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Old 26 Oct 2019, 22:40   #173
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: În Universul nr.1
Posts: 1,880
Originally Posted by mirodoni:
Nu credeam că trebuie să definim „filmul românesc”! Înseamnă să definim și „românesc”!

Mirodoni, mai ții minte ? N-am renunțat la înțelegerea substratului românesc. Iată ce zicea un diplomat american în 1948 :

Originally Posted by Donald Dunham:
“The Romanians are a social phenomenon. As a nation among nations, they are westerners evolved in the East. They are Latins surrounded by Slavs. They are Romans two thousand years away from Rome. They are contemporaries re-produced on Trajan’s Column.

They are peasants with the utmost in sophistication. They farm instinctively, but are suspicious of machinery. They speak a language like Italian but the majority of their words are Slavonic. They are superstitious but religious at the same time. They are astutely intelligent, but refuse to be intellectual. They submit to invasion but preserve their identity. They support great wealth and extreme poverty. They produce striking beauty yet can live in filth.

As a collective personality, the Romanians are Oriental in their souls although Latin on the surface. Their patience is almost unending but they are quick to explode in argument; they are peace-loving yet would disintegrate without controversy. They are passive but strong in their resistance; spontaneously adaptable, still difficult to influence. They are romantic but never escape from reality.

They are charming yet cruel in their ridicule, warmly emotional but calculating, generous yet concentrate on the ‘main chance.’ They are opportunistic but lose interest after they have gained the advantage; they seize the moment, still adopt the long view.

The Romanians are a people of colorful contrasts and extreme extremes, born in classic times, ravaged by barbarians, indentured to the Turks, dominated by the Byzantines, the Greeks, dictated to by the Hungarians, Poles, Austrians and others, seduced by the French and not recognized as a country until 1878. Yet they emerge with a character that defies this confusion, that is definitely, emphatically, unmistakably Romanian”

Crezi că se vede ceva din astea în filmele declarate "românești" pentru a le pune eticheta de "autentic românesc" ?
Cinematografia însăși e doar un roman gigantic scris din foarte multe unghiuri și citirea lui durează doar o secundă în viața Universului.

Intensitatea universului în care trăiesc se traduce prin viața cu specia mea și-mi recunosc limitele când conștientizez granițele Universului.

Viață = timp = distanță = viteză = Univers = Poveste = cinematografie.
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