Thread: Prometheus
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Old 13 Jun 2012, 01:15   #18
Film Dissection
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Hai sa mai adaugam daca tot am inceput:

Scena 1 = peisaje cu... verdeata. Apoi aflam ca extraterestrii sunt cei care au adus viata pe pamant... ca iarba nu inseamna viata.

Scena 2 = extraterestru care se sinucide. Ai presupune ca e o specie destul de evoluata incat sa nu fie constransa de traditii stupide si de folosirea unor ritualuri. Daca nu se vroia ritual si vroia sa creeze viata pe Pamant e cu atat mai stupid. Putea sa ia niste celulele si sa le arunce acolo. Altfel a fost doar o sinucidere si intamplator a luat nastere viata, dar filmul merge intr-o directia care contrazice asta. Oricum, vezi scena 1.

Caracatita aia din final creste de nu stiu cate ori in cateva zeci de minute... desi nu prea pare sa fi avut cu ce sa se hraneasca.

Inainte de final lumea pleaca de pe nava fara sa faca niciun plan de urgenta... in caz ca intalnirea cu un extraterestru mai mare, mai puternic si probabil mai inteligent s-ar putea sa nu fie chiar atat de incantatoare. Intre timp pe nava exista o caracatita de care Rapace pur si simplu uita.

Oamenii aia ajung pe o planeta noua pe care se presupune ca exista viata si nu se gandesc si ei sa trimita vreun robotel pentru a testa terenul.

Mingile alea ale lor pot detecta viata, dar nu la dimensiunile unei rame.

De ce pana mea ar vrea extratrestrii sa vii pe planeta aia? Cu atat mai mult cand oricum trimiteau nave sa te omoare chiar pe planeta ta?

ADN uman compatibil complet cu cel extraterestru.

Oamenii astia se duc intr-o misiunea cu un asemenea profil fara paza serioasa?

Despre cat de oameni de stiinta sunt oamenii aia de stiinta se poate purta o discutie interminabila. Practic tot ce fac ei e teribil de stupid.

Nu mai stiu cine zicea mai sus ca primele 20-30 minute sunt ok... filmul e teribil de gresit inca din primele secunde. Nu stiu cum de am reusit sa-mi opresc creierul atat de mult incat sa ma pot bucura totusi de el, desi in fiecare minut era ceva ce ma zgaria pe creier.

LE: "1000 Things We Learned in Prometheus" pe IMDB... oh this should be fun.

An ancient and supposedly advanced alien race thought it reasonable to make some functions on their space ship dependent upon input from some kind of flute (hope they never have a hull breach).

Crystallized silicates (i.e. most commonly encountered here on earth in the form of fkin GLASS) blown at 200 miles per hour will not penetrate whatever imaged material the the research team was wearing.

When examining the severed head of a species you've never seen before - one that barely shows a hint of decomposition in who knows how many years - always stick a probe in it's ear and shoot electricity through it even though you don't even know what it's made of yet much less how it will react.

5. Rolling over a few feet will save you from a falling spaceship.
6. Running in a straight line will not.

7. After landing in one spot on a never-before explored world and then travelling only within a few hundred yards from that spot we can determine that there are absolutely no other living beings on the entire planet

Future exo-biologists will try to pet any never-before-encountered species as long as it comes close to resembling a cobra that is about to strike?

The best way to discretely poison or drug someone's drink is to do so right in front of their face just before you hand the drink to them.

24. Intense fear of a foreign environment is quickly erased when getting lost and encountering an alien creature.

31. when an alien snake pops up out of black biological slime and spreads its head flaps like a velociraptor, the appropriate response is "Hey, baby."

33. If a missing scientist who was previously dead/poisoned by a dangerous substances shows up at the door of your spaceship, take a peek out the window before opening the door.

44 1/2. Making a EXTREMELY expensive emergencey "surgery" tube machine just for men, Because apparently woman are not that important in the future.

Adaug faptul ca oraganele reproducatoare ale tipei ar fi considerate obiect strain daca ar fi fost programat doar pentru barbati... din pacate asta nu-i nici pe departe cea mai mare problema a scenei.

39. The best way of keeping an infected crew member from getting on you ship is to open your doors wide open and confront them with a flame thrower.

And it goes on and on. Filmul asta e o sursa interminabila de "bad writing".

LE: Must read +

Last edited by Liviu- : 13 Jun 2012 at 03:06.
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