Nume real: Jules Weiss
· Locul naşterii: Budapesta, Ungaria
· Data naşterii:
· Data decesului: 30.04.1985
· Ocupaţie: Producător, regizor, scenarist, actor
· Zodia: Fecioară
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- Hey Moe! Hey Dad! (2015) - Himself (archive footage) (2 episodes, 2015)
- Tooting Tooters (1954) - Voice-over for John Tyrrell
- Rip, Sew and Stitch (1953) - Announcer on Radio
- Sing a Song of Six Pants (1947) - cranic radio
- The Birth of a Nation / Nasterea unei natiuni (1915)
- Three Stooges Fun-O-Rama (1959)
- Sappy Bullfighters (1959)
- Triple Crossed (1959)
- Sweet and Hot (1958)
- Quiz Whizz (1958)
- Pies and Guys (1958)
- Oil's Well That Ends Well (1958)
- Flying Saucer Daffy (1958)
- Fifi Blows Her Top (1958)
- Tricky Chicks (1957)
- Space Ship Sappy (1957)
- Rusty Romeos (1957)
- Outer Space Jitters (1957)
- Muscle Up a Little Closer (1957)
- A Merry Mix-up (1957)
- Horsing Around (1957)
- Hoofs and Goofs (1957)
- Guns A-Poppin (1957)
- Army Daze (1956)
- Come on Seven (1956)
- Pardon My Nightshirt (1956)
- Scheming Schemers (1956)
- Rumpus in the Harem (1956)
- Husbands Beware (1956)
- Hot Stuff (1956)
- For Crimin' Out Loud (1956)
- Flagpole Jitters (1956)
- Creeps (1956)
- Commotion on the Ocean (1956)
- Andy Goes Wild (1956)
- Hook a Crook (1955)
- G.I. Dood It (1955)
- Nobody's Home (1955)
- His Pest Friend (1955)
- He Took a Powder (1955)
- Scratch Scratch Scratch (1955)
- One Spooky Night (1955)
- Wham Bam Slam (1955)
- Stone Age Romeos (1955)
- Of Cash and Hash (1955)
- Hot Ice (1955)
- Gypped in the Penthouse (1955)
- Fling in the Ring (1955)
- Blunder Boys (1955)
- Bedlam in Paradise (1955)
- Kids Will Be Kids (1954)
- The Fire Chaser (1954)
- Two April Fools (1954)
- Tooting Tooters (1954)
- Doggie in the Bedroom (1954)
- Shot in the Frontier (1954)
- Scotched in Scotland (1954)
- Pals and Gals (1954)
- Musty Musketeers (1954)
- Knutzy Knights (1954)
- Income Tax Sappy (1954)
- Down the Hatch (1953)
- Spies and Guys (1953)
- He Popped His Pistol (1953)
- Oh, Say Can You Sue (1953)
- Love's A-Poppin' (1953)
- Up in Daisy's Penthouse (1953)
- Tricky Dicks (1953)
- Spooks! (1953)
- Rip, Sew and Stitch (1953)
- Pardon My Backfire (1953)
- Loose Loot (1953)
- Goof on the Roof (1953)
- Bubble Trouble (1953)
- Booty and the Beast (1953)
- Rootin' Tootin' Tenderfeet (1952)
- Caught on the Bounce (1952)
- Strop, Look and Listen (1952)
- A Fool and His Honey (1952)
- Hooked and Rooked (1952)
- A Blissful Blunder (1952)
- Happy Go Wacky (1952)
- The Gink at the Sink (1952)
- Aim, Fire, Scoot (1952)
- Three Dark Horses (1952)
- A Missed Fortune (1952)
- He Cooked His Goose (1952)
- Cuckoo on a Choo-Choo (1952)
- Corny Casanovas (1952)
- Wine, Women and Bong (1951)
- Wedding Yells (1951)
- Fraidy Cat (1951)
- He Flew the Shrew (1951)
- Fun on the Run (1951)
- Pleasure Treasure (1951)
- Blonde Atom Bomb (1951)
- She Took a Powder (1951)
- Scrambled Brains (1951)
- Pest Man Wins (1951)
- Don't Throw That Knife (1951)
- Baby Sitters Jitters (1951)
- Innocently Guilty (1950)
- Dizzy Yardbird (1950)
- House About It (1950)
- Marinated Mariner (1950)
- A Blunderful Time (1950)
- Nursie Behave (1950)
- Hold That Monkey (1950)
- Three Hams on Rye (1950)
- Slaphappy Sleuths (1950)
- Self Made Maids (1950)
- Love at First Bite (1950)
- Hugs and Mugs (1950)
- Clunked in the Clink (1949)
- French Fried Frolic (1949)
- Sunk in the Sink (1949)
- Wha' Happen? (1949)
- A Miss in a Mess (1949)
- Flung by a Fling (1949)
- Malice in the Palace (1949)
- Hokus Pokus (1949)
- The Ghost Talks (1949)
- Dunked in the Deep (1949)
- Silly Billy (1948)
- A-Hunting They Did Go (1948)
- Parlor, Bedroom and Wrath (1948)
- Man or Mouse (1948)
- Crabbin' in the Cabin (1948)
- Go Chase Yourself (1948)
- Pardon My Lamb Chop (1948)
- Jitter Bughouse (1948)
- I'm a Monkey's Uncle (1948)
- Heavenly Daze (1948)
- Fiddlers Three (1948)
- Rolling Down to Reno (1947)
- Two Jills and a Jack (1947)
- Cupid Goes Nuts (1947)
- Training for Trouble (1947)
- Sing a Song of Six Pants (1947)
- Hold That Lion! (1947)
- Half-Wits Holiday (1947)
- The Good Bad Egg (1947)
- All Gummed Up (1947)
- Vine Women and Song (1946)
- Mr. Wright Goes Wrong (1946)
- Moron Than Off (1946)
- So's Your Antenna (1946)
- Jiggers, My Wife (1946)
- You Can't Fool a Fool (1946)
- Reno-Vated (1946)
- Headin' for a Weddin' (1946)
- Ain't Love Cuckoo? (1946)
- Uncivil War Birds (1946)
- Three Loan Wolves (1946)
- Rhythm and Weep (1946)
- G.I. Wanna Home (1946)
- Beer Barrel Polecats (1946)
- General Nuisance (1941)
- She's Oil Mine (1941)
- The Taming of the Snood (1940)
- The Spook Speaks (1940)
- Pardon My Berth Marks (1940)
- His Ex Marks the Spot (1940)
- Mooching Through Georgia (1939)
- Sidewalks of New York (1931)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Stooge Snapshots (1984) - Himself (in interview)
Filmografie - producător
- The Three Stooges Follies (1974)
- Stop! Look! and Laugh! (1960)
- Three Stooges Fun-O-Rama (1959)
- Sappy Bullfighters (1959)
- Triple Crossed (1959)
- Sweet and Hot (1958)
- Pies and Guys (1958)
- Oil's Well That Ends Well (1958)
- Flying Saucer Daffy (1958)
- Fifi Blows Her Top (1958)
- Space Ship Sappy (1957)
- Rusty Romeos (1957)
- Outer Space Jitters (1957)
- Muscle Up a Little Closer (1957)
- A Merry Mix-up (1957)
- Horsing Around (1957)
- Hoofs and Goofs (1957)
- Guns A-Poppin (1957)
- Army Daze (1956)
- Pardon My Nightshirt (1956)
- Scheming Schemers (1956)
- Rumpus in the Harem (1956)
- Husbands Beware (1956)
- Hot Stuff (1956)
- For Crimin' Out Loud (1956)
- Flagpole Jitters (1956)
- Creeps (1956)
- Commotion on the Ocean (1956)
- Andy Goes Wild (1956)
- Hook a Crook (1955)
- Nobody's Home (1955)
- His Pest Friend (1955)
- He Took a Powder (1955)
- One Spooky Night (1955)
- Wham Bam Slam (1955)
- Stone Age Romeos (1955)
- Of Cash and Hash (1955)
- Hot Ice (1955)
- Gypped in the Penthouse (1955)
- Fling in the Ring (1955)
- Blunder Boys (1955)
- Bedlam in Paradise (1955)
- Kids Will Be Kids (1954)
- The Fire Chaser (1954)
- Two April Fools (1954)
- Tooting Tooters (1954)
- Shot in the Frontier (1954)
- Scotched in Scotland (1954)
- Pals and Gals (1954)
- Musty Musketeers (1954)
- Knutzy Knights (1954)
- Income Tax Sappy (1954)
- Down the Hatch (1953)
- He Popped His Pistol (1953)
- Oh, Say Can You Sue (1953)
- Love's A-Poppin' (1953)
- Up in Daisy's Penthouse (1953)
- Tricky Dicks (1953)
- Spooks! (1953)
- Rip, Sew and Stitch (1953)
- Pardon My Backfire (1953)
- Loose Loot (1953)
- Goof on the Roof (1953)
- Bubble Trouble (1953)
- Booty and the Beast (1953)
- Rootin' Tootin' Tenderfeet (1952)
- Caught on the Bounce (1952)
- Strop, Look and Listen (1952)
- Heebie Gee-Gees (1952)
- A Fool and His Honey (1952)
- Hooked and Rooked (1952)
- A Blissful Blunder (1952)
- Happy Go Wacky (1952)
- The Gink at the Sink (1952)
- Aim, Fire, Scoot (1952)
- Three Dark Horses (1952)
- A Missed Fortune (1952)
- Listen, Judge (1952)
- He Cooked His Goose (1952)
- Cuckoo on a Choo-Choo (1952)
- Corny Casanovas (1952)
- The Awful Sleuth (1951)
- He Flew the Shrew (1951)
- Fun on the Run (1951)
- Pleasure Treasure (1951)
- Blonde Atom Bomb (1951)
- She Took a Powder (1951)
- Scrambled Brains (1951)
- Pest Man Wins (1951)
- Don't Throw That Knife (1951)
- Baby Sitters Jitters (1951)
- Innocently Guilty (1950)
- Dizzy Yardbird (1950)
- House About It (1950)
- A Blunderful Time (1950)
- Nursie Behave (1950)
- Three Hams on Rye (1950)
- Slaphappy Sleuths (1950)
- Self Made Maids (1950)
- Love at First Bite (1950)
- Hugs and Mugs (1950)
- Clunked in the Clink (1949)
- French Fried Frolic (1949)
- Let Down Your Aerial (1949)
- Radio Riot (1949)
- Microspook (1949)
- Wha' Happen? (1949)
- A Miss in a Mess (1949)
- Flung by a Fling (1949)
- Malice in the Palace (1949)
- Hokus Pokus (1949)
- The Ghost Talks (1949)
- Dunked in the Deep (1949)
- Silly Billy (1948)
- A-Hunting They Did Go (1948)
- Parlor, Bedroom and Wrath (1948)
- Man or Mouse (1948)
- Crabbin' in the Cabin (1948)
- Go Chase Yourself (1948)
- Billie Gets Her Man (1948)
- A Pinch in Time (1948)
- Jitter Bughouse (1948)
- I'm a Monkey's Uncle (1948)
- Heavenly Daze (1948)
- Fiddlers Three (1948)
- Tall, Dark and Gruesome (1948)
- Scooper Dooper (1947)
- Rolling Down to Reno (1947)
- Radio Romeo (1947)
- Training for Trouble (1947)
- Wife to Spare (1947)
- Sing a Song of Six Pants (1947)
- Hold That Lion! (1947)
- Half-Wits Holiday (1947)
- Brideless Groom (1947)
- All Gummed Up (1947)
- Vine Women and Song (1946)
- Mr. Wright Goes Wrong (1946)
- Moron Than Off (1946)
- So's Your Antenna (1946)
- Jiggers, My Wife (1946)
- You Can't Fool a Fool (1946)
- Andy Plays Hookey (1946)
- Reno-Vated (1946)
- Headin' for a Weddin' (1946)
- Hot Water (1946)
- Ain't Love Cuckoo? (1946)
- Uncivil War Birds (1946)
- Three Loan Wolves (1946)
- Rhythm and Weep (1946)
- G.I. Wanna Home (1946)
- The Blonde Stayed On (1946)
- Beer Barrel Polecats (1946)
- General Nuisance (1941)
- She's Oil Mine (1941)
- The Taming of the Snood (1940)
- Pardon My Berth Marks (1940)
- His Ex Marks the Spot (1940)
- Pest from the West (1939)
- Men in Black (1934)
Filmografie - miscellaneous crew
- Stop! Look! and Laugh! (1960)
Filmografie - scriitor
- Pardon My Nightshirt (1956)
- Fraidy Cat (1951)
- Marinated Mariner (1950)
- Go Chase Yourself (1948)
- Rolling Down to Reno (1947)
4 nominalizări Oscar
Toate premiile »
A colaborat cu
Wallace Reid
Lillian Gish
Blackie Whiteford
Stanley Blystone
Tom Wilson
Fred Burns
John Ford
Robert Harron
Henry B. Walthall
Larry Fine
Russell Hicks
Angela Stevens
Alma Rubens
Moe Howard
Myron Healey
Walter Huston
Mae Marsh
Raoul Walsh
Donald Crisp
Kenneth MacDonald
Gibson Gowland
Eugene Pallette
Sam De Grasse
David Butler
Josephine Crowell
Vernon Dent
D.W. Griffith
Miriam Cooper
Ruth White
Elmer Clifton
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
- Filme 2027
- Filme 2026
- Filme 2025
- Filme 2024
- Premiere cinema
- Filme la TV
- Filme pe DVD
- Filme pe Blu-ray
- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Beating Hearts
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Out of the Nest
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- Snow White
- The Alto Knights
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Michael
- Starbright
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Lilo & Stitch
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV
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Jules White
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