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08 Mar 2002, 13:34
...Uhmm...Gurilele rele de la Hollywood spun ca urmatoarele "Matrix" nu vor fii asha spectaculoase ca primul.De obicei asha se intampla totdeauna cu continuarile,dar ca orice fan nu cred ca pentu mine v-a avea vreo importantza. :smile: Oricum sperantza ca continuarile filmului vor fii la fel de bune sau mai bune ca "primul Matrix" ,ramane.

09 Mar 2002, 07:36
se pare ca au trebuit sa construiasca o 1 mila :smile: si jumate de sosea intr-o baza militara pentru o filmare, deci bani se pare ca mai au; nu vi se pare ca a aparut o noua moda cu mai multe episoade turnate simultan ? (LOTR & Matrix)

10 Mar 2002, 10:00
Si eu abia astept urmarile de la Matrix, dar sint sigur ca nu o sa mai fie asa reusite ca primul.
Si aici nu e vorba doar de buget si spectaculozitate, ci de valoarea propriu-zisa a filmului. Matrix 1 nu poate fi intrecut.

26 Mar 2002, 11:49
...baietzi avetzi dreptate...ca nimic nu se compara cu primul "The Matrix"...shi daca stam sa ne gandim bine,in ultima vreme Hollywood-ul traieshte din "continuari"...dar sa fim serioshi...Lord of the Rings...TREBUIE SA AIBA CONTINUARI!!!!!:o)E un film mult prea super sa nu merite asta...shi cat priveshte Matrix-ul...sunt sigura ca regizorii nu o sa ishi dezamageasca fanii.Nimeni nu vrea sa cashtige "Murele" sau "Fragutza" sau ce fruct o fii...in loc de Oscar.Ca tot veni vorba de Oscaruri...vi-au ieshit "pariuurile"???? :eek:)

15 Apr 2002, 14:24
Cunoastem cu toti faptul ale caror reluari au fost la fel de bune ca si primele parti. Cazul (The God Father) consider eu ca este reprezentativ. Asa incit este foarte posibil ca si urmarile la acest film extraordinar (mai ales la scenariu) sa fie la fel de bune, totusi ramane de vazut.

08 May 2002, 13:31
Continuare sau nu...eu una nu mai am rabdare pana cand cei de la Hollywood se hotarasc sa lanseze Matrix-urile.Ar face bine sa ne dea ceva care merita vazut...ca doar nu degeaba ashteptam rabdatori continuarile! :smile:

09 May 2002, 12:45


...and that, kids, is the story of my first murder.

<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: ugly pe 2002-05-09 13:48 ]</font>

11 May 2002, 13:11
ugly...thanks a lot for the links! :smile:

12 May 2002, 22:00
pe 4 mai a murit Gloria Foster (64), cea care interpreta pe Oracle

14 May 2002, 10:30
Big lost... :sad: ...she looked a nice person!

17 May 2002, 10:22
"Warner Bros. has officially released the teaser trailer for The Matrix sequels.

18 May 2002, 10:08
...cica...ugly..."Hail to the master!" That's you...thanks again for the link!!!;)

21 May 2002, 09:13

poze si detalii despre film :smile:

21 May 2002, 09:14
shit, nu merge linku'... ce sa zic... mergeti la http://www.thesun.co.uk
apoi din meniu alegeti "Life" shi gata, ati ajuns...

21 May 2002, 09:27
...been there...done that!Thanks christi! :smile:
Keep the Matrix pride alive!!!

21 May 2002, 09:35
citat din "The Sun" : A Warner Bros insider said: “The Matrix changed the face of cinema with its special effects and action sequences. These two new films will leave fans spellbound.

“There is no way on earth that audiences will leave cinemas disappointed.”

WILL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21 May 2002, 10:58
se pare ca inaintea celor doua continuari va aparea (anu' asta ?) Animematrix: o miniserie compusa din 10 episoade de desene animate regizate de japonezi (printre care Yoshiaki Jawajiri - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust) si produse de Square (Final Fantasy); Square tocmai au scos o poza noua hires cu Jue: http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/square_teaser2_1024.jpg

21 May 2002, 11:07
teaser-ul a fost atasat la AOTC:

23 May 2002, 12:32
..ugly...eshti o adevarata comoara la casa omului. :smile:
http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/square_teaser2_1024.jpg ...e facut wallpaper pe desktop :smile: THX!!!

04 Jun 2002, 17:09
pics at:

13 Jun 2002, 20:43
..jajajaja...se pare ca eu shi cu tine ugly am ramas unicii activi la faza cu Matrix....se pierd fanii!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad: ..thx inca o data de link!!!
Keep the Matrix pride alive!!!!!!1

16 Jun 2002, 21:39
cel mai probabil animematrixu va aparea prima data pe web (?!)

On 2002-05-21 11:58, ugly wrote:
se pare ca inaintea celor doua continuari va aparea (anu' asta ?) Animematrix: o miniserie compusa din 10 episoade de desene animate regizate de japonezi (printre care Yoshiaki Jawajiri - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust) si produse de Square (Final Fantasy); Square tocmai au scos o poza noua hires cu Jue: http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/square_teaser2_1024.jpg

17 Jun 2002, 10:32
o sursa buna de zvonuri mi se pare forumul de pe InSciFi Network: http://forums.inscifi.net/showthread.php3?s=aa15cc307c0b953dc8194abc1fbc4ea3 &postid=5352#post5352

19 Jun 2002, 10:03
Salutare tuturor fanilor "Matrix"!
In primul rand trebuie sa va marturisesc ca "Matrix" a fost unul dintre filmele mele preferate...motiv pt. care m-am decis sa particip si eu la acest forum...sper sa "conversez" si cu altcineva in afara de Demona si ugly (singurii care au ramas activi aici, din cate vad eu)...deoarece sunt multe subiecte de abordat...
Pt. inceput haideti sa clarificam cateva lucruri:
- se fac doua continuari la "Matrix", NU pt. ca a avut foarte mare succes prima parte (desi succesul/profitul a contat foarte mult - daca era ca "Johnny Mnemonic"? - alt film cu Keanu - sau ca "Speed 2"? - 1 alt sequel, slava Domnului ca a refuzat acelasi Keanu sa joace in aceasta continuare), ci pt. ca fratii Wachowski au gandit acest proiect, la care lucreaza din 1993 (!!!), ca pe o trilogie...;
- sa nu uitam ca prima parte a obtinut 4 premii "Oscar" din 4 nominalizari (succes 100%), desi la cateva categorii a concurat cu "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace") si a lansat o moda pe care o regasim in mai toate filmele, reclamele si videoclipurile...;
Si eu sunt foarte curios daca cele doua continuari se vor ridica la nivelul calitativ al primei parti...insa trebuie sa privim optimist, deoarece avem cateva motive:
- in primul rand - cei doi fratiori din Chicago (ma refer la Wachowski, bineinteles) au cazut de acord cu producatorul Joel Silver sa amane data lansarii celor doua continuari; initial era vorba de 25 decembrie anul acesta pt. partea a doua; printre motivele invocate: foarte-foarte mult de lucru...si decat sa iasa ceva de mantuiala...bravo lor(!);
- distributia principala a ramas neschimbata...la fel ca si oamenii din punctele-cheie...ba mai mult au fost atrasi cativa tipi foarte buni in anumite domenii asupra carora am sa revin intr-o alta interventie...
- Andy si Larry (apropo, au fost si scenaristi la "Assassins" - cu Banderas si Stallone) au fost la inceput maguliti cand au vazut ca sunt copiati (celebrul slowmo/bullet time etc. etc.) dupa care au devenit chiar stresati cand au vazut ca aceasta imitare a luat amploare...asa ca au decis ca ultimele 14 minute dim "Matrix Revolutions" sa contina niste secvente care, pt. a fi imitate/copiate/parodiate...sa dureze tot atat timp cat le-a luat si lor(aproximativ 2 ani) si sa-i coste la fel de mult...astept cu nerabdare...
Voi reveni cu alte amanunte si noutati in curand...
P.S.: ce parere aveti de teaser? pe mine m-a cam pus pe jar...

19 Jun 2002, 12:01
exact, s-a confirmat intr-o conf de presa ca a mai ramsa de turnat secventa de sfirsit (cea de 14min.); Keanu zicea:
"The story kind of goes outside of the Matrix and starts to concern itself with the machines in Zion...So it's almost [that] what he can do in the Matrix is not enough. And he's still on the path of discovery and choice. He's told by the Oracle that...he has some choices that he'll have to make that will affect the survival of the human race. And there are some hardships. And all of us are trying to save the world. And the development between Neo and Trinity [Carrie-Anne Moss] is explored, and with Morpheus [Laurence Fishburne] and [Agent] Smith [Hugo Weaving]. And so I think that's just about it. It's the development of the hero journey for my character, which is new challenges and choices. And it's not so much about being born. He wanted to find out where he was. Now he knows. Or he thinks he knows".

24 Jun 2002, 00:10
Salut, ugly...se pare ca urmam cam aceleasi surse in legatura cu continuarile la "Matrix"...Imi pare bine ca exista fani destul de devotati si de curiosi in legatura cu aceasta trilogie...si ma bucur ca http://www.cinemagia.ro ne prezinta cateva imagini din "Matrix Reloaded" (desi le-am vazut de ceva vreme pe alte site-uri de specialitate)...denota ca nu au ramas insensibili la interesul fanilor din Romania...
In momentul asta ma macina cateva lucruri pe care vreau sa vi le impartasesc:
- sunt curios...chiar nimeni nu s-a gandit sa aduca in Romania "Kung Pow: Enter the fist" (o parodie a filmelor cu arte martiale) sau "Shaolin Soccer"? (o comedie destul de s.f.-ista ce are in centru o echipa de fobal formata din calugari shaolini; un film care a spart box-office-ul din Hong Kong intrecand "Titanic"-ul)...doua filme destul de potrivite pt. sezonul estival (tinand cont ca elevii sunt in vacanta)...probabil ca a existat ideea insa s-a ajuns la concluzia ca in Romania nu ar avea succes/profit...nu ar fi rentabile...cine stie?!?
- sunt nedumerit ca nu se stie data lansarii lui "Matrix Reloaded" in Romania...spre deosebire de "Terminator 3", "Hulk" sau "Ingerii lui Charlie"...pt. cine inca NU STIE, in S.U.A. "Matrix Reloaded" va fi lansat pe 16 (nu pe 23 cum era prevazut initial) mai 2003;
- in teaser, Neo se lupta cu un asiatic care seamana cu Jet Li (ce a refuzat oferta jucand in "The One" pt. mai multi bani, fireste...)...AICN il crediteaza pe un anumit Collin Chou (AKA Ngai Sing)...stie cineva ceva?...
Deocamdata cam atat...
P.S.: Ce legatura au "Kung Pow: Enter the fist" si "Shaolin Soccer" cu "Matrix"???... Ambele il parodiaza cu cateva scene...In plus, Jeff Lew, realizatorul scenei de animatie si, implicit, a coregrafiei "luptei" dintre personajul principal si O VACA, a devenit "lead animator" pt. "Matrix Reloaded"...

Neo...is the ONE

<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: ^Neo^ pe 2002-06-24 01:13 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: ^Neo^ pe 2002-06-24 01:14 ]</font>

24 Jun 2002, 01:22
Revin cu cateva link-uri deosebite:
- http://download.divx.com/showcase/kb2.divx
...daca vreti sa vedeti "Killer Bean 2" (#1 in "Top Ten Webfilms of 2000"), o super-realizare a lui Jeff Lew (lead animator -www.jefflew.com - pt. "The Matrix Reloaded")...gasiti si cateva aluzii la "The Matrix"...motiv pt. care a fost cooptat in echipa ce va realiza sequel-urile lui "Matrix";
- http://awesomehouse.com/matrix/parallels.html
Neo vazut ca un Messia...;
- http://www.pocketmovies.net/detail_97.html
Astept sa-mi spuneti daca v-au placut...

25 Jun 2002, 14:04
In primul rand: The Matrix Reloaded va avea premiera romaneasca pe 23 mai 2003. Acum am aflat si noi, inca nu era sigur, de aceea nu am trecut o data precisa.
Aparitia imaginilor pe Cinemagia a fost posibila cu ajutorul distribuitorului InterComFilm Romania care ni le-a pus la dispozitie si caruia ii multumim. Au aparut cu o oarecare intarziere fata de alte site-uri straine pentru ca noi publicam imagini luate doar de la distribuitorii romani ai filmelor, si astfel dureaza ceva timp pana cand CD-urile sunt trimise in toate tarile in care va aparea filmul. Oricum suntem singurii care au publicat in Romania aceste poze, d.p.d.v. legal.

In ceea ce priveste filmul "Kung Pow: Enter The Fist" iti vand un pont: el ar fi trebuit sa apara pe ecranele noastre, dar a avut incasari foarte slabe in SUA si astfel a fost refuzat de catre distribuitorul roman. O informatie cunoscuta de putini este titlul lui. Ar fi trebuit sa se cheme "Dau cu pumnul!". Amuzant, nu? Eu trebuie sa recunosc ca am vazut filmul si m-a amuzat extrem de mult dar asta mai mult pentru ca parodiaza filmele cu arte martiale, pe care sincer nu prea le suport...
Dar principalul motiv pentru care filmul nu a ajuns in Romania este ca incasarile lui nu s-ar fi ridicat la inaltimea asteptarilor... si distribuitorul ar fi iesit in pierdere. Se mai intampla... mai ales la noi! (Din pacate...)
Sa auzim de bine!


<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: emanuel pe 2002-06-25 15:06 ]</font>

27 Jun 2002, 05:36
Emanuel, merci foarte mult pt. raspunsurile tale...Ma bucur nespus ca "The Matrix Reloaded" va fi la doar o saptamana (de premiera din State) prezent si pe ecranele noastre...
Si daca tot iti plac parodiile la filmele cu arte martiale, iti recomand "Shaolin Soccer"...o comedie (cu accente de s.f. pe alocuri) despre o echipa de fobal formata din calugari shaolini; poate reusesti sa-l vizionezi...merita!...un film care a "scufundat" "Titanic"-ul in Hong Kong si a castigat o sumedenie de premii...are si cateva accente de "Matrix"...:smile:))
A propos de filme care ar merita sa le vedem si in Romania...ce se aude de "Memento" (care are un super scenariu)? Stie cineva ceva?...joaca si Carrie-Anne (Trinity) Moss in el...
Inca nu am primit "replici" a propos de link-urile pe care vi le-am oferit...
Astept cu nerabdare...

Neo...is the ONE

<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: ^Neo^ pe 2002-06-27 06:39 ]</font>

01 Jul 2002, 15:10
Multumesc mult pentru recomandari.
"Memento" nu are deocamdata un distribuitor la noi in tara. Fiind un film independent, are slabe sperante sa apara pe ecrane. Am intrebat distribuitorii romani, dar nici unul nu il are pe lista cu filmele propuse pentru distributie.
Dar nu se stie, poate intr-un viitor... cine stie ce se poate intampla.

03 Jul 2002, 10:40
Scuze pentru lunga mea absenta, datorata in exclusivitate sesiunii... but i'm back :smile:
Si deja am marcat in calendar data de 23 mai, si am inceput numaratoarea inversa... mai sint 324 de zile :smile:

23 Jul 2002, 19:05
1. We are NOT using bullet time anymore..too many lame ass directors stole it for their own movies

2. We have a similar effect..but forget about simple rotation of camera...it now goes ANYWHERE at any SPEED. It is like bulletime on acid...the demo reel I saw was amazing. And trust me..no-one can steel this ..its un-copyable

3. Agents are not the enemy you seek. However it is established they can take over any object in the matrix..not just other humans.

4. The lady in red may not be back..but look for the waterfall ..hows that for cryptic.

23 Jul 2002, 23:05
And trust me..no-one can steel this ..its un-copyable



07 Aug 2002, 19:10
...Dupa o lunga vacanta am revenit.Scuze pentru absenta.Se pare ca am pierdut cam mult de prin acest forum.Sper ca totul e okey cu voi!Keep the Matrix pride alive!!! :smile:

12 Sep 2002, 18:34
poate n-ati citit asta:
si ce ziceti de parerea ca Matricksu(si eventual urmarile) sufera de 'bad casting' ?
io zic ca nu parea ai cum sa faci un rol nemaipomenit intr-un asemenea gen de filme.

19 Sep 2002, 19:36
*** Demona wants to kill Patrick Lee ***
Lamerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!Cui ii pasa de ei!
In fond noi fanii suntem importanti.Se pare ca n-a auzit cine erape cale sa joace in Matrix inainte de Reeves si Moss.Tineti-va bine copii:
Pamela Anderson alias Trinity si Leonardo DiCaprio alias Neo....AIA DA DISTRIBUTIE PROASTA!!!Si nu glumesc...Cei doi trebuiau sa joace rolurile,dar au refuzat!Sincer nu stiu nici ce a fost in capul regizorilor cand s-au gandit ca Anderson o sa se joace de-a caprioara de pe bloc pe bloc.Dar sa recunoastem:putea sa joace rolul "Alesului" linistita.Cu "vesta antiglont" ce o are implantata...agentii o omorau mai greu!!!:)See ya all and take care!!!

03 Oct 2002, 22:36
On 2002-09-19 20:36, Demona wrote:
*** Demona wants to kill Patrick Lee ***
Lamerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!Cui ii pasa de ei!
In fond noi fanii suntem importanti.Se pare ca n-a auzit cine erape cale sa joace in Matrix inainte de Reeves si Moss.Tineti-va bine copii:
Pamela Anderson alias Trinity si Leonardo DiCaprio alias Neo....AIA DA DISTRIBUTIE PROASTA!!!Si nu glumesc...Cei doi trebuiau sa joace rolurile,dar au refuzat!Sincer nu stiu nici ce a fost in capul regizorilor cand s-au gandit ca Anderson o sa se joace de-a caprioara de pe bloc pe bloc.Dar sa recunoastem:putea sa joace rolul "Alesului" linistita.Cu "vesta antiglont" ce o are implantata...agentii o omorau mai greu!!!:)See ya all and take care!!!

Ce imagini de cosmar !!!! Brrrr....
Insa ma intreb de ce s-a blocat subiectul ? Oare nu mai e nimic nou ? Va intreb pe voi, greii de prin zona. Sau ar fi bine sa ma apuc si eu sa caut ?

05 Oct 2002, 13:04
Pamela Anderson ca Trinity, cool. Oricum nu e prea mare lucru de capul actualei Trinity :smile:... Chiar, e suedeza? (Pamela Anderson)

05 Oct 2002, 13:34
Glumeam, e canadiana...
Si ce aveti cu ea, o fi proasta, dar are cele mai cunoscute curbe de pe pamant :smile:...

05 Oct 2002, 21:19
Pamela Anderson proasta? este mult prea putin spus! tu ai vazut vreun film de-al ei?eu da...si n-am sa mai fac greseala asta niciodata!

05 Oct 2002, 22:05
On 2002-10-05 14:04, dorindark wrote:
Pamela Anderson ca Trinity, cool. Oricum nu e prea mare lucru de capul actualei Trinity :smile:... Chiar, e suedeza? (Pamela Anderson)

Ba tzara daca ai venit aici ca sa-tzi batzi joc de "Matrix" ai nimerit al naibii de prost... O sa-tzi sara lumea in cap...

Eu zic sa le zici de pe-acu ca a fost o GLUMA....


05 Oct 2002, 22:10
On 2002-10-05 14:34, dorindark wrote:
Glumeam, e canadiana...
Si ce aveti cu ea, o fi proasta, dar are cele mai cunoscute curbe de pe pamant :smile:...

Ce curbe, ba ? La varsta ei e pus semn de "Intrarea intezisa !!!"

O fi ? proasta ? Eu zic ca intra in categoria actrite "super proaste da' hai sa le dam un rol ca mii de cretini saliveaza dupa ele".

06 Oct 2002, 17:05
Nu ma iau de Matrix. Filmul e cool. Dar Trinity nu ma impresioneaza, trebuia sa aiba macar ceva par in film...
Pe cand Pamela :smile:. Adevarul e ca nu am reusit sa urmaresc BarbWire mai mult de 15 min... Si totusi... dati Cezarului ce-i al Cezarului :smile:

06 Oct 2002, 22:27
On 2002-10-06 18:05, dorindark wrote:
Nu ma iau de Matrix. Filmul e cool. Dar Trinity nu ma impresioneaza, trebuia sa aiba macar ceva par in film...
Pe cand Pamela :smile:. Adevarul e ca nu am reusit sa urmaresc BarbWire mai mult de 15 min... Si totusi... dati Cezarului ce-i al Cezarului :smile:

Trinity nu te impresioneaza? Poate vrei sa zici Carrie-Ann Moss. Si zici ca Pamela te-ar fi impresionat mai mult? Prin ce? Prin par ?

Incearca sa gandesti putin....

07 Oct 2002, 18:50
Hahahahaha!Woah!Nu am mai dat e mult pe aici!Se pare ca v-atzi intrecut unul pe altul.Okey,
despre Carrie-Anne Moss nu sunt prea multe comentarii de
facut.Sincer e mai nimerita in rolul asta decat Anderson.Sa zicem ca Anderson ar fii luat rolul lui Trinity.Sariturile de pe un bloc pe altul aratau destul de nasol in cazul ei.Putea sa il inlocuiasca shi pe Neo ca "Ales".Cu "inaintari"
ca ale ei...era mai greu ucisa de agenti.:smile:Fiecare cu preferintele lui,dar in Matrix,C-A Moss e mult mai potrivita.S-o lasam pe Anderson sa isi faca filmele ei VIP-u` shi Barb-u`...shi totul e okey!Ce mi-ash dori totushi sa vad in Matrix:cum Neo il gaureshte pe DiCaprio pt. ca un agent "a intrat" in corpul lui.Sau alta sansa sa il vad pe DiCaprio mort ar fii sa vizionez "Titanic"-ul,dar naaaaaaah!Ce-i prea mult strica!:)Take care guyzzzzzz!

07 Oct 2002, 22:10
On 2002-10-07 19:50, Demona wrote:
Ce mi-ash dori totushi sa vad in Matrix:cum Neo il gaureshte pe DiCaprio pt. ca un agent "a intrat" in corpul lui.Sau alta sansa sa il vad pe DiCaprio mort ar fii sa vizionez "Titanic"-ul,dar naaaaaaah!Ce-i prea mult strica!:)Take care guyzzzzzz!

Chiar ma intrebam pe unde ratacesti...

Pe DiCaprio nu merita nici macar sa ni-l imaginam mort... Despre Brad Pitt mi-am schimbat parerea dupa "Fight Club" si "Snatch". Cu DiCaprio cred ca o sa mi-o schimb dupa ce vad "Titanic 2"...


09 Oct 2002, 20:26
...Eh...ratacesc shi eu prin "real life" lately,incercand sa imi gasesc un "job".Dar nu prea am noroc...asha ca tot pe forum ajung sa imi impart parerile absurde!Sa vedem ce avem azi...DiCaprio..iar...is satula de mutra lui pana peste cap...SUCH A SUCKER!Iar Pitt...naaah!Poate sa joace inca 20.000 de roluri de dur...ca tot il urasc...deshi in "Interviu cu un Vampir" n-a jucat rau,dar tot nu mi-a convenit.In sfarshit avea nemurire shi alea alea de vampir shi el tot nemultzumit,chinuit de dreq shtie ce...uhmm...am vazut aia destul la Angel(din Buffy)...BORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN`!!!Take care NoOne and the rest! :smile:

09 Oct 2002, 21:28
On 2002-10-09 21:26, Demona wrote:
...Eh...ratacesc shi eu prin "real life" lately,incercand sa imi gasesc un "job".Dar nu prea am noroc...Take care NoOne and the rest! :smile:

La faza cu job-ul s-ar aplica "Welcome to the desert of the ... REAL" sau "Welcome to the real world".
In rest mult noroc tie - ca deocamdata ai tu mai multa nevoie - mie o sa-mi fi necesar abia la anu'.

"The Matrix has me !!!!!" - va rog nu interveniti.

11 Oct 2002, 19:45
Te uita am o idee, daca Matrixul tot se petrece in Matrix, poate ca ar fi trebuit sa creeze niste personaje digitale, virtuale pe vreun server cu 10 Gb de memorie si eu zic ca aia erau cei mai potriviti...

Apropo de viata reala, faza reala, am fost concediat inainte de prima zi de munca, a fost cool... :smile:

12 Oct 2002, 13:08
On 2002-10-11 20:45, dorindark wrote:
Apropo de viata reala, faza reala, am fost concediat inainte de prima zi de munca, a fost cool... :smile:

Iar eu am fost concediat inante sa gasesc un loc de munca.

14 Oct 2002, 11:43
Uhmmm...yeah guys...Matrix really sux lately!
Macar am motiv sa-i caftesc pe agentzii aia daca fac smecherii...apropo` de real life:eu mi-am dat demisia din prima zi de lucru.Job-ul ala really sux!!!Credetzi-ma! :smile:

16 Oct 2002, 14:47
...Linishte totala...nici o mishcare in front!Hmmmm...las` ca va revenitzi voi!

17 Oct 2002, 20:23
hey copii...ca tot e vorba de Matrix aici,voi atzi vazut Comix-urile Matrix?!Anyway sunt o gramada pe site-ul lor oficial,dar multe dintre ele sunt plictisitoare.Hmmm...Pana la urma tot filmul ramane preferatul. :smile:

28 Oct 2002, 20:20
A cam ramas acest subiect in aer sau este numai impresia mea?Sunt fan mare Matrix,dupa cum arata si usernameul meu.Pot sa dau o sugestie celor de pe acest forum,sectiunea The Matrix:nu lasati subiectul in deriva.Uite am eu ceva pentru voi.Nu s-a intamplat sa vedeti in Matrix anumit scene "biblice"?Adica sa va dau un exemplu:Morpheus:in mitologia greac,el este zeul Viselor.In film,Morpheus conduce "o forta rebela",care lupta pentru trezirea oamenilor ADORMITI INTR-O "REALITATE DE VIS"....eh?Ce ziceti?! :smile:

29 Oct 2002, 12:58
marfa interpretarea...la asta nu ma gandisem!intr-adevar sunt destule trimiteri la mitologia greaca, si cea mai evidenta este The Oracle.

29 Oct 2002, 13:03
marfa interpretarea...la asta nu ma gandisem...intr-adevar sunt destule simboluri din mitologia greaca si cel mai evident este probabil, oracolul.

29 Oct 2002, 21:35
...Punct ochit,punct lovit! :smile: Well done Tank! :smile: ...hai ca am gasit si eu una...Zion.In cartea Revelatziei,Zion cica era regatul lui D-zeu,unde cei dreptzi ishi vor gasi salvarea,dupa distrugerea Pamantului.In film...Zion este singurul orash liber unde mai exista oameni.

30 Oct 2002, 13:15
My turn:

NEO - anagramat - ONE - adica The One - adica Jesus.
Dovada (ascunsa): la un moment dat, cind apare Neo brusc in spatele lui Trinity (parca) - ea spune: "Jesus, you scared the shit out of me"... cool, huh?

Trinity - poate semnifica Sf. Treime.

La final - Neo - Jesus - moare iar apoi reinvie, ca in Biblie.

30 Oct 2002, 16:41
imi plac si interpretarile tale christi din pacate nu cred ca pot fi considerate plauzibile. "Neo" este intr-adevar anagramarea de la "One" dar nu mi se pare ca acest The one ar putea fi un corespondent a lui Iisus. De obicei nu sunt amestecate simbolurile crestine cu cele pre-crestine. Ideile de oracol si destin presatbilit caruia omul nu i se poate opune, sunt opuse conceptelor biblice.
Interpretarile tale ar fi fost bune daca in film nu ar fi existat clar referinte la miturile Greciei antice.
pentru mine, numele "neo" ma trimite cu gandul la ideea de nou, care implica de obicei o schimbare...si mi se pare ca rolul lui Neo in acest film este de a fi cel ce aduce aceasta schimbare.
oricum imi place foarte mult directia pe care a luat-o aceasta discutie!

31 Oct 2002, 19:20
Draga ricutza,imi pare sincer rau,dar nu iti dau dreptate deloc.Faptul ca in film au fost folosite si "referinte la miturile Greciei antice"(citat din mesajul tau),nu inseamna ca cele biblice nu au fost folosite.Eu inclin mai mult sa ii dau dreptate Demonei shi lui christi.Te rog priveste filmul mai atenta si vei observa ca referintele biblice sunt mult mai dese decat cele din Grecia antica.Cele ce tin de Grecia,cred ca sunt doar numele lui Morpheus(si poate Oracolul).

01 Nov 2002, 23:58
mda...intr-adevar eu nu ma pot declara fana a acestui film...asa ca atunci cand vine vorba de parerile unor persoane mai experimentate decat mine, inclin sa cred ca au dreptate...totusi, as vrea sa-mi spui care sunt restul simbolurilor biblice.

02 Nov 2002, 11:39
Cred ca ar trebui sa ne mai spuna shi altzii parerea lor despre Matrix,deci nu o sa-l sufocam pe Tank sa ne spuna totul.In fine,daca ai vrut inca un element biblic,uite inca unul.Dupa ce Iisus a murit,a reinviat shi s-a inaltzat la Ceruri.Right?So...Neo a murit,a reinvitat(ca doar era Alesul)shi mai tzi-i minte ultima scena?In care pune telefonul in jos shi ishi i-a zborul spre "ceruri"? :smile: So...

02 Nov 2002, 11:42
...vroiam sa spun...pune telefonul JOS...nu IN JOS...sorry.. :razz:

04 Nov 2002, 13:58
categoric vreau sa revad filmul asta cat mai curand...eu faza in care Neo moare am ratat-o!

04 Nov 2002, 16:39
...aaaaaaaa...asta era...well ricutza.Vizionare placuta! :smile: You will like this movie! :smile:

05 Nov 2002, 16:12
Nu-mi place deloc panta pe care a alunecat discutzia...
Chestii de duzina.
Nu suntetzi de acord? Hai sa ne certam!

06 Nov 2002, 05:16
mie imi place pentru ca in sfarsit avem si noi o dezbatere!si una choiar draguta as adauga...o sa vin foarte curand cu teoriile mele(pentru ca sunt destul de convinsa ca Matrix nu accepta paralela cu Biblia ca si varianta de interpretare)dar vreau sa mai vad inca o data filmul(desi e cam a 5-a oara) ca sa pot aduce argumente clare si precise si nu din aducere aminte!

06 Nov 2002, 15:38
Cateva noi postere shi informatzii despre Matrix Reloaded la http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/matrix2.html





Shi cica partea a 3-a se va numi "The Matrix Revolutions" shi va fi lansat pe 7 noiembrie 2003. 'Om vedea daca asha va fi...

FOARTE IMPORTANT: Daca nu vretzi sa shtitzi ce se va intampla in Matrix Reloaded nu intratzi pe
http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/matrix2/matrix2script.html ca sa vedetzi inceputul scenariului. Sau poate vretzi? :smile:

Alte zvonuri la
Amintim de-acolo :
"Q - Se mai face partea a 3-a a filmului?
A - Nu. Matrix 4 va aparea la doi ani de la lansarea partzii a 2-a. Partea a 3-a nu se mai face
Q - Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith) va juca shi in Matrix Reloaded?
A - Da, bineintzeles. Dar nu va mai fi agentul Smith. Il va interpreta de aceasta data pe Morpheus"
Put a gun at my head and pretend you don't care....

<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: NoOne pe 2002-11-06 17:52 ]</font>

14 Nov 2002, 15:18
...I'm f***in`...alive...keep the Matrix pride alive!

14 Nov 2002, 16:19
Vrei sa spui, ricutza, ca ai vazut filmul de cinci ori si ai ratat de fiecare data si faza cu moartea lui Neo si paralela cu Biblia? OOOOOK!

15 Nov 2002, 16:19
On 2002-11-14 17:19, Poison wrote:
Vrei sa spui, ricutza, ca ai vazut filmul de cinci ori si ai ratat de fiecare data si faza cu moartea lui Neo si paralela cu Biblia? OOOOOK!

*...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!...good point Poison! :grin:*

15 Nov 2002, 21:19
Incredibil dar adevarat Poison!
dupa umila mea parere(care este insa neavizata intrucat nu ma consider fana infocata a acestui film) nu exista nici un moment in care Neo sa moara cu adevarat.sa nu uitam ca totusi ca 'moartea' prin care trece el nu e o moarte fizica.din ce am inteles eu, creierul lui, pentru o scurta perioada de timp, crede ca a murit desi nu era asa. motivul pentru care Neo e special, este ca reuseste sa treaca peste chestia asta...reuseste sa se autoconvinga ca este de fapt foarte viu, asa cum si era.
explicati-mi, gresesc?
cat despre paralela cu Biblia, eu continui sa cred ca nu e plauzibila...si voi continua sa am aceasta parere atata timp cat voi nu veti veni cu argumente clare care sa va sustina ideea.

20 Nov 2002, 06:45
Am si eu o intrebare. Ce va place la aceasta porcarie de film ???
Imi puteti prezenta argumentele ????
Sa va placa oare doar efecetele speciale ?????
Astept un raspuns !

20 Nov 2002, 13:51
mie mi-a placut foarte mult ideea filmului: nu tot ceea ce ni se pare noua ca reprezinta realitatea este intr-adervar real.

20 Nov 2002, 14:08
On 2002-11-20 07:45, anti-matrix wrote:
Am si eu o intrebare. Ce va place la aceasta porcarie de film ???

"Bei", in primul rand ce intzelegi tu prin "porcarie de film"? Defineshte notziunea mai intai ca sa nu avem mai apoi conflicte pe aceasta tema.
Shi ca sa fie shi mai clar da shi tu doua, trei exemple de alte "porcarii de filme" shi de doua, trei [cum le zici tu la celelalte?] "ne"-"porcarii de filme"...

Sa aiba lumea un punct de plecare....

P.S. Eu zic ca tzi-ai taiat oricum craca de sub picioare!!!!

25 Nov 2002, 08:39
Veshti bune copii!!!! Veshti foarte bune!!! Cica a aparut in Bucureshti [prin caminele studentzeshti].... ia ghicitzi ce...

.......... MATRIX RELOADED .......

Parerea mea, daca vretzi sa-l vedetzi inaintea oricui... cautatzi-l. K?

27 Nov 2002, 13:47
On 2002-11-20 07:45, anti-matrix wrote:
Am si eu o intrebare. Ce va place la aceasta porcarie de film ???
Imi puteti prezenta argumentele ????
Sa va placa oare doar efecetele speciale ?????
Astept un raspuns !

...Porcarie?!Mai intai invatza sa scrii..shi daca ar fii numai "efecetele" speciale de care zici tu...au schimbat lumea filmului.Dar in fine...nu putem sa punem la socoteala idea filmului,care este unica..asha-i?!

27 Nov 2002, 15:44
Lasa-l ma Demona in pace, ca numa' gura e de el....

29 Nov 2002, 21:53
mie mi se pare ca nu exista user care sa nu fi facut pana acum nici o greseala de ortografie...cred ca stie toata lumea in ce condtii se scriu mesajele astea asa ca nu mi se pare normal sa se faca atata caz pe acest subiect...evident,putina atentie din partea tuturor ar fi ideala, dar acum sa nu-i omoram pe cei care gresesc...

07 Dec 2002, 14:57
Facem atata caz pentru ca suntem fani!Tu de ce faci atata caz ca suntem noi fani?!

07 Dec 2002, 16:17
On 2002-11-25 09:39, NoOne wrote:
Veshti bune copii!!!! Veshti foarte bune!!! Cica a aparut in Bucureshti [prin caminele studentzeshti].... ia ghicitzi ce...

.......... MATRIX RELOADED .......

Parerea mea, daca vretzi sa-l vedetzi inaintea oricui... cautatzi-l. K?

fake ?

07 Dec 2002, 22:01
eu fac atata caz pentru ca respect si parerile diferite de ale mele...sau cel putin le ascult si incerc sa le inteleg si sa ma asigur ca nu cumva persoana respectiva sa aiba dreptate...
mi se pare ca ai putea sa-i oferi lui anti-matrix suficiente contra-argumente fara sa te legi de niste prea obisnuite greseli de tiparire...

08 Dec 2002, 19:25
On 2002-12-07 17:17, ugly wrote:

fake ?

Cica EXISTA. Dovada de netagaduit? "E mai slab ca primu' !!!!!" [Eliminand HUO!!! -urile de rigoare eu zic ca nu e fake]

21 Dec 2002, 13:40
On 2002-12-07 23:01, ricutza wrote:
eu fac atata caz pentru ca respect si parerile diferite de ale mele...sau cel putin le ascult si incerc sa le inteleg si sa ma asigur ca nu cumva persoana respectiva sa aiba dreptate...
mi se pare ca ai putea sa-i oferi lui anti-matrix suficiente contra-argumente fara sa te legi de niste prea obisnuite greseli de tiparire...

*...ricutza...tuh acceptzi parerile altora?!? haha!!!!...de cand?!*

21 Dec 2002, 14:09

Cica EXISTA. Dovada de netagaduit? "E mai slab ca primu' !!!!!" [Eliminand HUO!!! -urile de rigoare eu zic ca nu e fake]


eu zic totusi ca e fake fiindca "frecventez" aceleasi locuri de pe net de unde isi iau si cei din regie filmele

21 Dec 2002, 21:45
incredibil dar adevarat Demona...accept si parerile celorlalti...si hai sa-ti mai zic o chestie...daca mi se demonstreaza ca gresesc, chiar recunosc ca am facut o greseala!

23 Dec 2002, 12:52
Da, dom'ne lumea mai face si greseala de ortografia!

Se mai intample chind eti sb prsiune de timp!

Pe de alta parte e foarte usor sa te iei de asa ceva: chiar eu m-am luat pe undeva de cineva care pomenea filmu' "glagiatoru".

Presupun ca totusi a te lua de asa ceva dovedeste o doza de imaturitate!

Si mai vreau sa va zic ceva: nici pentru mine Matrixu' nu e chiar filmu' vietii mele. Desi mi-a placut f. mult, totusi un film cu destul de multe clisee ca "Finding Forrester" m-a atins mai mult la corzile sensibile!

O fi si chestie de varsta!

Sarbatori Fericite, mai Cinemagilor!

"It’s not that I’m afraid to die. I just don’t want to be there when it happens."

Woody Allen


<font size=-1>[ Acest Mesaj a fost editat de: Semaca pe 2002-12-23 13:54 ]</font>

23 Dec 2002, 23:33
si tie la fel, mai!

24 Dec 2002, 17:36
Sarbatori fericitzi pentru totzi cei din SISTEM.

The Matrix has The X-Mas !!!!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

07 Jan 2003, 09:10
..X-Mas sux...Matrix sux...Life sux!..I'm f***in` off!!!!!! Take care all!

23 Jan 2003, 14:40
..Matrix does not suck..life still is.. :P ...but that's another problem...gezzz cum s-a schimbat Forum-ul asta...looks awesome! :) KEEP THE MATRIX PRIDE ALIVE...shi LORD OF THE RINGS PRIDE TOO! :P :D

30 Jan 2003, 00:58
ce sa zic...unde draq poate fi farmecu in a ridica in slavi un film pe care inca vreo doua sute de milioane de oameni il ridica?
nu e putin redundant, plictisitor...degeaba...?!

cat despre cei care se baga si ei sa fie contra, astia sunt mai penibi ca ceilalti...astia chiar ca nu au ce face...saracii... :(

30 Jan 2003, 08:23
Da, poate ca in mare masura ai dreptate cu astia care se tot baga in seama....insa trebuie sa existe nu?
Cat despre a ridica in slavi ceva sau a-l critica, cred ca amblele manifestari nu sunt decat fatete ale aceleiasi chestii....dorinta de a iesi din multime care anima in general umanul....
Ha, ha, ce filozofeli.....

30 Jan 2003, 10:12
Tank, ai adus forumul pe un fagas normal.
Pana sa apari tu "fanii" matrix au discutat pe pagini intregi de partea a 2-a, de nu stiu ce actor, ...
Cine stie ce mai discutau daca nu apareai tu (culoarea cea mai indicata a subtitrarii, costumul lui neo, ...)
Unde esti ? Mai lumineaza putin forumul asta.

30 Jan 2003, 11:50
Cu ce sa-l lumineze? :lol: Cu filozofia din "Matrix"? Pentru mine au devenit banalitatzi chestiile astea.

Cat despre hainele lui Neo :

Nu de alta, dar poate are careva bani de cheltuit... :lol:

30 Jan 2003, 11:53
Shi de vorbit inca nu s-a vorbit de GAFE care sunt... Slava Domnului !!!!

Ia sa vedem cat de ageri va sunt ochii sau cat de ascutzita va este mintea.

30 Jan 2003, 13:54
Salutare tuturor fanilor "Matrix" dupa o indelungata absentza...
Pentru cine inca nu a vazut Teaser-ul No. 2 la Matrix Reloaded si Revolutions...care a fost lansat la SuperBowl:
Alte link-uri interesante:
http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/urltrurl?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sphaerentor.com%2Fma trix%2Findex.php%3Ffile%3Dbrowser.php%26id%3D31&lpdddddd=de_en&tt=url

Se pare ca va fi anul Matrix :lol: ..doar vom vedea 2 partzi :wink:

30 Jan 2003, 14:07
Mi s-a facut un dor de "Matrix"..... Vai! Vai! Vai!

01 Feb 2003, 17:25
pareri shi pareri...imi place..ishi revine putzin cate putzin subiectul. Adevarat ca Tank a mai adus lumina pe aici (NoOne...nu fii gelos :evil: hehe....) Dar sa speram ca se va intoarce...ii voi transmite mesajul vostru. Keep on doin` wattcha doin`... NoOne...ce au hainele lui Neo? Sunt super faine...shi scumpe...:P Probabil vor exista pareri mai multe dupa ce vom vedea sequel-urile...

"Keep the Matrix Pride alive..."

08 Feb 2003, 15:23
..cica Reeves a contribuit la finalizarea Matrix-urilor...cu sume de 83 milioane dolari!!!!!!!!!!!! Gezzz...catzi bani...Da` e bine...macar avem ce viziona! :P

"Keep the Matrix Pride alive..."

08 Feb 2003, 16:20
shi multumesc de spusele tale!Am primit mesajul de la Demona si iata ca m-am intors! Ma bucur ca Demona si-a revenit.Faza cu Life sux...Matrix sux...WELCOME BACK LADY! :P NoOne - stiu ca esti gelos! ;)

12 Feb 2003, 14:53
Shi ma rog de ce ash fi gelos? :roll:

Eu doar am afirmat ca sunt "contra" comentariilor de genu': "filozofeala din Matrix - Discutzie libera" tocmai pentru ca s-a discutat atat de mult orice chestie. De-acum devin plictisitoare.


15 Feb 2003, 14:56
..Somebody it's pissed off...care era baiu` cu acel subiect?...destui s-au aratat interesatzi! Macar a mai dezmortzit atmosfera! :) Go Tank!!! ah..nice Avatar... :P

21 Feb 2003, 18:36
Nu am intentia sa supar pe cineva, imi exprim doar o parere.
Am vazut Matrix abia anul trecut si cred ca este un film mediocru. Nu ma asteptam sa fie vreo capodopera, da r m-a dezamagit si asa. Efectele nu fac un film.

10 Mar 2003, 17:45
..cine a zis ca efectele speciale fac un film?! :)

11 Mar 2003, 03:28
V-ati uitat si la http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_cmp/phi.html?? Vreau sa va spun ca eu am luat TOT de-acolo, si abia astept sa le rontzai cum trebuie!!

19 Mar 2003, 10:02
Final Flight of the Osiris e unul din cele noua episoade din Animatrix. In america se lanseaza odata cu Dreamcahter, insa la noi acest film va aparea mai tarziu ca Matrix.
Stiti cumva daca si cand vom putea vedea acest film la cinema ? E facut pentru a intelege mai bine Matrix 2 si daca va aparea dupa acesta isi va pierde efectul

19 Mar 2003, 20:33
..Ramane o singura solutzie...sa rascoleshti netu` shi sa gaseshti animatrix-urile inainte de premiera Matrix la cinema...sau mergi in State la premiera!!!! :) Bafta!!!

Keep the Matrix Pride alive!!!

14 Apr 2003, 19:28
..bate vantu` frunzeleeeee.... ;) :roll:

14 Apr 2003, 22:34
In Romania, Final Flight of the Osiris va rula odata cu filmul Final Destination 2.

17 Apr 2003, 14:58
....multzumesc de info...deshi a mai fost spusa :P

18 Apr 2003, 10:22
Matrix.....get real ..o sa ne dejamageasca profund

18 Apr 2003, 15:59
..ke...vreau argumente...De ce s-ar intampla asta?!?!

18 Apr 2003, 16:03
Eu cred ca cele doua continuari vor fi net superioare primei. Din trailer rezulta ca vom avea parte de mult "entertainment" si efecte... care vor fi iar "deschizatoare de drumuri".

18 Apr 2003, 22:07
Am si eu o intrebare: Dupa ce a fost released trailerul s-au mai facut modificari in film sau nu? Eu in trailer am vazut niste faze in care se vede clar ca nu Reeves face cascadoriile si m-ar dezamagi mult sa vad asta si in film!

19 Apr 2003, 13:47
...shi eu zic la fel emanuel, dar mai e o varianta..ca trailerul sa fie super...cum s-a mai intamplat in cazul multor filme (cel putzin din punctul meu de vedere, asha s-a intamplat cu "House of Hauted Hill") shi filmul..."tras de coada" sa spunem asha...dar ma indoiesc ca asta v-a fii shi cazul Matrix-ului!!! ...cat despre cascadoriile lui Reeves, nici in primul film Reeves nu shi-a facut singur cascadoriile!!! Din pacate Reeves, doar interpreteaza rolul lui Neo...nu este Neo... *ofteaza* ;)

(*) Keep the Matrix Pride alive! (*)

15 May 2003, 15:21
Cu ceva vreme in urma...cam pe atunci cand am intrat prima data pe acest forum, deschideam un subiect...."Matrix pentru totdeauna". Se discuta ca, urmatoarele "Matrix-uri", nu vor fii la fel de spectaculoase ca shi primul, dar acum, va pot spune...CA SUNT!!!! cel putzin RELOADED!!! E bestial...sa spun asha...uhmm...ash spune mai multe, dar probabil sunt altzii care nu au vazut filmul...asha ca voi lasa alte comentarii pe atunci cand shi altzii l-au vizionat...Let's all go to ZION!!!!

(*) Keep the Matrix Pride alive! (*)

P.S. Cred ca v-atzi dat seama ca AM VAZUT FILMUL!!! :D ...hehe... 8)

15 May 2003, 15:44
Pot spune acum ca si eu am fost unul dintre "fericitii" care au vazut deja filmul. Aprob spusele Demonei... este fantastic... si singurul lucru pe care mi-l doresc acum este sa vina mai repede Revolutions... si sa mai vad o data Relaoded.
Matrix intr-adevar RULES!

15 May 2003, 16:14
Va vine sa credeti? Am vazut si eu Matrix Reloaded. Si chiar mi-a placut. Desi nu sunt o fana a acestor genuri de filme. Mi-a placut si inca imi place cum evolueaza relatia dintre Neo si Trinity. Si chiar daca sunt fana Leonardo Di Caprio, sunt fericita ca nu a jucat in acest film...dar asta trebuia sa scriu la celalalt subiect...Moss-Reeves vs. Anderson-DiCaprio... :) Dar o sa mai scriu inca o data si acolo.

Mesaj pentru Demona: HAI O DATA ACASAAAAAAAA! TREBUIE SA VORBIM NEAPARAT!!!!!!!!!!! (nu te speria...nu ma casatoresc...!...inca! ;) )

Ambra Blu
15 May 2003, 16:37
Deci sa inteleg ca Neo era a sasea eroare a sistemului?

15 May 2003, 18:35

15 May 2003, 19:52
Nu pot spune ca Matrix este un film rau, dar acum va eclipsa filmele de orice alt gen. Stiam ca ziua asta va veni. :( ;)

16 May 2003, 13:11
Nu vad rostul acestei continuari!!!
Au investit o groaza de bani pt un film care s-a terminat...
Oricat de mult mi-ar place Matrix nu pot sa nu fiu sceptic in legatura
cu continuarea...
Am auzit ca are niste efecte speciale deosebite... Apar si niste personaje
noi ceva gemeni (''probabil trimitere la WTC")... Agentii se reproduc
ajungand la cateva sute si desigur Neo ii bate pe toti...

Scena care este cea mai apreciata este o partida de sex intre Neo si
Trinity ori daca asta se remarca intr-un film de genul asta...

Zicea cineva ca filmul a fost conceput de la inceput ca o trilogie...
Imi vine greu sa cred...

In concluzie eu zic ca era mai bine sa investeasca banii astia intr-un nou
proiect desigur o sa castige bine dar numai datorita renumelui
adevaratului MATRIX

16 May 2003, 16:00

16 May 2003, 17:04

hahahahaha...very good young Pedawan! :)

morpheus..eshti sigur fan Matrix?!

19 May 2003, 10:07
Fara a ofensa fanii Matrixului, doar ca sa inteleg intrucat nu inot prea bine in universurile de genul asta :

De ce aveau nevoie de un post telefonic fix pentru a iesi din Matrix ? De ce nu puteau sa faca acelasi lucru de la mobil ?

Am revazut filmul sambata si abia acum mi-a trecut aceasta intrebare prin cap. La precedentele vizionari am fost impresionat de realizare si am lasat povestea.

19 May 2003, 10:43
Daca tot s-a ajuns la capitolul intrebari, am si eu una: de ce Oracolul traia in Matrix? Nu ar fi fost mai utila in afara?

19 May 2003, 13:17
morpheus..eshti sigur fan Matrix?!

Da, sunt fan Matrix... Am (re)vazut pt. a 6-a oara filmul sambata si eu
tot sunt de parere ca nu mai trebuia facuta o continuare. Este foarte clar
finalul... Urmareste replicile de final "I`m not here to tell you how it will
end I`m here to tell you how it begins" sau ceva de genul asta...
Ce vrei mai mult...

19 May 2003, 17:10
The beginning of the end, the middle of the end and... well, the end of... the end! That's what I want more! :-)

Daca te mai vad in vreo arie a forumului ca scrii ca nu trebuia facuta o continuare (ca vad ca insisti) sa-mi zici si mie numai din perspectiva primului film cine priveste PRIN monitoarele prin care trece imaginea la scena de dupa arestarea lui Neo ("I give you the finger, you give me my phone call"). 17:00 - 17:15 into the movie. WHO is looking??? Go see Reloaded.

20 May 2003, 08:13
Ai dreptate, Daydream... mie mi-a scapat acea secventa!
Multumesc ca ne-ai deschis ochii! Acum este clar ca a fost gandit de la inceput ca o trilogie!
Ce intrebare buna:
Who is looking?
The answer in Reloaded!
Be surprised!

20 May 2003, 13:59
Partile proaste ale Matrix:Reloaded sunt doua mari si late: faptul ca Laurence Fishburne nu crede in personajul sau pana aproape de sfarsitul filmului si faptul ca exista in film secventa stupida si inutila a orgiei (ca realizare, desigur, caci intentia e laudabila, dar nefinalizata - probabil din retinerea de a nu depasi rating-urile profitabile).

In rest, era oarecum previzibila atacarea unuia dintre ultimele fetisuri stiintifice in voga ale secolului 20 (desigur cu radacininile adanci infipte in hinduism & so on), adica Big Bang-ul ciclic, destul de simplist de altfel prezentat si rezolvat (pana acum, poate ne surprind - o samanta de sinapsa potential cool e relevata de teaserul pentru Revolutions, cu potopul luptei finale). Desi parca presmit plecarea pe o alta tangenta, in stilul deschisului anumitor usi din "Men In Black" si a capcanelor in capcane in alte capcane. Dar chiar daca personajele declama mai abitir ca in Shakespeare, nu e atat de iritant pentru ca... we got fights.

And the fights rock. Arata pe pelicula chiar mai bine decat in materialele lansate pana acum (trailere & so on), chiar si dublurile digitale ale lui John Gaeta se descurca onorabil in marea majoritate a timpului. Cam ciudate alegerile de incadraturi ale lui Bill Pope, care in mod constant lasa prea putin luft sau taie prea jos capete si frunti de actori, but hey, maybe he had some logic in that...

Si momentele de pure naughtiness, gen 'prajitura-surpiza' reusesc sa contrabalanseze momentele de pure cheesiness, gen 'matrix open-heart surgery'.

Suprinzator oricum, nu m-a dezamagit*. Ceea ce e chiar laudabil.


P.S.: *Mai putin muzica, care e mult mai prost folosita in Reloaded, din pacate.

20 May 2003, 17:02
Nu sunt un fan al filmelor de genul asta. Dar atunci cand apare ceva care aduce ceva nou si mai ales cand realizarea este peste media genului nu poti ramne indiferent.

S-au facut sequeluri la filme care nu meritau. S-a facut sequel pana si la la o capodopera precum Godfather.

La Matrix in mod evident trebuia sa existe. Nu am stiut ca a fost conceput ca o trilogie, am aflat aici pe forum. Dar asteptam continuarea. Pur si simplu pentru ca cele peste doua ore nu au ajuns. Nu a contat neaparat povestea desi originala ( pentru mine cel putin ) si interesanta ( desi are hibele de rigoare ) cat realizarea. Te duci sa vezi un film si te astepti in primul rand sa-ti gadile privirea. Iar Matrix o face din plin. Intr-un mod cum nici un alt film pana atunci nu a facut-o.

Nu astept ca Reloaded sa fie mai bun. Pur si simplu vreau sa petrec inca doua ore in care sa fiu surprins prin ceea ce vad. Daca va fi mai bun cu atat mai bine. Daca nu nu e nici o pierdere. Chiar mai slab decat primul si tot va merita.

20 May 2003, 21:20
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Aaaaaaaaa, cum sa zic?
Poate cu propriile mele cuvinte ar fi cel mai nimerit. :wink:
In primul week-end Reloaded-ul a avut incasari de 91.7 milioane.

Hmmmm... poate conteaza. :oops:

Pâ. Sâ. Mai e nevoie sa zic ca e in box-office? Ah, da... pe locul The One.... :wink:

20 May 2003, 22:57
"Mr. Amyd... have some respect for the code!" :-) One can't begin saying something about Reloaded by pointing out the bad parts...

Scena de rave-dance mi se pare cam prea aratata cu degetu in general. Am citit tot felul de replici, cum ca dureaza 10 minute, ca le-a amintit unora de Ewoks party-style a la ROTJ :-) samd. Iar secventa tine undeva in jur de 4 minute si serveste ca fundal pentru... o sa vada lumea in cinema la ce... Oricum apropos de ce ziceai ar fi fost de un ris nebun sa vedem Reloaded rated NC-17 (sau unrated) daca Wachowsky ar fi scos toate frinele si faceau scena asa mai... "Bound" style... (I guess Joel Silver would have gone ballistic) :-) :-)

In ce priveste the matrix open-heart surgery technique scene - are niste implicatii interesante. In primul film o actiune in "realitate" wake from the dead pe cineva din Matrix; in Reloaded e invers... Cheese shot or not the concept fits in an interesting way on the whole landscape, as it is more or less revealed in Reloaded.

Si mai am o intrebare pentru oricine a vazut trailer-ul la Revolutions (cel aparut pe net, n-am idee daca e identic cu ce apare la final, dupa Reloaded). While Neo fights Agent Smith once more in the rain-like-matrix-code sequence there is a cut back to Morpheus - is it the same scene or is it just edited for trailer use? Ei bine ce spune Morpheus??? "He fights for us!" sau altceva ca nu se intelege foarte bine...?! Daca da la ce se poate referi, tonul pe care o spune intriga foarte mult...

20 May 2003, 23:15
Trailerul de pe net e diferit de cel atasat la sfarsitul filmului, cu toate ca au secvente comune. Morpheus spune intr-adevar "He fights for us", si if I were to venture a guess, I'd say Agent Smith will be the faulty cog in the A*******s' wheel.

Problema cu scena rave este exact ca e folosita ca un fundal (inutil) pentru youknowwhat. Puteau la fel de bine sa foloseasca detalii intercalate din sala masinilor gigantice for what I care, probabil ca era mai interesant ca alternanta de montaj. Si se vede cum ezita intre a o face cu adevarat "naucitoare" ca edit si intre a arata prea mult skin sau nu. Gratuit, imho. Pana si orgia fremen-ilor din miniserialul "Dune" a fost mai curajoasa.

Nu comentam conceptul "invierii miraculoase", ci doar implementarea... trebuie sa recunosti ca se puteau gasi situatii mai interesante in care sa expuna conceptul respectiv, nu? :wink:


21 May 2003, 15:15
Si mai am o intrebare pentru oricine a vazut trailer-ul la Revolutions (cel aparut pe net, n-am idee daca e identic cu ce apare la final, dupa Reloaded).

Adica dupa ce se termina filmul pe pelicula o sa fie un trailer pentru a treia parte? Sper sa nu taie baietii macaroana...

21 May 2003, 15:16
Nu ii taie, stai linistit. Trailerul este pus inainte de credits, deci trebuie sa-l arate, chiar si in Romania.


22 May 2003, 17:30
MatrixXP (http://www.matrix-xp.com/)

Nu stiu daca a mai fost postat, dar merita vazut... 8)


23 May 2003, 08:17
Nu ii taie, stai linistit. Trailerul este pus inainte de credits, deci trebuie sa-l arate, chiar si in Romania.

Nu il taie pentru ca asa a hotarat distribuitorul roman sa-l puna inainte de credits, pentru ca in varianta "originala" el era pus dupa tot genericul de sfarsit... adica dupa vreo 7 minute de credits... atunci chiar ca nu-l mai vedea nimeni...

23 May 2003, 10:41
Da, stiu, asta am vrut sa spun si eu. Era si normal de altfel, cati au stat pana la sfarsit in Romania dupa ce s-a terminat Harry Potter 2 sa-l vada pe Gilderoy pe coperta cartii? :wink:


23 May 2003, 11:47
Ce? Cum? Cine? Unde?
Harry Potter 2 l-am vazut la Cotroceni si baietii au taiat macaroana. Eu am vrut sa stau pentru muzica lui Williams, desi tocmai cumparasem caseta. Poate ca din cauza ca numai eu ramasesem in sala au intrerupt... Mai poti sa le zici ceva?
Apropo, am observat asta de anul trecut: stiti cum se termina de obicei proiectia la Scala? Vine un tip inalt si se duce in fata salii, ridica o palma si... tzac!

23 May 2003, 11:53
Heh, eu stiam mica glumita si atunci am ramas la Mall special pentru ea cu inca cineva.

Spre uimirea mea, chiar au lasat filmul sa curga pana la sfarsitul sfarsitului, desi baietii si fetele care intrasera in sala sa adune pungi de popcorn & stuff se uitau cam ciudat la noi. 8)


23 May 2003, 13:18
..oricum atzi avut noroc ca numai se uitau la voi. Pe mine la Matrix (cand a fost primul Matrix) ma rugau sa ies din sala (mai ales cand au vazut ca veneam in fiecare zi de 2 ori la film). La un moment dat una din femeile de acolo m-a intrebat daca eu am casa! :P

(*) Keep the Matrix Pride alive! (*)

25 May 2003, 05:38
Spre uimirea mea, chiar au lasat filmul sa curga pana la sfarsitul sfarsitului, desi baietii si fetele care intrasera in sala sa adune pungi de popcorn & stuff se uitau cam ciudat la noi. 8)

They always do that, dar mai rar vin sã zicã ceva... Când vin ideal este sã le þii discursul cu „am plãtit sã vãd tot filmul”, it works. 8)

Faza cea mai amuzantã a fost acum jumãtate de an, când m-a întrebat o domniºoarã de ce mai stau, iar la rãspunsul meu Vreau sã vãd melodiile de pe sountrack, mi-a sugerat sã mã duc la Hollywood Music & Film. :D

ªi, da, de obicei lasã filmul pânã la sfârºit (actually, nu am vãzut vreo situaþie în care sã nu-l lase), chiar dacã respectivii angajaþi se uitã mai ciudat la tine dacã rãmâi...

25 May 2003, 22:51
Heh, desigur, nici nu s-a pus problema sa plec inainte de a vedea finalul finalului... :wink:

Serios acum, de fapt are logica acest lucru la Mall, avand atatea ecrane e normal ca sistemul sa fie complet automatizat si atunci pornirea si oprirea nu are legatura cu hatarurile proiectionistului... bravo lor (macar pentru atat).


27 May 2003, 09:30
Acum ca am vazut Matrix, pot spune ca distribuitorul a facut o treaba desteapta. Eu nu cred ca mai ramaneam sa ascult muzica de la credits, avand in vedere ca nu imi place deloc genul.

31 May 2003, 16:47
Demona, imi aduc aminte. O data eram si eu cu tine cand s-a intamplat. Dar iti mai aduci aminte cand mai erau vreo trei-patru tipi ca tine si deja incepeati sa va recunoasteti in sala si sa va salutati ca "vechi colegi de lucru"? :P

02 Jun 2003, 12:50
Cauza si efect,motive, bla bla......

Dar care era motivul masinilor de a exista?Ca eu nu m-am prins.Si nu-mi bagati faza cu'pai ele-s masini,n-au nevoie de un motiv',pentru ca nu-i asa!Am si argumente.In rest destul de zdravan...

ps Agentu' Smith face tot filmul. :D

02 Jun 2003, 20:57
Cauza si efect,motive, bla bla......

Dar care era motivul masinilor de a exista?Ca eu nu m-am prins.Si nu-mi bagati faza cu'pai ele-s masini,n-au nevoie de un motiv',pentru ca nu-i asa!Am si argumente.In rest destul de zdravan...

ps Agentu' Smith face tot filmul. :D

Care-i motivul nostru pentru a exista??? Masinile ( inteligenta artificiala) gandeau cum gandim si noi: SURVIVAL, SURVIVAL, SURVIVAL!

03 Jun 2003, 13:45
Mmmm..ok,surviving.Deci motivul pentru care eu traiesc e sa...supravietuiesc?!?

03 Jun 2003, 16:18
Nu stiu...zi tu motivul pentru care traiesti!

03 Jun 2003, 17:58
Ba, fratilor, nu ganditi prea adanc in filmul asta! Poate provoca nopti nedormite si teorii care se bat cap in cap (filmul nu e impecabil). Am vazut ceva discutii asemenatoare pe site-ul oficial Warner sau asa ceva, dar nu mai stiu sigur.

Sunt de acord cu faza ca Smith face tot filmul (eu as spune Hogo Weaving).

04 Jun 2003, 08:03
Hugo Weaving mi se pare ca l-a apucat pe Dumnezeu de picior: pana la sfarsitul anului asta va fi jucat in doua dintre cele mai importante trilogii din istoria cinematografiei si chiar joaca roluri destul de importante.

04 Jun 2003, 09:33
:lol: :D 'Agent Elrond' :D

04 Jun 2003, 18:01
Roluri "destul" de importante? Nu stiu eu prea bine ce rol are Elrond in toata trilogia aia a inelului (no offense, oricum, actorii imi plac in filmu - ??? - ala), dar agentu' Smith e personaj MARE (adica, numai uitati-va in traileru' pentru partea a treia)!

04 Jun 2003, 21:38
Elrod o sa apara si in The Return of the King.

04 Jun 2003, 22:54
nu mi-as putea imagina pe altcineva in locul lui smith, poate robert patrick, dar nu i-ar sta asa bine in costum si cu ochelari.

pe de alta parte, weaving e cam nasol in rolul lui elrond. nu i se potriveste. nici vocea, nici parul, nici urechile. personajul ala parca n-are vlaga in el. de fapt, toti din lotr sunt cam molesiti, cu exceptia lui gimli.(glumeam)

05 Jun 2003, 10:44
'Good day,Mr.Anderson.'Da, weaving nu-oi chiar Elrondul-l pe care mi l-as fi imaginat,dar ca actor prezinta.Si Revolutionsa o sa-l vad mai ales pentru el(fara subintelesuri 'inverse' :x )

05 Jun 2003, 10:49
Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère

FRAZA ASTA E GENIALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Jun 2003, 14:57
Intradevar Hugo Weaving "face totzi banii"...shi e clar ca altul nu ar fii putut sa ii i-a locul pentru rolul lui Smith. Cat despre rolul care il are in "Lord of the the Rings", cred ca i-i se potriveshte de minune. Shi eu am ramas blocata cand l-am vazut in rolul lui Elrond(tzin minte ca am strigat in gura mare la cinematograf:"ALA E AGENT SMITH!!!" de a ras o sala intreaga de mine), dar Hugo se descurca de minune. :) Go Hugo GO!!! :P

09 Jun 2003, 09:24
Da, HW are un traseu ascendent anul asta... eu am urmarit un interviu si mi-a placut ca vadea o preocupare aparte pentru fiecare gest, pentru mimica si pronuntie, subliniindu-le importanta in raport cu amploarea rolului sau...

16 Jul 2003, 11:18
Chestia asta potzi s-o vezi in film...pretty ironic this Agent Smith. Dar NU EXISTA altul ca el. Imaginatzi-va Matrix-ul cu nishte nume hollywood-iene mari (sau mai mari). Rolul lui Morpheus sa fie jucat de Samuel L. Jackson, al lui Trinity de Jennifer Lopez, al lui Neo, de Ben Afflec sau Matt Damon shi al Agentului Smith de Harrison Ford...The "Architect" (scuzatzi eventualele gresheli ortografice)...sa fie jucat de nimeni altul decat Sean Connery.

17 Jul 2003, 00:14
Mie mi se pare ca Fishbourne si Reeves sunt staruri foarte mari. Reeves oricum mi se pare mult mai bun decat Afflec si chiar decat Damon.

20 Jul 2003, 17:38
nu ca nu sunt actori mari..dar vreau sa zic..nu genul de...Ken-doll...cum e Damon sau Afflec...

21 Jul 2003, 19:02
De acord, Ken-dolls nu s-ar fi potrivit deloc.

22 Jul 2003, 16:00
heh...tocmai imi venise in minte o imagine din Matrix "jucata" de nishte Ken-dolls...shi uite asha e imprashtiat Neo in bucatzele...o mana sub pat...un picior sub dulap...capul sub masa... :P Smith scores again!!! ;)

22 Jul 2003, 16:29
Imi pare rau ca se ajunge a se vorbi de Affleck ca un Ken-doll. Eu inca mai cred ca baiatul asta e un actor bun. Desi daca ma uit in urma nu pot sa citez niste filme care sa sustina pretentia mea.

Acu insa cu fundu ala mare care ii va umple viata.....

22 Jul 2003, 16:57
..well...he is not such a Ken-doll...dar mai un pic shi v-a fii...J-Lo a avut grija sa contribuie la imaginea asta! :)

29 Jul 2003, 11:56
Matrix a fost un film slab. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum e partea a doua.

30 Jul 2003, 05:39
Matrix a fost un film slab. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum e partea a doua.
Dak si Matrix a fost film slab tre' sa-mi ttrag un glont in cap. A... si imi pare bine ca-ti argumentezi afiirmatia...

30 Jul 2003, 22:54
TLD...piguy este genul de user care trebuie pur si simplu ignorat.

De soundtrack nu zice nimeni nimic?
Mie cel mai mult imi place "Rob D - Clubbed To Death (Kurayamino Mix)"

01 Aug 2003, 14:04
Danny..nu eshti singurul caruia ii place melodia aceea! :) Dar acela e primul sound track. L-ai ascultat pe cel de la Matrix Reloaded? Linkin Park au o melodie "Session" super faina ( o potzi asculta shi pe albumul lor Meteora) shi Marilyn Manson s-a "scos" cu "The New Shit". :)

01 Aug 2003, 17:56
Presimt un nou trailer pe net, dupa ce in UK dupa t3 a aparut un trailer nou. In sfarsit...

01 Aug 2003, 22:04
Danny..nu eshti singurul caruia ii place melodia aceea! :) Dar acela e primul sound track. L-ai ascultat pe cel de la Matrix Reloaded? Linkin Park au o melodie "Session" super faina ( o potzi asculta shi pe albumul lor Meteora) shi Marilyn Manson s-a "scos" cu "The New Shit". :)

Stiu ca e de pe primul dar ce conteaza? E super_ba. :)
Soundtrack-ul de la Matrix Reloaded inca nu il am. Poate ma ajuta cineva... ;) :)

07 Aug 2003, 17:08
...I think that can be arranged!!! :D

11 Aug 2003, 00:53
Hmm...daca pana si pentru un soundtrack se fac aranjamente... ;)

11 Aug 2003, 16:44
La noi cand drak apare dvd-ul? Ca la americani p 10 oct sau vine cu delay?! Tinand cont ca am dvd-r de pe net(ma rog o sa-l am sper) pana peste vreo luna ma lunistesc :lol: . Da dvd-r are 1 cd, in timp ce dvd original are i extrasuri deci 2 cd. Deci cand da pe la noi? Si apare la HM&F?

14 Aug 2003, 11:45
DVD-ul l-am vazut prin Arad, dar piratat...nu shtiu daca "functzioneshte". Nu risc sa dau bani...shi vizionat...din partzi...cica 350.000 ete pretzu`!!!

15 Aug 2003, 13:13
A aparut un nou trailer, ma rog nou e prea mult spus. E cel din UK, si contine cateva(cateva insemnand ceva mai multe decat cateva). Pt cei interesati asa ca mine si ca fanii matrix:

16 Aug 2003, 13:12
Hmm...daca pana si pentru un soundtrack se fac aranjamente... ;)

...got a problem with that? ;)

20 Aug 2003, 08:08
Am mai dat yo linkurile, da nu aici. Dar am impresia ca au trecut neobsrevate!


20 Aug 2003, 09:34
Matrix rulzzz...thx TLD! :)

20 Aug 2003, 09:43
Matrix rulzzz...thx TLD! :)
Cu sigurantza ruleaza!! :D
Si sper ca ati luat ultimul trailer in format quicktime?

20 Aug 2003, 09:44
Dak nu l-ati luat iata link-ul direct!

20 Aug 2003, 11:03
Apropo de soundtrack: de cd-ul 2 ce ziceti fratilor?! Piese memorabile. Astea-s mai bune. EX: Juno Reactor vs Don Davis - Burly Brawl, sau Cheatou(scuzati scriere dak e deficitara :lol: )...

20 Aug 2003, 11:12
Ar fi cazul sa mai pun si niste linkuri catre niste articole, dak s-au mai dat sorry!

21 Aug 2003, 07:53
Incercati sa mergeti pe site-ul oficial matrix. A fost updatata sectiunea revolutions. Acum contine poze (nu noi), dar la o calitate mai buna, de asemenea puteti gasi posterele si trailerul international despre care v-am tot vorbit in ultimele zile!

22 Aug 2003, 06:17
De data asta nici unul nu se mai menajeaza! Apropo cred ca Smith il ridica pe Neo nu invers...

22 Aug 2003, 16:57
In caz ca n-ati citit inca articolul:

22 Aug 2003, 19:34
Bai, Matrixofanule, gata ca ai pus stapanire pe tot topicul. Ne-aiconvins. Esti dus. Deci, du-te...

22 Aug 2003, 20:14
Bai, Matrixofanule, gata ca ai pus stapanire pe tot topicul. Ne-aiconvins. Esti dus. Deci, du-te...
Dupa cum am spus putina INDIFERENTA nu strica, mai gurule...

26 Aug 2003, 12:14
Apropo de soundtrack: de cd-ul 2 ce ziceti fratilor?! Piese memorabile. Astea-s mai bune. EX: Juno Reactor vs Don Davis - Burly Brawl, sau Cheatou(scuzati scriere dak e deficitara :lol: )...

..am CD-urile...yep...Dar shi "Furious Angels" (Rob Dougan)este o melodie faina! :)

26 Aug 2003, 21:35
Demona, ai putea sa-mi scrii si mie o lista cu melodiile care sunt pe cd?

26 Aug 2003, 22:11
N-ar fi mai simplu sa mergi pe site-ul asta: http://www.maverickrc.com/thematrix/frames.html la track listing!

27 Aug 2003, 12:34
...BINGO! ;)

28 Aug 2003, 01:17
Hmm...daca pana si pentru un soundtrack se fac aranjamente... ;)

...got a problem with that? ;)

Neahh...I have enough problems.
But you know what? I still...haven't found...what I'm looking for...

28 Aug 2003, 01:18
I'm talking about Matrix Reloaded soundtrack :)

28 Aug 2003, 02:14
N-ar fi mai simplu sa mergi pe site-ul asta: http://www.maverickrc.com/thematrix/frames.html la track listing!

Sau undeva mult mai aproape...


28 Aug 2003, 16:17
Ceea ce cautzi tu de mult..eu ascult de cateva saptamani Danny... :)

28 Aug 2003, 19:00
Ceea ce cautzi tu de mult..eu ascult de cateva saptamani Danny... :)'
Si eu si mai demult... :lol:

29 Aug 2003, 00:22
Si ce va laudati atata :P:P:P

30 Aug 2003, 13:08
I-a sa mai ma laud cu niste poze noi noute! Tre sa levedeti, voi fani!

31 Aug 2003, 08:47
Pozele de mai sus provin din Animated magazin, nr. pe septembrie(ce-as vrea sa fiu in america acuma :)). Iata si articolul in intregime:
Toate formeaza un singur articol, dar tipul de la care le-am luat nu a stiut cum sa le puna pe aceeasi pagina. So... asta este cel mai recent articol despre revolutions 8)

01 Sep 2003, 15:19
Damn TLD!...But thx man! ;)

01 Sep 2003, 15:30
Damn TLD!...But thx man! ;)
A devenit o obisnuinta sa postez amanunte picante despre matrix... :wink:

04 Sep 2003, 06:41
O partea dintr-o meloadie de pe soundtrackul revolutions, este promo, si e de pe siteul lui don davis. Enjoy!

04 Sep 2003, 13:45
Knd aflii linku' cu trailer-ul la Matrix Revolutions ... arunca-l shi tu aici k sa-l downloadez shi JE ...

04 Sep 2003, 14:19
Knd aflii linku' cu trailer-ul la Matrix Revolutions ... arunca-l shi tu aici k sa-l downloadez shi JE ...
No problemo! Maine mai e o sapt...

04 Sep 2003, 20:49
..am CD-urile...yep...Dar shi "Furious Angels" (Rob Dougan)este o melodie faina! :)
Da intradevar e cea mai buna de pe 1 cd. Ma rog si asta cred ca ar fio trebuit inclusa pe al 2-lea cd-u, cu cele epice.
Un top al melodiilor:
1. Burly Brawl
2. Furious Angels
3. Chateau

09 Sep 2003, 07:53
Salivati si bucurati-va: imagine noua (http://graphics7.nytimes.com/images/2003/09/07/arts/07EDEL.583.jpg)

09 Sep 2003, 13:27
bah da aicea nimeni nu asculta shi HOUSE ... adika mi mi-a plakut la nebunie melodia FLUKE - ZION - cand am auzit-o in film am zis k nu este adevarata ... + k in momentul melodiei Trinity shi cu Neo shi-o pun deci io' asha ceva n-am mai vazut in cinematografie pana akuma - that was a 1st 4 me ...

+ P.O.D - Sleeeping Awake -- God Damn it! - now there's a cool video and song ...

my top 3 - 1 - Fluke - Zion
2 - Furious Angel
3 - Sleeping Awake


09 Sep 2003, 18:05
Apropo de imaginea noua, va intrebati de unde am luat-o, ma rog nu eu, cei de la care am luat-o?... Pai din NY times si logic ca exista si un articol (mai mult sau mai putin serious). P.S(inainte de articol): apropo de poza in fundal dak va uitati prin gaura peretelui se poate vedea codul matricei si nu picaturile de ploaie, insa nu e foarte clar...

in case anyone is interested... here's the article that is "linked" with the picture:

<start article>
Warning: 'Matrix' Spoilers Ahead (Well, One of Them Might Be Right, Anyway)

Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix Revolutions": Christ? Antichrist?


Here, on the surface of the Information Highway, the movie "The Matrix Reloaded" is a subject either closed or on hold until the Nov. 5 release of the final film in Larry and Andy Wachowski's trilogy, "The Matrix Revolutions." A few layers down, though, in the rushing magma of the Internet, predictions of coming plot twists abound. We're talking about millions of words — a phenomenon akin to a self-replicating computer virus. "Matrix" zealots argue in head-swimming detail over "Reloaded," over the collection of linked short films, "The Animatrix," and over the computer game "Enter the Matrix." In this universe, storytelling that struck some of us as inept is regarded as purposefully ambiguous, while dialogue that thudded like a rain of squishy frogs is rich in veiled meaning.

Here are some predictions I've encountered in my visits to the "Matrix" underworld. Read no further if you want to ensure your surprise in November: in the tradition of monkeys and typewriters, it's possible that one or more will turn out to be prophetic.

1. Neo is a computer program that thinks that it's human.

2. Trinity is a computer program.

3. Everyone is a machine in a simulation devised by humans.

4. Neo is the only human in a machine-devised experiment to study love.

5. Neo is not "the One" but (a) a bystander; (b) a link in a chain that leads to the One; (c) a space alien or (d) the Antichrist.

6. Neo will die, Christlike, and merge with the Matrix to save humanity.

7. The One is really (a) the kid who escaped from the Matrix or (b) Agent Smith, now a virus.

8. Smith was once Neo. Or the Merovingian was once Neo. Or the Architect was once Neo — and Neo will be the next Architect.

9. Smith and Neo will merge to fight the machines.

10. The Oracle is the real villain and/or the mother of Persephone.

11. Persephone transmitted code in her kiss that allowed Neo to stop the sentinels (a k a "squiddies".

12. Zion, the city for unplugged humans, is another Matrix, which is why Neo could stop the squiddies.

13. Neo will wake up at the desk in his office: that was some mindblowing dream.

14. We are all in the Matrix. The Wachowskis will end "Revolutions" by unplugging us.
<end article

Ca sa cititi articolul selectati textul...

10 Sep 2003, 15:22
Pre-comanda dvd-ul cand va fi introdus? (pt emanuel)...

10 Sep 2003, 15:59
Deocamdata se pot pre comanda numai casetele video.
DVD-urile nu sunt inca venite in tara. Iti pastram unul... si te anuntam cand apar!

10 Sep 2003, 16:01
Ok. Am si un video, dar totusi e cam vechi, nu stiu dak mai e dupa standardele actuale. Si totusi un dvd e mai bun :p
P.S: Mersi ca-mi pastrati mie unul. Ca o chestie funny: o sa-mi scrieti si numele pe dvd :)

10 Sep 2003, 16:49
Bah cat cost caseta shi ce tre sa facem k io's din Constanta ?

10 Sep 2003, 16:53
O caseta costa 500.000 sau 600.000. Du-te aici (http://www.cinemagia.ro/movie.php?movie_id=3931&what=products)

10 Sep 2003, 17:44
Sa va zic de ce aiu si dvd-ul si nu caseta... Pt ca e mai scump si vreau ca incasaril elui matrix reloaded sa depaseasca incasarile esecului de t3. Insa imi place optimismul lui krom de pe arnold.ro. El chiar crede ca prin dvd si jucarii promotionale t3 va ajunge de la 400 l a700. Am o intrebare pt el: da reloaded ce crezi ca va face? Crezi ca fanii matrix nu vor lua dvd-ul, sau ca sunt mai putini. Hai du-te si ia o papyusa gonflabila (kristana loken) si vezi ce faci cu ea noapte....

11 Sep 2003, 12:35

Here's 50 Reasons to stay away from ... Matrix Reloaded :

The Matrix Murders

The first film killed 13 students at Columbine High School, the disturbed trench-coated teens imitating the pipe-bombing, shotgunning film's finale. How many troubled teens are out there Reloading with the release of the sequel?

In fact, the only reason the U.S. Attorney General did not press murder charges against the filmmakers is because the movie was shot in Australia, giving it diplomatic immunity.

The aborted American dream

Warner Bros. devoted $300 million to the production of the two Matrix sequels.

In the time the films have been in production, over one thousand American children will have died of starvation. For the cost of these films, each of those children could have been given one million dollars.

I'm dreaming of a white... cast?

Two actors were abruptly cut from the sequel cast before production ended, both female minorities. Coincidence?

Aaliyah and Gloria Foster were unceremonially dropped after shooting some scenes for the sequel. What's wrong, guys? They didn't test well with the predominantly white Matrix audiences?

Neither actress could be reached for comment.

The Neverending Story

A spectacular car chase. The loss of a crucial figure in the human resistance named "the Keymaster." A withering assault on the refuge city of Zion by a boiling swarm of sentinel droids. Neo screaming, holding Trinity's burned corpse. And then, cut to black.

That's how The Matrix: Reloaded ends.

This isn't really one of the 50 reasons, but if I can drive just one person away from seeing this rubbish by giving out this information, I have done my job.

Enjoy your bloody film, yanks. To quote Neo, that's one spicy tamale.

Update: In response to this list, Warner Bros. re-cut the finale, placing parts of it at what is now the opening of the film. The plot makes absolutely no sense now! Take that.

The Neverending Story, 2

This aforementioned abrupt "cliffhanger" ending (aka, cheap sequel-selling stunt) seemed like a good idea... until parents groups filed an injunction blocking the release of part 3. Kind of eliminates any reason to see part 2, does it not?

Reloaded Ridiculousness

Think you're missing something special by staying home? Think again. Several times in the sequel Neo is seen flying at almost supersonic speeds. NASA experiments prove that such a velocity would tear a man's genitals off.

Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time!

Can we please have just one major studio movie without a trick ending? I won't reveal it because some of you have requested that I not, but Reloaded has a shocking surprise near the end that the studio has bent over backwards (probably in slow-motion, while dodging bullets) to conceal. All I'll say is that it has to do with the surprise return of a certain treacherous character who we all thought was dead in the first film. Can any of you decipher what I'm saying here?

Update: Some fans are interpreting the ending in such a way that does not bring this character back. Actually, you can only really grasp this plot point with a second viewing. Do not pay to see this film a second time.

Reloaded Ridiculousness, 2

I'm not joking; you'll literally feel your I.Q. drop watching this rubbish. For instance, the evil Matrix creates two new enemies for Neo, called the Twins. Their first priority is to blend discreetly into the simulated world of the Matrix, to walk among the people unnoticed. So of course the Matrix made them huge albino men with bleach-white dreadlocks who occasionally transform into shrieking wraiths.

"What's that, honey?"

"Oh, nothing. It just looks like a simple Kung-Fu Swedish Rastafarian Helldemon. I'm sure there's no need to question our fragile, sheltered grasp of 'reality' as we know it."

Read the first chapter of
a full MONTH before publication. It's here and it's free, just click this paragraph. Sorry for the interruption. - Editor

The Matrix: Reconsidered

But the first film was great art, you say?

In the spoon-bending scene, watch closely. First we see Neo bend the spoon almost into a "U" shape... now watch carefully (freeze-frame it, for you DVD owners). A second later it's back to its normal shape again. Ironic that a film meant for no-attention-span kids also had a no-attention-span editor.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 2

After they sucked the "bug" out of Neo's abdomen, where was the gaping bloody hole the thing should have left? Even if Trinity had the medical training to re-tie the knot in his navel, we certainly didn't see her do it.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 3

In the same scene, the "bug" is casually discarded in the street. Better hope no one comes along and steps on the squirming, burrowing thing with their bare feet.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 4

You've worked as a policeman your whole life, protecting the innocent, enforcing the law. You retire with honors, then take a job as a security guard, working the metal detector on the ground floor of a skyscraper in order to help pay for your wife's arthritis medication. You're sitting there, on a slow day, reading your newspaper, when a girl walks in wearing a trenchcoat. She issues no demands, no warnings, no "freeze" or "drop your gun." She just tears you in half with a spray of machine-gun fire, then does cartwheels along the walls while killing all your friends.

Somewhere, faintly, you can hear a theater audience cheering.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 5

Neo can move faster than sound, yet can't move blindingly through bullet time and simply disarm the security guards rather than slaughtering them? It looks like Neo learned his disarming techniques from George W. Bush.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 6

Neo and his crew can generate an infinite number of guns in the construct, but can't come up with non-lethal weapons such as long-range tasers and sleeping gas?

Would not the "exciting" skyscraper shootout have been just as exciting if the two had been armed with the Vomit Sticks from Minority Report? Or are these lives not worth saving?

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 7

You are a hard-working single mother, making ends meet by doing time as a secretary in an office building during the day, a drug-store clerk in the evenings. You are on the office phone with the babysitter one quiet Wednesday afternoon, telling her how to calm little Dakota down, to get her to stop crying her eyes out asking why Mommy is never home, telling her that you'll be there soon, honey.

A split-second later your head is severed by a shattered helicopter rotor blade, the skull bouncing off a nearby wall, leaving a spray of arterial blood on a motivational poster. Your eyes bulge wide, your brain inside remaining alive just long enough to recognize the horror of your fate. Aviation fuel splashes in through the shattered windows and ignites, incinerating mothers, husbands, fathers, best friends.

And somewhere, a theater full of young, chubby males cheers because Trinity made it out before the crash.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 8

"If you wanna give me that juris-my-DICK-tion crap, you can kiss my ass."

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 9

You infiltrate a building to rescue a hostage who you can't afford to lose. Either his death, or your own death, would have unimaginable consequences for the entire living world. So, once you're inside and riding up the lift, it's a good idea to go ahead and set the building on fire by dropping a bomb on the first floor.

The Matrix: Reconsidered, 10

It's the film's climactic battle between Agent Smith and Neo. It begins with Agent Smith walking down the subway platform toward Neo. Neo's friends tell him to run. But no; he stands and fights.

They fight for what seems like an hour, back and forth, an epic battle of good and evil. Neo takes a beating, comes back, finds his courage, becomes The One. He goes toe-to-toe with the baddest of the bad. After this long, choreographed, pivotal moment of the film, Agent Smith is left...

...walking down the subway platform toward Neo. Neo's friends tell him to run.

He runs.

Excuse me, ticket lady? I'd like a refund of the last fifteen minutes of my life. It would be like if at the end of Rocky, after sitting through the whole film, the main character just lost the fight anyway.

Excuse me?

"I hate this place, this... zoo. It's the smelt."

By their fruits ye shall know them

I had attended a showing of The Matrix in May of 1999 with a lady friend, because we are both big Morgan Freeman fans. An hour into the film, as I observed what dreck we were wading in, I walked up and stood before the screen and tried to explain to the audience that this vomitus was below their dignity.

I was greeted by some of the most vulgar insults imaginable, until some began throwing objects and one man even knocked my pipe from my hand. Do you wish to be associated with a group of such character?

By their fruits ye shall know the staff, too

After the above incident, I was the one asked to leave.

The Matrix: Reconsidered further

If you need to get in touch with a person, you can simply call them at their office. You do not need to actually mail the phone to them.

Two words:

Keanu Reeves.

Two more words:

See above.

The Matrix: Reconsidered further, 2

The film states that the humans attached to the matrix were kept alive by liquifying the dead and feeding it to the living, apparently pouring the mixture into their containers in the form of strawberry Jello. Such a diet would not be sufficient to support an adult human.

The Matrix: Reconsidered further still

Bullets travel at over 900 feet per second. I don't care how fast Agent Smith and his friends pulled their triggers in that hallway, their bullets would not travel in a tight pack like that. It takes a tenth of a second for an automatic to recycle itself, meaning that by the time the second round left the barrel, the first bullet would be 90 feet away.

You should have heard my gales of laughter upon seeing this scene during my second viewing of the film. I fully expected the audience around me join in the derision, and when they did not I walked up and down each row, leaning over each seat and howling my gales of mockery right in their faces.

Once more, the staff removed me from the theater, rather than doing the proper thing and removing the film from the theater. Ridiculous.

The Gaytrix

Hollywood's homophobia never fails to astound me. First, I applauded the romance between the two male characters, Neo and Trinity. Then I found later that, because of demands by Keanu Reeves, Trinity was actually played by a woman in shorthair.

(If you look closely in certain scenes of the film, you can make out breasts.) Where were the protests?

By their fruits ye shall know them, 2

Average weight of the common Matrix fan: 276 lbs.

U.S. Census Bureau, 2001

By their fruits ye shall know them: Reloaded

Average I.Q. of the common Matrix fan: 91. That's fifteen points below average, folks.

U.S. Dept. of Education Statistics, 2002

By their fruits ye shall know them: Revolutions

We all know that, by financially supporting the Matrix franchise that killed those kids at Columbine, each and every Matrix ticket-buyer is literally an accomplice to murder. Are you one of them? The ten million-plus buyers of the DVD is without a doubt the most sickening conspiracy of murder since the Holocaust.

The death of choice

The humans of the future are attached to the Matrix, in embryo-like pods. They receive nourishment from the Matrix, they cannot survive independent of it. They share a blood stream, their consciousness is provided completely by the mother system.

Thus, the humans are part of the mother's body and the matrix can terminate them if it so chooses. The film's suggestion that this is evil is a direct assault on female choice and the fundamental functions of motherhood. Can female slavery be far behind?

Keanu Bin Ladin

The filmmakers have admitted that the computerized "Matrix" in the first film symbolizes American technological dominance over the Islamic oppressed peoples of the world (did you notice that the name of Saddam Hussein's three divisions of Republican Guard, the Nebuchadnezzar, Medina and Hammurabi, are also the three names of the hovercrafts in The Matrix? This is also why almost half of the human protagonists in the film are of Arabic descent).

Has Warner Bros. chosen Saddam as their hero? Is this why Neo was to be sporting a thick, dark mustache in the third film?

Keanu Bin Ladin, 2

Don't misunderstand the above item; like all of you, I wholeheartedly agree that America has been the most evil force of imperialism in world history. But should the third world be stirred to such violence as commanded by the Matrix films? Why could the film not portray Neo and Captain Morpheus peacefully demanding fairer trade policies and access to low-cost prescription drugs and vaccinations via the United Nations?

Keanu Bin Ladin, 3

Speaking of terrorism, could not a film as toxic to the minds of its audience such as this be labelled a Weapon of Mass Destruction? The number of Kurds Saddam Hussein poisoned with his nerve gas is miniscule when compared to the number of brains that have been poisoned by The Matrix. Where is the U.S. military in this situation?

Still not convinced the first film was rubbish?

The cybernetic army that took over the Earth, says the film, was solar powered. The human resistance responded by blotting out the sky.

A desperate measure, but surely the only choice they had. It was that, or, I don't know, postpone their counterattack until evening.

Huh? 2?

Jamming a huge needle in the back of someone's skull will kill them.

This is your brain...

Speaking of which, does no one else have the problem with the blatant pro-drug message in these films? The idea that you can be transported to a magical wonderland where you have supernatural powers simply by inserting a needle into your skull?

Is it any coincidence that "jacking" (injecting heroin directly into the brain using a nine-inch long skull needle) became all the rage with our teenagers after this film?

Hope you haven't just eaten...

And what was that white goo they were eating in the cafeteria? Would you eat something like that, having just seen it spill out of an apparent robot penis?

Grow up

The policeman in the opening scene of the first film? Look on the credits and you'll see he's billed as Lt. Geyser Shitdick.


Do try this at home

Interesting that the stunts on Jackass must carry a "do not attempt at home warning," but in Reloaded Trinity is shown smashing through a skyscraper plate glass window and shooting pistols into the sky as she plummets to the pavement below. Is this something you want your eight year-old doing? Where is the disclaimer?

And while we're on the subject...

With children everywhere attempting the first film's stunts, has Warner Bros. reimbursed the families for the Jello stains, torn trousers and bent flatware that resulted?

Excuse me? 2

"I'm only good for two things. Degreasing engines and killing brain cells."

There's a bug in the logic program!

Cypher, prior to his surprise return at the end of the second film, sells his friends out for a steak dinner. This makes sense, because, as he points out, aboard the ship all they have to eat is the "cold goop" grown in the ship's vats.

Of course, he could always get a steak in the ship's construct. He wouldn't be nourished by it, but it's the experience he wants. Or, they could all stop at an Outback Steakhouse during one of their many trips inside The Matrix.

Eh, betraying all of humanity to eternal enslavement was probably easier.

There's a bug in the logic program! 2

If they're so hungry for meat, why not just cannabalize some of the humans attached to the Matrix? Their lives mean nothing, anyway.

PVC problems

If you're going into physical combat, do not wear skin-tight black plastic clothes. The chafing will literally draw blood, as we saw when such uniforms were tried by the French Army.


Am I wrong to say that, despite the criticism of myself and other members of the intellectual elite, that this film will still make obscene amounts of money in ticket sales? Hollywood knows how to push buttons, and it knows Matrix fans inside and out. These lowing cattle will lap up the multimillion dollar flash and fire just as beasts stand in the pasture and lap up their evening bowls of cow pudding.

Oh, yes, I think it is safe to say that once all you Matrix fanboys out there get a load of the blinding, hyperkinetic Reloaded climax, you'll walk out of the theater still very pale, fat and lonely.

Also consider...

Keanu Reeves.

Hacker heroes?

"He's been going for ten hours straight. He's a machine."

That's right. The first indication that Neo was The One was his ability to spend ten hours sitting in a chair. There's your hero, computer dorks! "Hey, check out the neuralkinetics between the chair and his arse!"

Hacker heroes? 2

Computer nerds are heroes? The good ones are listed among an elite, chosen few?

That's odd, because I mastered the complex code it took to format this web page in half an hour. I guess that means I'm The One!

Bullet holes, plot holes>>The character "Morpheusbrcellspan=22 colum=49 function resizeWinnewLoc, newHeight, newWidth) newWin = open

11 Sep 2003, 13:01
Gaandalf, postul tau e prea mare pt mien acuma. Dasr va anunt ceva:
Matrix Revolutions nu mai are premiera pe 5 noiembrie... (http://www.comingsoon.net/news/matrix3news.php?id=1454)

12 Sep 2003, 17:43
De fapt era 7 Noiembrie ...
Deci atuncea cand o sa fie ? Chiar sunt curios ...

12 Sep 2003, 17:44
Ma refeream la premiera internationala! Nu d el anoi...

14 Sep 2003, 06:48
Incredibil, am stat o noapte intreaga, dar l-am gasit, sau mai bine zis cei de la code-matrix l-au gasit. Chestia e sa intrati pe http://www.code-matrix.net/revo2.wmv
si de acolo luati de acolo cel mai nou si mai scurt trailer matrix revolutions! Ma rog e mai mult un tv spot. vA AVERTIZEZ! EXISTA MULTE FAZE NOI IN ACEST SPOT. INCLUSIV SCENE NOI CU NEO SI SMITH (NU DIN SUPERBRAWL). DE asemenea scene si din zion. MULTE IMAGINI NOI. Multi au zis ca cei de la wb au dezvaluit destule cu aest spot. Cine vre sa-l vada sa foloseasca linkul!

14 Sep 2003, 07:36

Intrati acolo! Urgent. TOATE CELE 5 TV SPOTURI. NU stiu cat mai e activ linkul...

14 Sep 2003, 07:56

...=cele 5 tv sopturi!
Pe numele lor:

14 Sep 2003, 07:58
Bafta cu ele. Ca eu numai pot sa iau power, in rest le am pe toate! :lol: :lol:

14 Sep 2003, 09:16
Toate videoclipurile din matrix revo doar aici.

14 Sep 2003, 16:16
Enemy doreste sa dati click save as pe el... (http://hem.passagen.se/pizdol/2823_enemy_m.mpg)

14 Sep 2003, 17:11
Alte linkuri:






Pt toate spoturile!!!!!! Bafta!

14 Sep 2003, 17:22
trailer mai marpha k asta eu nu am vazut ... asha k de abea ashtept sa ma imbolnavesc la cinema ... o sa-mi iau Distonocalme la mine... k din trailer m-a apucat tremuratu' ...

Yeah Baby!

14 Sep 2003, 17:24
trailer mai marpha k asta eu nu am vazut ... asha k de abea ashtept sa ma imbolnavesc la cinema ... o sa-mi iau Distonocalme la mine... k din trailer m-a apucat tremuratu' ...

Yeah Baby!
LOL. Ok... Motrix revolutions will kick your ass!

14 Sep 2003, 19:01
Exista cineva in lumea asta kre nu agreaza filmul Matrix - acea persoana este forumista shi o cheama : "Fraesia" :

check this out :

<@Fraesia> n-am vazut matrix ;)
<@TLD> sunt socat
<@TLD> O_o
<@TLD> sau sufocat si am uitat sa pun niste litere
<@Gaandalf> l-ai jignit pe TLD la faza cu : n-am vazut Matrix ........
<@Fraesia> am observat LOL
<@Fraesia> am vazut secvente, m-am plictisit, am schimbat canalul
<@Fraesia> simple as that
<@TLD> lasa mai ca am mai vazu t colegi care se uitat la matrix in gima
<@Gaandalf> TLD uite un forumist kre n-a vazut matrix - shi kre zice k e nashpa ........
<@Fraesia> m-am dus in bucuresti, da
<@Fraesia> dar n-am fost la film
<@Gaandalf> :))))))))))

looolza! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

14 Sep 2003, 22:19
Exista cineva in lumea asta kre nu agreaza filmul Matrix

Mai sa fie. Oare e posibil asa ceva? :o
Nu-mi vine sa cred... :P

14 Sep 2003, 22:31
Very funny gaandalf! Publicitate mascata la mirc! Nice!

15 Sep 2003, 14:59
:o Incredibil fratzilor! :roll: Dar adevarat!

15 Sep 2003, 15:18
:o Incredibil fratzilor! :roll: Dar adevarat!
Da... Ma cam asteptam la efecte geniale pt matrix revolutions! Deci dak luati trailere va spoilariti!

P.S: Damn a inceput scoala!

15 Sep 2003, 15:59
...asta da catastrofa...sunt sigura ca a vazut "Legally Blonde" ;)

15 Sep 2003, 16:00
Ce zici demona de noile spoturi? Cum ti se par?

15 Sep 2003, 16:04
be-he-he-ton! ;)

15 Sep 2003, 18:01
Le-am aratat la ashtia traileru la Revolutions shi .... ah! ... ana! eshti nebune de unde ai luat ... la kre le-am raspuns k umblu cu oameni bazatzi la categoria filme ...

Just keepin' it Real!

15 Sep 2003, 18:09
Very funny gaandalf! Publicitate mascata la mirc! Nice!

Common man don't take it the wrong way .. that's history .. i had 2 show the world ... the world needed that ... Sorry if i ofended you .... :cry:

22 Sep 2003, 06:40
Pregatiti-va sapt asta de trailerul final! La finalul sapt il vom vedea presupunand ca-l vor arata la entertainment tonight on abc sau cbs :P

24 Sep 2003, 06:42
Poze noi din revolutions!
click me! (http://outnow.ch/Media/Img/2003/MatrixRevolutions/)
Joi cica apare trailerul final! Deabia astept!

24 Sep 2003, 07:44
Un singur cuvant pentru poze: EXTRAORDINARE!!!!

Can't hardly wait for the movie!

Thanks, TLD!
You're the men!

24 Sep 2003, 08:39
Citat de pe comingsoon: "Meanwhile, the brand new trailer for the final chapter, opening November 5, is set to debut on Satellite this Thursday. Stay tuned to the Trailers section for when the trailer comes online.


3:00 AM - 3:15 AM (ET)
6:00 AM - 6:15 AM (ET)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (ET)

Telstar 6 (C-Band) Transponder 03
Uplink Freq: 5985.000 Horizontal
Downlink Freq: 3760.000 Vertical
Audio: 6.20/ 6.80"

Ei aveti antenele pregatite? :lol:

25 Sep 2003, 09:11
Maximu o ora pana il vad :P

25 Sep 2003, 09:30
Cateva din cuvintele celor care deabia l-au vazut:
"it is amazing.
more of everything.
i'm speechless. and must go to work. fek, i need it on qt."


"If we have to give our lives, WE'LL GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!!!"

Full description pending. "

25 Sep 2003, 09:57

"First part of the description:

It starts off with a long tracking shot, the camera flying along 3 huge powerlines in the desert of the real which seem to go on forever, before finally going over a rise as we see that they extend for many more miles beyond. Cut to the shot of Neo looking at that huge machine overlord orb-thing that we see in the "Control" spot, only we get more of the start of it, which actually shows that Neo is standing on the edge of some huge ledge or something, looking out over one of the "growing field" as the orb rises up infront of him and says "SPEAK!"

Fade to black, voiceover by Neo "The program Smith has grown beyond your control. You cannot stop him, but I can" various shots of Smith are played over the end of this, including the one of Smith stepping into the middle of the long raining street we've seen in the teasers, plus one of him that I'm 99% sure is him sitting at a table with the Oracle (although we don't actually see her), as well as a couple more shots of Smith and Neo standing in the rain that we've seen before.

"And if you fail?" the booming voice asks, which now appears to have a "face" of sorts. Cut to the shot of Smith flying through the wall and Neo jumping over him that we've all seen before, then back to Neo, his eyes covered in bandages, the same angle as he says the "Smith" bit before in the "Control" spot. "I won't" he replies, after which we see a "jack spike" enter his head, indicating that he jacks into the Matrix immediately after making this 'deal' with the machines.

The green WB/Village Roadshow logos appear, then we get the shot of Trinity from "Help" saying "Do you know what happened to Neo?", then we get a shot of Neo against the white wall of the trainstation, followed by the one of that huge war machine (in the real world) from the teasers.

Oracle voiceover: "He is trapped in a place between this world and the machine world." As she says this we get a shot of Neo sitting up on the trainstation with the white wall behind him, the little girl (Rama's daughter from the newly released pictures) standing by his side, followed by the first ever shot of 01, standing like a giant castle in the desert of the real, surrounded by growing fields. It looks as though it's made up of huge cylinders, all blueish-red in tone, and appears to be absolutely massive."

"Description continued:

Fade to white: the shot of Trinity, Morpheus and Seraph decending the stairs into Club Hel that's been shown in many of the teasers plays next and a voiceover by the Merovingian begins. He says "Bring me the eyes of the Oracle and I will give you back your....'saviour'." As he says this we see a new shot of the exiles surrounding Trinity, guns drawn. Then we see Neo standing by a train with Rama and his wife and daughter next to him, the long-haired "Train Man" infront. The Train Man punches Neo in the chest as the family look on, and he goes lfying backwards, smashing into the white wall, which breaks on impact (the voiceover is still going on).

Cut to the Merovingian sitting on a sofa/seat talking (so the voiceover technically ends here as we see him speaking the res of it), holding a glass of wine very casually, then to Neo on his hands looking to his side (still in the trainstation, so obviously looking at the Train Man after having been laid into)."

Sper sa vina si trailerul pe net...


Lots of Matrix code then flies out from the screen, before cutting to, basically, the exact same opening as the "Enemy" TV spot, with Neo having a jack plug pulled from his head, Smith saying "Mr Anderson" (voiceover the shot of Bane waking up that we've seen before instead of the WB/VR logos though like in the TV spot), then Neo saying "Who are you?!" and which a bloodied Bane/Smith replies "Look past the flesh...(cut to 'burning Smith face')...and see your enemy."

Neo - "It's impossible!" then the shot of the dozens of Smith's walking through (we assume) the Oracle's door, before cutting back to Bane with the voice over from him saying "Not impossible - INEVITABLE!" before we once again see the shot of Smith laughing like crazy that we've all seen many times now."

"Next we get the shot of the APU's (Zion mechs) walking across the dock that we saw in the International Trailer, followed by the two shots of that huge drill falling down and smashing into the ground in Zion from a couple of the new TV spots. While this is happening we hear another voiceover from Commander Lock saying "In less than 12 hours the machines will breach the dock walls", after which we get a low-angle shot of the Zion docks, which are absolutely gigantic, far, far, far larger than we ever saw in Reloaded, and from the very top we can make rubble falling down as the machines try to smash their way through.

Cut to a shot of Sentinels swarming through a tunnel towards the camera (one we've seen before in some of the TV spots) and a voiceover from Mifune, who says "If we have to give our lives, WE'LL GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!!!" we cut back to his face as he says the last part and we can see just how determined he is as he definantly shouts to his men, who we cut to next, all assmelbed infront of him in their APU's, all cheering and raising their right gun arms up in the air much like the people did after Morpheus' speech in Reloaded."

"Then we go back to Neo and the shot in which he says "Can Zion be saved?" which, again we've seen recently in the TV spots (can't remember which exactly but you know the shot I mean). Then a shot from behind one of the APU's as it slings it's arms/guns behind it's back, locks in two ammo-belts from its back then brings them round to the front again, followed by a few shots of many other APU's all raising their guns high to the ceiling, ready to open up on whatever is about to break through (the last of which shows Mifune again).

Yet another voice over accompanies this, this one again from the Oracle who say "Tonight the future of both worlds will be in your hands; or in his." After the APU's shots are done we see the one of Link and Zee embracing in a huge cavern in Zion that's been shown before, followed by the ones of Smith and Neo on the raining street both clenching their fists, Neo walking along the rows of Multi-Smiths, and that familiar couple of shots; "Mr Anderson weclome back! We missed you." - "It ends tonight."

"Again the footage we've all seen many times now of the two of them running towards each other at full-force, this time to a new, pounding beat getting faster and faster as they get closer and closer until BOOM! The new trailer music starts. It's sort of like Tarawa in that it's choiral and dramatic, but it's definitely nothing we've heard in any of the teasers of TV spots until now.

It plays over Neo flipping backwards then kicking off the wall which creates a circular "shockwave"-type effect on the wall, the same couple of shots from the ETM teaser, followed by a shot of Neo and Smith hitting each other in mid-air with a huge bubble-like shockwave emminating out around them and going up the skyscrapers around them (the same shot that's in "Future") and then the "door with loads of dead Sentinels getting blown off its hinges" shot."]

"More description following on from where I left off:

Cut to a new shot of Neo and Bane grappling over a "lightening gun", swinging it past the camera so that the electricity goes just under the screen followed by the opening shot of "Future" which shows a Club Hel guard flipping upside down in slow-motion onto the ceiling, and after that we see the slo-mo shot of the gun flying up in mid-air over the Merovingian's balcony that's also in "Help", and finally the shot of the Tain Man jumping across infront of the "Loop" train.

Then we see Morpheus in the real world who says "You've never believed in The One", then to Niobe (also in the real world) saying "I still don't; I believe in him" and then to a shot of Neo hugging Morpheus, which almost looks like a "goodbye" sort of moment to me. A couple more shots of Sentinels swarming through pipelines then a shot of a Zion operator (although not inside a ship) frantically saying "THE DOCK IS BREACHED!", then to Morpheus saying "Here they come."
"Cut to a shot of the huge "Maser Cannon" (seen in "Future") blasting away, another shot of Sentinels approaching the camera, then to Trinity in a hovercraft holding Neo's hand (we also see Neo looking at her, without his blindfold or bloodied eyes) saying "If you tell me we'll make it I'll believe you." We then get a shot from outside said hovercraft where we can see it's following the three powerlines towards 01, or what we assume is 01 (it doesn't look like the same citidel we see earlier in the trailer, it's what we all *thought* was 01 in the TV spots).

While that shot is showing Neo is saying "We'll make it; we have to."

The rest of Morpheus' voiceover then begins again, this time over several shots that we've seen before in many of the TV spots of Neo, blindfolded, reaching out his hand and blowing up some of the Sentinel-like flying machines, with lots of explosions around his hovercraft. Morpheus says: "I don't know what he can do to save us, but I do know that as long as there is a single breath in his body he'll never give up; and neither can we."

Something of note in this section is that we can clerly see that it is NOT 01 exploding in a massive fireball as some had speculated, but rather all the machines that were flying towards Neo and Trinity's hovercraft that are blowing up, as Neo reaches out his hand to destroy them. We even see a shot from directly above the craft as it flie through the explosion with lightening or electricity of some sort shooting out from the cockpit and zapping any machines in the way, thus clearing a path through the explosions."

"Then (while Morpheus' voicover is still going on) we get 2 new shots of The SUperbrawl, which show Neo and Smith grappling with each other, twisting and spinning in mid-air against the backdrop of skyscrapers, much like the shot we saw of them grappling in the TV spots but from different angles. After that we see the shot of the Sentinel apparently slamming straight into the cockpit of Neo and Trinity's craft followed by the one of the "orange ghost Sentinel" flying into/through Neo, then a shot of Neo giving the "just bring it" hand motion, the picture for which was released not long ago.

And this point Morpheus has reached "he will never give up" and we cut back to him to finish his voiceover off as he says "and neither can we."

Finally we have a quick montage of various shots, in this order: The shot of something in the real world exploding (not sure what it is though, we've seen in in various teasers before, it's the thing that's blowing up right when "Absurd" starts to play in the ETM teaser), a close-up shot of Trinity hugging Neo, the shot of Smith apparently taking over the Oracle seen as Matrix code, the shot of Smith lifting Neo up inside the crater reaching back to punch him and lastly the infamous "Logos against the blue sky" shot.

The title then decends onto the screen in green code, "The Matrix Revolutions" and the trailer end.

And that was it. "


25 Sep 2003, 19:46
ENJOY THE FINAL TRAILER! (http://home.comcast.net/~neo_zen2/final_trailer.rar)

26 Sep 2003, 07:29
Linkul de mai sus are o calitate jegoasa. Quick time low res, med res si hi res mai jos:

LOW RES (http://progressive.warnerbros.com/thematrix/us/med/rev_theatre_0x3839_320_dl.mov) - 14 mb
MED RES (http://progressive.warnerbros.com/thematrix/us/med/rev_theatre_0x3839_480_dl.mov) - 28 mb
HI RES (http://progressive.warnerbros.com/thematrix/us/med/rev_theatre_0x3839_640_dl.mov) - 47 mb