Thread: Poezia
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Old 08 May 2018, 19:29   #422
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: În Universul nr.1
Posts: 1,880

The vibration
The pacing
The loving
The hating
The spending
Never ending
The thoughts they keep racing
The drinking
The drugging
The 5am clubbing
The meaningless sexing
The endless regretting
The lying
The cheating
The I hate this feeling
The panic
No sleeping
Anxiety streaming
The shaking
The fright
The continuous night
The struggle with words
I just want to be heard
The thoughts they're racing
The thoughts they're racing
The thoughts they're racing
It's been weeks since I've slept
The walls seem to be screaming from the secrets they've kept
I'm over the edge
I've lost all control
This madness is driving me off of the road
But maybe down there I'll find some peace
All I really wanted
Was to go to sleep

de Emoni Jenkins
Cinematografia însăși e doar un roman gigantic scris din foarte multe unghiuri și citirea lui durează doar o secundă în viața Universului.

Intensitatea universului în care trăiesc se traduce prin viața cu specia mea și-mi recunosc limitele când conștientizez granițele Universului.

Viață = timp = distanță = viteză = Univers = Poveste = cinematografie.
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