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Old 15 Oct 2019, 22:45   #2585
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Is Transylvania Romanian or Magyar?

Originally Posted by Rares Mihai:

Fact 1: 70,5% of Transylvania’s inhabitants are Romanians.

Fact 2: From about year 900 to 1918 Transylvania was more or less under Hungarian rule (with some exceptions).

Now what does this mean? Does it mean who is staying there now or who used to own it?

Romania owns it now.
Before it was Hungary.
Before it was Austro-Hungary.
Before it it was part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.
Before it was invaded by the Mongols.
Before it was controlled by the Vlachs.
Before it was the Alans, Vandals, and Quadi,
Before it was the Huns.
Before it was the Goths.
Before it was the Daco-Romans
Before it was the Romans
Before it was the Dacians
Before it was the Scythians
Before it was Baden, Coţofeni, Periam-Pecica/Mureş, Otomani, Monteoru , Wietenberg, Noua cultures
Before it was Petreşti, Decea Mureşului, Gorneşti cultures
Before it was Starčevo-Criş and Turdaş cultures
Before it was the Tardenoisian and Schela Cladovei cultures (they were Cro Magnons by the way)
Before it was the Iron Gates Culture
Before it was the Aurignacian and the Gravettian civilisations
Before there were Neanderthalians
Before were frigging Tyrannosauruses

Where do you draw the line? Everybody owned something at some point. The First Tribes could kick out everybody in the US if you go back far enough.

Transylvania is now part of Romania and the Romanian population has a huge majority. The Hungarian minority has a great number of specific rights. If they are not happy, there are plenty of other Hungarian lands.

Cinematografia însăși e doar un roman gigantic scris din foarte multe unghiuri și citirea lui durează doar o secundă în viața Universului.

Intensitatea universului în care trăiesc se traduce prin viața cu specia mea și-mi recunosc limitele când conștientizez granițele Universului.

Viață = timp = distanță = viteză = Univers = Poveste = cinematografie.
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