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William Devane s-a nascut la 5 septembrie 1937 in Albany, New York, USA. Are doi copii si a fost casatorit o singura data cu Eugenie, alaturi de care este si in prezent. Este proprietarul unui restaurant. Este nascut in zodia fecioarei si are 1.78 m. A prestat ca actor in cinematografie si televiziune. Este fiul lui Joseph (Joe) Devane, soferul lui Franklin Delano Roosvelt cand acesta era guvernator in New York.
Dupa ce a absolvit studiile la Academia Americana de Arta Dramatica din orasul...
William Devane s-a nascut la 5 septembrie 1937 in Albany, New York, USA. Are doi copii si a fost casatorit o singura data cu Eugenie, alaturi de care este si in prezent. Este proprietarul unui restaurant. Este nascut in zodia fecioarei si are 1.78 m. A prestat ca actor in cinematografie si televiziune. Este fiul lui Joseph (Joe) Devane, soferul lui Franklin Delano Roosvelt cand acesta era guvernator in New York.
Dupa ce a absolvit studiile la Academia Americana de Arta Dramatica din orasul New York el apare in primul sau stagiu ca debutant in The Watering Place cu Shirley Knight pe Broadway apoi succesele au continuat `The Chinese and Dr. Fish (1970), drama de razboi G.R. Point (1979). A prestat cu Vanessa Redgrave in Yanks (1979). Filmul sau de debut este In the Country (1967).
El are un mic rol dar o memorabila aparitie cu rolul Robert Altman in McCabe&Mrs. Miller (1971) dar si-a castigat reputatia in rolul presedintelui John F. Kennedy `The Missiles of October (1974) film in care joaca alaturi de Martin Sheen, Lewis Berryhill in The West Wing (1999), este co-star alaturi de fiul lui Donald Sutherland, Kiefer in 24 (2001) ori rolul presedintelui Henry Hayes in Stargate SG-1 (1997). A jucat in `Lois & Clark : The New Adventures of Superman (1994). Apare alaturi de Donald Sutherland in `Space Cowboys (2000).
A fost nominalizat pentru foarte multe premii : Emmy (1975 si 1976), Goden Apple (1975), Golden Globe (1987), Soap Opera Digest Award (1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991), Anniversary Award (2009). A castigat in 1989, 1990 si 1991 premiul Soap Opera Digest Award pentru `Knots Landing (1979) si in 2009 `Anniversary Award `pentru filmul `Knots Landing`.
- Bosch: Legacy (2022) - Whitney Vance Trailer
- Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise / Jesse Stone: pierdut în Paradise (2015) - Dr. Dix
- The Grinder (2015) - Sanderson senior Trailer
- 50 to 1 / Neînfrânații (2014) - Leonard Doc Blach
- 24: Live Another Day (2014) - James Heller Trailer
- Interstellar / Interstellar: Călătorind prin univers (2014) - Williams Trailer
- Bad Turn Worse / La ananghie (2013)
- The Dark Knight Rises / Cavalerul negru: Legenda renaște (2012) Trailer
- Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost / Jesse Stone: O moarte suspectă (2011) - dr. Dix Trailer
- Flag of My Father / (2011) - Jake
- Hell to Pay (2011) - Nick Darwin
- The Kane Files: Life of Trial / Cu Politia pe Urme (2010) - Thompson
- Jesse Stone: No Remorse / Jesse Stone: Fără remușcări (2010) - Dr. Hix
- The River Why (2010) - Dutch Hines Trailer
- The Dealership (2009) - Frank Carson
- The Least Among You (2009) - Alan Beckett
- Chasing the Green / Pasiunea pentru golf (2009) - Victor Gatling Trailer
- Jesse Stone: Thin Ice / Misiunea lui Jesse Stone (2009) - Dr. Dix
- Stargate: Continuum / Stargate: Salt în trecut (2008) - President Henry Hayes Trailer
- The Fall /I (2008) - Judge Stanley Seeban
- Jesse Stone: Sea Change / Jesse Stone: în ape tulburi (2007) - Dr. Dix
- Payback: Straight Up - The Director's Cut (2006) - Carter
- Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise / Pe urmele vinovatului (2006) - Dr. Dix
- What About Brian / Cum ramane cu Brian? (2006) - Michael Davis (6 episodes, 2006-2007)
- Crumbs / Crumbs (2006) - Billy Crumb
- Deceit / Incredere tradata (2004) - Grove McCarthy
- The Wind Effect (2003) - LT Porter
- Monte Walsh (2003) - Cal Brennan
- A Christmas Visitor / Un oaspete de Crăciun (2002) - George Boyajian
- The Badge / În spatele aparențelor (2002) - Judecatorul
- Threat of Exposure (2002) - Col. Weldon
- 24 / 24 de ore (2001) - James Heller (20 episodes, 2005-2007) Trailer
- Race to Space / Cursa spatiala (2001) - Roger Thornhill
- The Man Who Used to Be Me (2000) - Sam
- The Michael Richards Show / Un detectiv dat naibii (2000) - Brady McKay
- The Miracle on the Mountain: Kincaid Family Story / Miracol pe munte (2000) - Tom Kincaid
- Poor White Trash / O viata de nimic (2000) - Ron Lake
- Space Cowboys / Seniorii spațiului (2000) - Eugene Davis
- Hollow Man / Omul invizibil (2000) - dr. Howard Kramer Trailer
- Judging Amy / Amy (1999) - Richard McCarty (1 episode, 2002)
- The West Wing / Viața la Casa Albă (1999) - Secretary of State Lewis Berryhill (2 episodes, 2003)
- Turks / Familia Turk (1999) - Sergent Joseph Turk
- Payback / După faptă și răsplată (1999) - Carter Trailer
- Exception to the Rule / Exceptia de la regula (1997) - Lawrence Kellerman
- Doomsday Rock / Unda de șoc (1997) - Dr. Karl Sorenson
- The Absolute Truth / Adevăruri ascunse (1997) - Sen. Emmett Hunter
- Timecop / Politist prin timp (1997) - Older Detective John Langdon (1 episode, 1997)
- Stargate SG-1 (1997) - President Hayes
- Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac / Vecinii: Reuniunea (1997) - Gregory Sumner
- Forgotten Sins (1996) - Dr. Richard Ofshe
- Early Edition / Viitorul începe azi (1996) - Bernie Hobson
- Virus / Formula mortii (1995) - Dr. Harbuck
- Night Watch / S-a furat Rembrandt (1995) - Caldwell
- Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 / Ultimul zbor (1995) - Capitanul Bob Pearson
- Lady in Waiting (1994) - Lt. Barrett
- Frogmen (1994)
- For the Love of Nancy / Din dragoste pentru Nancy (1994) - Tom
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Benjamin Parker (1 episode, 1997)
- Rubdown / Obstacol neasteptat (1993) - Harry Orwitz
- Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story (1993) - Daniel 'Dan' Fields
- The X Files / Dosarele X (1993) Trailer
- Phenom / Phenom (1993) - Lou Del La Rosa
- Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman / Lois și Clark (1993) - Al Capone (1 episode, 1994)
- Ancient Secrets of the Bible / Secretele Bibliei (1992) - Gazda
- The President's Child / Fiul presedintelui (1992)
- Obsessed (1992) - Ed Bledsoe
- Nightmare in Columbia County (1991) - Sheriff Jim Metts
- Vital Signs (1990) - Dr. Chatham
- Murder C.O.D. / Asasinul din umbra (1990) - Alex Brandt
- Chips, the War Dog / Chips, catelul razboinic (1990) - Col. Charnley
- The Preppie Murder / Crima in lumea buna (1989) - Jack Litman
- Timestalkers / Vânătorii timpului (1987) - Scott McKenzie
- Hadley's Rebellion (1987) - Coach Ball
- With Intent to Kill (1984) - Aaron Charney
- Testament (1983) - Tom Wetherly
- Jane Doe (1983) - Lieutenant William Quinn
- Red Flag: The Ultimate Game (1981) - Maj. Phil Clark
- The Other Victim (1981) - Harry Langford
- Honky Tonk Freeway (1981) - Mayor Kirby T. Calo
- From Here to Eternity (1980) - Milt Warden
- Yanks / Yankeii (1979) - John
- The Dark (1979) - Roy Warner/Steve Dupree
- Knots Landing / Vecinii (1979) - Gregory Sumner (259 episodes, 1983-1993)
- "From Here to Eternity" (1979) - Sgt. Milt Warden
- Black Beauty (1978)
- Rolling Thunder / Violenta legitima (1977) - Maior Charles Rane
- Red Alert (1977) - Frank Brolen
- The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977) - Mike Leak
- Marathon Man / Maratonistul (1976) Trailer
- Family Plot / Complot de familie (1976) - Adamson
- Report to the Commissioner / Raport confidential (1975) - Asst. D.A. Jackson
- Fear on Trial (1975) - John Henry Faulk
- Judgement: The Court Martial of the Tiger of Malaya - General Yamashita (1974)
- The Missiles of October (1974) - President John F. Kennedy
- Crime Club (1973) - Jack Kilburn
- The Bait (1973) - Earl Stokey
- Irish Whiskey Rebellion (1972) - Lt. Ashley
- La Mortadella / Mortadella (1972) - Jock Fenner
- My Old Man's Place (1971) - Jimmy Pilgrim
- The Pursuit of Happiness (1971) - Pilot
- McCabe and Mrs. Miller / Mc Cabe și Domnișoara Miller (1971) - The Lawyer
- The 300 Year Weekend (1971) - Tom
- Medical Center (1969) - Dr. Waltham (3 episodes, 1970-1973)
- Hawaii Five-O (1968) - Fallon (1 episode, 1974)
- In the Country (1967)
- Mannix (1967) - Kordic (1 episode, 1974)
- Ironside (1967) - Chambers (2 episodes, 1972-1973)
- Gunsmoke (1955) - Moss Stratton (1 episode, 1973)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- The 7th Annual TV Land Awards (2009) - Himself
- Celebrating Schlesinger (2006) - Himself
- Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again (2005)
- Plotting 'Family Plot' (2001) - Himself
- Gaia Symphony II (1999) - Voice over
- The 20th Annual People's Choice Awards (1994) - Himself
- The Knots Landing Block Party (1993) - Himself
- The 18th Annual People's Choice Awards (1992) - Himself
- The Wildest West Show of the Stars (1986) - Himself
- Battle of the Network Stars XVII (1984) - Himself (CBS Team Captain)
- Battle of the Network Stars XVI (1984) - Himself (CBS Team Captain)
- Battle of the Network Stars XV (1983) - Himself (CBS Team Captain)
- Battle of the Network Stars VIII (1980) - Himself (NBC Team contestant)
- Battle of the Network Stars VI (1979) - Himself (NBC Team)
- Battle of the Network Stars V (1978) - Himself (NBC Team)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Paybacks Are a Bitch (2007)
- Testament at 20 (2003)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Celebrating Schlesinger (2006)
Filmografie - scriitor
- The Million Dollar Rip-Off (1976)
- The 300 Year Weekend (1971)
O nominalizare Globul de Aur
Toate premiile »
listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
listă cu 24 actori, creată de victor_homescu pe 28 Iulie 2017
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Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
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- Filme 2024
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- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Beating Hearts
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Out of the Nest
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- Snow White
- The Alto Knights
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Michael
- Starbright
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Lilo & Stitch
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV

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William Devane
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