosen one!" iti sa fiori...
"And in case I don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening and good night!"
(Jim Carrey - "Truman Show")
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Old 05 Apr 2005, 06:25   #502
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Faenor:
Intr-adevar Tragedy aduce cel mai mult nou....makes the waiting even more difficult :w00t: ...vazut trailerul integral inainte de constantine aseara...pe un ecran ca cel de la Romania Plaza+sunet aferent....out of this world :shock: ....by the way il lanseaza si in Constanta in aceeasi zi ca in Bucuresti Gaandalf?
am vb cu cineva de la un tabloid din CTA si mi-a zis ca DA... dar astept sa vb cu Emi ca sa imi confirme aceasta stire... dk nu ne vedem la Bucuresti...
39 days left ... :shock:
deci nu mai rezist ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 05 Apr 2005, 06:27   #503
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by MinRep:
Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
TRAGEDY = :shock:
Mi se pare ca lasa cam multe informatii sa scape (pentru un teaser atat de scurt). Oricum, Ewan McGregor strigand "You were the chosen one!" iti sa fiori...
"The Jedi have turned against me..." deja semnalente ca a ieshit din ordin ... sunt deja spoilere serioase dar ce sa-i faci filmul asta oricum o sa placa...

Am mai spus-o Obi Wan plange cuvintele alea... si deja depashesc stadiul de fiori ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 07 Apr 2005, 17:22   #504
The White Rider
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primele schimbari la film ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 07 Apr 2005, 17:26   #505
The White Rider
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7, 8-14, 25, 30, 32, 37-41: FedCruiser scenes cut (Grievous killing Shaak Ti, the Jedi using their lightsabers to escape GG, underwater swim, climb through shaft, many of R2's hangar gags, many Palpatine cliffhangers)

48: Mace greets Palpatine and the Jedi right after the crash-landing

56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters

60: Bail and fellow Senators speak about the Senate

68-69: Obi-Wan tells Padme of his worries about Anakin and that he nows they're in love

71: Meeting with Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme

73: Anakin informs Palpatine that Obi-Wan soon will have Grievous' head

74: Jar Jar greets Anakin at Senate

75: Anakin confronts Padme

76-77: Republic cruiser arrives at Utapau

83: Obi-Wan chooses his lizard, Boga

86: Mace talks to Yoda on Kashyyyk, telling him of his plans to arrest Palpatine

88-89: Padme presents to Palpatine the Senators' petition

93: Utapau windmill

121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST

176: Yoda lands on Dagobah
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 09 Apr 2005, 00:39   #506
Unlikely Messiah
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Cum se ceartä un fan S.W. si un fan G.W.T.W.?

"I'hm youh faddah!"
"Frankly, Darth Vader, I don't give a damn."
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Old 09 Apr 2005, 08:25   #507
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erau gif-urile alea, reclama la nu stiu ce rahat. venea gandalf cu i am the servant of the flame or arnor etc etc si balrog-ul : gandalf, i am your father. dupa care tagline-ul reclamei : imagination knows no limits.

in alta ordine de idei, maine terminam cu gluma, ma duc sa iau bilete la revenge of the sith. gata. nu ne mai jucam. linie dreapta.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 09 Apr 2005, 21:29   #508
The One and Only Gollum
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
erau gif-urile alea, reclama la nu stiu ce rahat. venea gandalf cu i am the servant of the flame or arnor etc etc si balrog-ul : gandalf, i am your father. dupa care tagline-ul reclamei : imagination knows no limits.

unde, unde?
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 09 Apr 2005, 21:36   #509
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hm... pe asta l-am vazut pt prima oara acum vreo 3 ani pe la onering.net
recent l-am vazut la site-ul ala cu web comicul ctrl-alt-del.
dar nu e la o rubrica speciala. e doar o reclama. exact cum sunt aici pe cinemagia in nordul paginii.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 11 Apr 2005, 14:09   #510
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
in alta ordine de idei, maine terminam cu gluma, ma duc sa iau bilete la revenge of the sith. gata. nu ne mai jucam. linie dreapta.
avand in vedere ca mai sunt 33 de zile pana la premiera ... te rog frumos sa dezvoltzi ... m-ai facut curios ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 11 Apr 2005, 16:30   #511
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simplu. la hollywood multiplex bucuresti poti sa cumperi si sa rezervi bilete. ez as pie.
si la star wars si la kingdom of heaven for that matter.
pe de alta parte, duminica nu am ajuns. dar maine, maine promit.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 11 Apr 2005, 19:05   #512
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Pacat ca nu se poate face la fel si pentru Patria. Acolo voiam sa ma duc sa-l vad. The screen is huge, si tot acolo am vazut celalalte prequel-uri.
Deci e un fel de traditie,
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 11 Apr 2005, 20:25   #513
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Longshot:
simplu. la hollywood multiplex bucuresti poti sa cumperi si sa rezervi bilete. ez as pie.
si la star wars si la kingdom of heaven for that matter.
pe de alta parte, duminica nu am ajuns. dar maine, maine promit.
eu de nu shtiu cand ashtept sa vad ce durata o sa aibe Revenge Of The Sith si tu te duci sa iei bilete cu locuri si program stabilit ?
Cum vine asta ? Sau iei bilete ptr ziua respectiva si ora o stabileshti tu .. .?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 11 Apr 2005, 20:46   #514
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well aici e indeed o problema.
daca dai telefon sau te duci la www.hmultiplex.ro se pot face rezervari la filme care ruleaza acum si la cele 2 care am zis eu, la ore stabilite deja. problema la star wars e ca rezervarile se pot face incepand cu ziua de 20, ori eu vreau p 19 si de aia tre' sa ma duc la locul faptei sa vad ce si cum (pt ca vineri cand am fost la dreamers nu m-a dus capu')
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 12 Apr 2005, 07:04   #515
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Adik Longshot vrei sa zici ca pentru ziua premierei nu se fac rezervari deloc sau nu mai sunt deja locuri? A propos de ecran cele de la Movieplex sunt la fel de mari ca cel de la Patria nu sunt patate si petitcite ca cel de acolo, iar sunetul, tot Dolby nu zic nu e de generatie mai noua, mai performant. Plus scaunele cele mai comode vazute si simtite vreodata... ..si vorba aceea am incercat destule si in tara si in afara :lol: ...Cat despre mine cred ca o sa-l vad de cateva ori-prima data in ziua premierei for sure ca am primit o invitatie la Lounge la acelasi Movieplex si avand in vedere ca e mocangeala here I go ...oricum mi-ar face placere sa-l vad si cu un grup de colegi de "forumeala" de pe aici.

PS Chestia cu rezervarile e oarecum overrated 40% din cei care rezerva cu saptamani inainte nu ajung, probabil o fac de fite de genul eu am bilet la filmu ala tare X si el nici n-a aparut;cine-i mai tare ca mine? Eu am gasit bilete central cu 10 minute inainte de spectacol din anularile rezervarilor neonorate in ziua premierei atat la ROTK, cat si la Matrix Reloaded si Revolutions la vremea lor sau mai recent la Ultimul samurai,Troia si Spidey2.Teoretic se epuizasera-practic ori sunt one big lucky motherf***r ori exista un sistem si functioneaza
"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice"-Rebec of Ginaz
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Old 12 Apr 2005, 07:22   #516
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nu e vb ca s-au epuizat locurile pe 19. pur si simplu nu exista optiunea sa rezervi atunci.prob poti doar sa cumperi.
la movieplex nu ma bag. am fost doar o data. o sa incerc si lounge-ul cand am timp.
la ultima parte, nu stiu ce sa zic. dupa mine, ai avut bulan imens. cu 10 minute inainte la un film hyped pana la maxim (daca mai e si tom cruise in el e si mai rau) nu ai nici o sansa sa prinzi loc. poate pe randurile 1-3. doar asa.
la partea cu rezervarile, ai dreptate dar procentul ala, zic eu, e mai mic decat 40%. nu toti sunt chiar atat de snobi.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 12 Apr 2005, 14:01   #517
The White Rider
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Nu shtiu cum e la voi la multiplex lounge dar la noi e undeva super sus ... incat te shi enerveaza. Eu o sa ma duc sa vad filmul de pe locul pe care eu mi-l aleg ... si o sa las snobii sa se duca sus si sa nu inteleaga nimik din film ca oricum au venit pana acolo nu mergand cu propulsatzi de propriile bashini ...

Mai sunt 32 de zile shi 9 ore .... potrivit numaratoarei inverse de la www.jedi.ro
:shock: nu mai am deloc rabdare... si o sa fiu si in sesiune...dar pe 19 Mai imi iau liber ... toata ziua mi-o petrec la cinema...
:shock: :shock: :shock:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 13 Apr 2005, 06:59   #518
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Din cate am inteles, ca de calcat inca nu am avut "onoarea" :lol: e o sala mai comoda si cu bautura gratis :w00t: pentru spectatorii cu dare de mana sau cu fobii de vedeta cu privacy invadat....nu e de mine dar cum am spus daca primesc o invitatie gratis nu ma supar mai ales ca sunt conditii de vizionare optime-e mai mult o chestie de prima impresie pt ca si eu o sa-l tot revad,ca si Gaandalf, de suficiente ori.
"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice"-Rebec of Ginaz
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Old 14 Apr 2005, 09:58   #519
The White Rider
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The Critics used to like Star Wars article:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 17 Apr 2005, 22:36   #520
The White Rider
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@ Longshot ... acum poti sa te duci la Multiplex sa le zici cat tine filmul si sa faca programul k sa iti iei bilete ...
according to:
140 de minute...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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