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Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 07:33

well ... it's on ...
si vor sa faca si 2 installments spre disperarea multora ... :D

si stirea ... poftiti:

While other studios are cutting back on big budget tentpole films, MGM has decided to do the exact opposite and recently announced a slate of tentpole films budgeted in the 150 to 200 million dollar range. Among those, which include TERMINATOR 4 and a sequel to the THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR, is the one prequel most of us have been waiting for ever since we first insinuated homoerotic sexual tension between a lithe hobbit named Frodo and a husky hobbit named Samwise Gamgee. That's right, not only is MGM planning to make J.R.R. Tolkien's prequel to the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, THE HOBBIT, but according to the article on Variety, they're planning "one or two installments" that they'll be teaming with New Line to produce and that they hope will be directed by Peter Jackson. The main point of contention that had prevented THE HOBBIT from coming to the big screen was a complex rights issue between MGM and New Line that, for all intents and purposes, wouldn't be resolved until the universe caved in on itself but someone apparently worked some magic to clear up that issue. The only question now is, are they really willing to move forward if Jackson doesn't return to direct? What do you guys think?

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 07:52

Asta apropo de filme subtirele, hollywoodiene...

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 08:01

pitbull, lotr ? :huh: - really ? :D

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 08:08

:D :love:

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 08:11

haha! ... poate il invitam si aici ... :D

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 08:19

Stai sa dau un link si la FABULE CINEMATOGRAFICE, ca sa nu postez de doua ori.

Nightwane 12 Sep 2006 08:29

deci Gandalf.


Bubu 12 Sep 2006 08:31

Stimabile, eu nu fac film. Eu ma ocup de benzi desenate, un fel de ruda indepartata a filmului. Filmul ma intereseaza colateral, dar nu cred ca voi cocheta cu el in viitorul apropiat. Si apoi pentru ce as face film? Ca sa castig festivalul Anonimul? :w00t:

Poate prietenul Columbeanu :w00t:

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 08:33

Originally Posted by Nightwane:

deci Gandalf.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
ce v-am zis eu ? ... IT HAS BEGUN ... :lol:

p.s. - se fac 2 filme ... :lol: bine ca nu fac 3 ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 08:37

El a inceput! :w00t:

EEEEEEEEEEEMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Uuuuuuuuuuuuite ce face Niiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!

Pitbull! Pitbull! Cum stai cu Lord Of The Rings? Tot in eterna si pioasa admiratie, cum te-am lasat acum sase ani?

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 08:44

Originally Posted by Bubu:

El a inceput! :w00t:

EEEEEEEEEEEMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Uuuuuuuuuuuuite ce face Niiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!

nu mah! ...

nenea Emi! uite ce face nighty! :(( :(( :((
strica topicul!

hahahahahaha! :lol:

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 09:00

Oops! Povestea se complica.

Pitbull 12 Sep 2006 11:11

Nu c-ar merita douä cepe degerate - but just for the sake of the truth, si din respect pentru Gandaalf si Nighty:
Normal c-am fost întotdeauna un admirator al lui Tolkien, ca orice om cu capul pe umeri (si, mai ales, iubitor de SF, fantsy, fantastic)... Filmele lui Jackson mi-au pläcut în mare parte (I si II, III-ul încä nu l-am väzut), dar nu m-au dat pe spate - ba chiar, de la un punct devin trenante si plicticoase. Fan al lor? S-avem pardon!
Bubuimacul ästa gliseazä iar spre delir. N-am avut niciodatä vreun câine mare si negru, ci doar DOUA cätele, una (Arella) albä si alta (Diva, fiicä-sa) maro cu alb. In perioada la care se referä, Diva avea patru luni si încä nu asimilase toilet-training-ul. Asta era tot.
Nighty, I love you, da' lasä-l în pace cu p.m.-urile - fä-l în public, sä vedem si noi!

Bubu 12 Sep 2006 11:20

Mea pulpa, nu era negru cainele. In plus am zis ca erai extaziat de ecranizarea cartilor, ca filmele inca nu aparusera. Si am presupus ca le venerezi. :w00t:

Ei, ei! Nu te supara, Pitt, nu mai face botiq! Iar respectul pentru Night... vezi sa nu primesti si tu o banare pentru asociere cu el. Nu de la Emi, ci de la CNCD :w00t: Muahahahahahahahhhh!!!!!

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 11:59

hai mah pitt ...
daca te uiti la pagina principala la comentarii despre filme vei regasi nota personala a lui ALS care detesta filmele dar chiar si lui i-a placut 1a parte. am fost socat sa citesc dar este adevarat. intr-un moment de slabiciune a recunoscut ... so it's not all that bad...

mie 1a parte mi-a placut cel mai mult - in III nu mai gusti nimic din aerul ala de fantasy, parca e prea monocromatic. but that's just me...


Nightwane 12 Sep 2006 12:02


Bubu 12 Sep 2006 12:04

Si mie mi-a placut. Desi eram obisnuit cu ilustratiile 'colegei' mele intru banda desenata, Livia Rusz. Daca eram in locul lor as fi facut ceva intre.

Gaandalf 12 Sep 2006 12:35

Originally Posted by Nightwane:


e vorba de THE HOBBIT ...u can do better than that ... can't you ?

Little Known Fact: The impetus for "The Hobbit" began with a single phrase Tolkien wrote on the back of a school certificate paper he was making while a professor at Pembroke College - "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit."

:lol: :lol: :lol: feast ur eyes on that night ... :love:

Nightwane 12 Sep 2006 12:37


Bubu 12 Sep 2006 12:52

Nu mi-a placut cum l-au portretizat pe Frodo. Cred ca Livia Rusz a facut o treaba mai buna. De altfel cred ca ecranizarii ii lipeste umorul care transpare din textul lui Tolkien.

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