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Old 14 Aug 2006, 17:14   #46
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Originally Posted by MinRep:

Nope! Serialul e complet diferit... Perosonajele au aceleasi nume, unul e alb si unul negru, dar in rest, totul e diferit in film (de fapt, in ceea ce priveste atmosfera, sunt aproape la poluri opuse). Si chiar daca nu ar fi asa... se mai putea lucra la personaje (ca doar au trecut 20 de ani de la serial), in loc sa se construiasca 'arhitectura' unei retele de droguri. Filmul e naspa, pur si simplu.

Eu n-am vazut serialul, nu vreau sa te contrazic, tot ce stiu e de pe wikipedia si din ce am mai citit prin alte locuri. Sincer sa fiu, inclinam sa cred ca serialul original a fost ceva mai vesel, colorat si mai orientat pe actiune de vreme ce a avut asa succes la generatia tanare.
Numai ca uite ce zice aici: (

Early Seasons
In the first seasons the tone was often very light, especially when comical characters such as Noogie and Izzy appeared. Later on, the content was almost always quite dark and cynical, with Crockett and Tubbs also having to fight corruption. Typically the darker episodes had no tag sequence, each episode ending abruptly immediately after a climax that almost always involved violence and death, often giving the episodes, especially in later seasons, a despairing and sometimes nihilistic feel despite the trademark glamour and conspicuous wealth. Given its idiosyncratic "dark" feel and touch, Miami Vice is frequently cited as an example of made-for-TV Neo-noir; still today, the show's executive producer over most of the five years, Michael Mann, is often credited with being one of the most influential modern-day Film Noir or Neo-Noir directors.

The truly revolutionary aspects of Miami Vice, however, lay in its music, cinematography, and imagery, which made large segments of each episode resemble a protracted music video. As Lee Katkin, one of the series' directors, once stated, "The show is written for an MTV audience, which is more interested in images, emotions and energy than plot and character."

Din ce vad aici, filmul se inscrie perfect in tonul serialului, care n-a fost vesel decat in primele episoade. Cel putin fraza
"The show is written for an MTV audience, which is more interested in images, emotions and energy than plot and character."
il descrie destul de bine.

Pesemne ca generatia MTV a anilor 80 se deosebea de aia a mileniului 3 (foarte posibil dupa mine, macar ca tineretul anilor 80 n-avea background MTV) si nu avea nevoie neparat de ritmuri alerte si batai cu efecte sa se simta bine.
Daca cineva a vazut serialul(destule episoade, atat dintre primele cat si dintre ultimele) poate ne spune cum era de fapt.
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